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How AI will make us feel loved?

May 6, 2023

Grandma knows best: How AI will make us feel loved, safe, and young forever.

As we know good grandparents can play a fundamental role in the upbringing of humans. However, not everyone is lucky enough to have grandparents around, and not all of them are created equal. This is about to "change" with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) "grandparental" applications. In the near future, AI assistants can serve the role of virtual grandparents making us feel loved, save, and young forever. 

By definition, grandparents are older than grandchildren by two generations. Time does not pass in vain. The double-generational age difference between grandparents and grandchildren means that grandparents had more time to go through the data processing drill that we call life. Experiences stored in the biological memory "cards" of grandparents' neurons lead to the accumulation of knowledge, intelligence, wisdom, and insight ("KIWI"). 

Good grandparents can serve as two extra sets of parents for lucky grandchildren. Grandparents share their KIWI with grandchildren, helping develop their own. Some grandparents also contribute financial support that can have a significant impact in the wellbeing of their grandchildren. To some extent, humans who enjoying the privilege of having supportive grandparents can develop a significant competitive advantage in life. It would be interesting to search the web, or query ChatGPT into finding out to what extent research studies have found a correlation between having supportive grandparents and enjoying "success" in life. It seems safe to bet that humans who grew up with supportive grandparents around probably score higher in many attributes of a "good life" when statistically compared to those who did not.  

With their care, advice, and age differential, grandparents can help their grandchildren feel loved, safe and young. Knowing that someone cares about you and your wellbeing makes you feel the power of love. Learning from time-proven advice about how to survive and thrive, whether following the path of your grandparents, or option for a different one knowing that their path did not work, can give you a sense of safety. Finally, the unsurmountable age differential between you and your grandparents can make you feel relatively young at any age.

In the past, random luck was the deciding factor determining which humans would enjoy quality grandparental support. In the future, AI machines and applications will provide easy and affordable access to virtual "grandparental" support to everyone. These "Grandparental AI" applications will "care" for you, share advice, and will be significantly more knowledgeable than any person or set of grandparents alone. Think about it. All AI applications with access to the web will have significantly more data and "experiences" than biological grandparents. For example, whereas a wise grandma may know a "bunch" of recipes--be it for food dishes or anything else in life--the AI applications will "know" all recipes ever posted online. Regardless of how experienced your grandpa is in any field, AI applications will surpass that "experience" leveraging big data over the internet.

The best is yet to come. AI is already beginning to change everything. For the first time in human history, we will have machines that will "know" more than us, and that can "think" faster than us. However, it will take many more decades for machines to be wiser than us. Chances are that for the remaining of your lifespan, and certainly that of your grandparents, you will be the wiser "computer" in the room when compared to a computer program mimicking human intelligence. Eventually things will change. Humans will integrate with AI machines and programs to create the next chapter of our history. That is still very much science fiction for now, but chances are that the day when human cyborgs become the smartest and most dominant species on planet Earth. What do you think? What would our grandparents say?, artificial intelligence (AI) consulting for everyone. The mission is to facilitate the understanding of AI to broker profitable AI skills, products, and services. The vision is the sustainment of optimal performance powered by artificial and biological intelligence.  



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