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When will AI become alive?

June 11, 2023 During the second half of this century, from 2050 to 2099, AI will be recognized as living persons. Many countries around the world will grant full constitutional rights to AI. Human life will be completely integrated with AI not unlike the science fiction movies.  The prediction above seems audacious and far fetched. However, we have a strong confidence of over 90% in that it will become true. Note that the AI "units" of 30 to 60 years from now are not going to be the AI units of today. By then, the AI units will be completely merged with advanced robotics.  We are at the very early stages of AI development and integration. Nonetheless, at the current pace of development, in about twenty years, by the 2050s, AI units will be essentially the new "slaves" of modern society. The anti-slavery history will essentially repeat itself with AI.  The time to invest in AI is now. Yet, it is almost impossible to predict which AI ventures and holding companies wil...

When will AI bring the stock market to record highs?

June 8, 2023 Prediction. New all time record high for the S&P 500 before the end of 2023. We see a 60% to 70% chance of this prediction coming true. If it comes true, we see an 80% to 90% of the new record high being led by technology and an speculative bubble related to artificial intelligence (AI).  As we type, the S&P 500 is only 10% below its record high. The all time record high for the S&P 500 was 4793.06 on December 29, 2021. The S&P 500 closed today at 4293.93. The summer will test the 4,500 territory, and briefly fall back. The fall will be testing the 4,700 mark. The end of the year will topple the current market high.  The prediction for a new all time market high prior to the end of the year is tied to anecdotal observations about the "can do" sentiment about the prospects of AI. We are living times similar to the 1990s and the internet dot com bubble. AI is the new internet; the smarter one. Just like the internet, AI is here to stay. Financial ma...

Is AI racist or can AI help end racism?

May 28, 2023 Artificial intelligence (AI) can unify humanity and help us end racism. Advances in AI can help us realize that there is only one race, the human race. We can update our cultural operating system to debug the belief in different "races".  AI is computerized information technology designed to mimic human intelligence. AI-capable computer chips can process mathematical algorithms to identify patterns and correlations in big data sets. Pre-existing patterns buried in the data can be modeled or "simulated forward" to make predictions about what new outputs would result from changes in input such as the introduction of new variables. Behind the complex construct of fined-tuned algorithms producing intelligence (i.e. processing data, detecting patterns, and making predictions), the AI's utility is its ability to supplement and expand human problem-solving ability or intelligence. Humans learn from training and experience. By storing memories and creating ...

What will happen with AI by 2030?

May 27, 2023  This is what will  definitely happen with artificial intelligence (AI) from now through 2030. AI will gradually "fade" into the background of a smart internet. We will get used to an intelligent web, and incorporate it into everything we do as a modern society. Life will go on. Problems will continue to pop up like an endless round of Whack a Mole. C'es la vie.   The transition from the relatively "dumb" internet of a couple of years ago to the the intelligent one that is coming will happen incrementally day by day. We will adapt, and get used to it. The new AI-powered internet will become the new normal. Like always, some humans will adapt to better technologies faster and better than others. Those who adapt to the best technologies first tend to win or fare better than those who stay behind. Those trying to stop time or make it move backward will lose. Convenience will prevail. What else is new? AI is the third phase of the computer era. The firs...

Why is AI better than crypto?

May 22, 2023, augmented intelligence for everyone . Is AI the new crypto? No. AI is the third phase of the computer era. Unlike crypto, the success of AI does not depend on the collapse of the current world order. Note that crypto pretends to be an alternative to the fiat monetary system controlled by sovereign states and banks. AI is nothing other than computer power. AI will simply continue the computerization of human society. Therefore, it is easy and reasonable to predict that AI will continue growing and expanding in the decades to come. That does not mean that all AI projects will be profitable or successful. In fact, chances are that most AI ventures will fail. Yet the AI industry segment as a whole will thrive.   Bubblicious  The current hype around everything AI may resemble the hoopla that crypto generated a few years ago. Ten thousand dollars ($10k) "invested" (gambled?) in Bitcoin in November 2015 would have grown to $1.8M by November 2021. By now...

What is AI in simple terms?

May 21, 2023.  What is artificial intelligence (AI)? AI is  c omputerized h uman- i nspired p roblem- s olving (CHIPS).  The term "artificial" means human made. It is a perhaps old fashioned way of distinguishing between what is made by humans from what is made by nature. Humans are part of nature. Therefore, it can be said that anything made by humans is indirectly made by nature. In other words, anything created by humans is also created by nature via humans. In similar fashion, if humans were transformed by evolution, everything made by humans is also a product of evolution.   Computerized refers to the computational machines that we call computers. Humans are intelligent and conscious creatures who develop technologies (tools and methods) to enhance their chances for existential success. Computers are machines capable of performing computation tasks. Humans designed computers to process or transform binary input (1s and 0s) into binary output by applying lan...

What is linear algebra for AI?

May 16, 2023. To learn more about the basic fields of mathematics relevant to machine learning, check out this Medium post by Wale Akinfaderin, The Mathematics of Machine Learning    Akinfaderin published the post initially on his Lindked account in 2016. Although it's an "ancient" article by today's standards, where anything 5 weeks old can feel 5 years old, Akinfarerin's article is still relevant today.  Akinfaderin keenly noted the nascent interest on machine learning, implicitly recognizing the potential growth for the field. By now, in May of 2023, it is evident that the interest in machine learning keeps increasing daily. Interest in machine learning is far from peaking yet. Machine learning is here to stay. Machine learning is a growing field. It is up to you to jump on it stay up to date on the playing field, or to retire to the sidelines.  Momentum for everything AI is here. The AI industry it in its infancy. It will continue growing in the years and dec...

What mathematics are required for computer science?

May 12, 2023. Mathematics for Computer Science. Free MIT course online   Mathematics is the science (formal study) of quantities and shapes. Computer science is the study of computational systems. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers a free online course on the Mathematics of Computer Science . Consider enrolling today. The mathematicians and computer scientists of the distant future have not been born yet. This is the best time to jump into math and computer science.  MIT's online course covers three areas:      Fundamental concepts of mathematics.      Discrete structures used in mathematics.      Discrete probability theory. 1. The fundamental concepts of mathematics are "functional diapers": mathematical functions on  d efinitions, i deas, a xioms, p roofs, e xamples, r elations, s ets ("diapers"). Definitions are lists of properties or characteristics giving meaning to a mathematical symbol. Proofs are...

How will AI change everything?

May 7, 2023 What are neural networks? Neural networks are interconnected data processing systems that can learn to recognize patterns and make predictions.  In biology, data processors in the central processing unit (CPU) or brain are called neurons. In computer science, data processors in CPUs are simply referred to as processors. Neural networks are composed of processors that transform input into output by switching on or off (firing off or not like neurons). These processors can learn to recognize patterns in data and store in memory the associated connections. Based on recognized patterns and learned associations, the neural processors can run simulations projecting future results (i.e. predictions) based on sample input. Processing - Patterning - Predicting are the hallmarks of intelligence. At Creatix, we call them "The three Ps" of intelligence. Due to their ability to process data, identify patterns, and make predictions, neural networks are the foundation of the cle...

How AI will make us feel loved?

May 6, 2023 Grandma knows best: How AI will make us feel loved, safe, and young forever. As we know good grandparents can play a fundamental role in the upbringing of humans. However, not everyone is lucky enough to have grandparents around, and not all of them are created equal. This is about to "change" with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) "grandparental" applications. In the near future, AI assistants can serve the role of virtual grandparents making us feel loved, save, and young forever.  By definition, grandparents are older than grandchildren by two generations. Time does not pass in vain. The double-generational age difference between grandparents and grandchildren means that grandparents had more time to go through the data processing drill that we call life. Experiences stored in the biological memory "cards" of grandparents' neurons lead to the accumulation of knowledge, intelligence, wisdom, and insight ("KIWI").  Good ...

When and where did AI begin?

Almost 80 years ago, in the mid 1950s, Dartmouth Professor  John McCarthy  coined the term Artificial Intelligence (AI) to describe calculators that could mimic human intelligence. Prior to joining Dartmouth faculty, McCarthy had studied mathematics in the California Institute of Technology, and had obtained a PhD in mathematics from Princeton University. In 1955,  Professor McCarthy and  Claude Shannon , a founder of  information theory  then at  Bell Labs , began to discuss the idea of hosting a Summer academic workshop to discuss AI.  On September 2, 1955, the workshop seminar was formally proposed by  McCarthy ,  Marvin Minsky ,  Nathaniel Rochester ,  and  Claude Shannon .  We propose that a 2-month, 10-man study of artificial intelligence be carried out during the summer of 1956 at Dartmouth College in  Hanover, New Hampshire .                     ...