May 21, 2023.
What is artificial intelligence (AI)? AI is computerized human-inspired problem-solving (CHIPS).
The term "artificial" means human made. It is a perhaps old fashioned way of distinguishing between what is made by humans from what is made by nature. Humans are part of nature. Therefore, it can be said that anything made by humans is indirectly made by nature. In other words, anything created by humans is also created by nature via humans. In similar fashion, if humans were transformed by evolution, everything made by humans is also a product of evolution.
Computerized refers to the computational machines that we call computers. Humans are intelligent and conscious creatures who develop technologies (tools and methods) to enhance their chances for existential success. Computers are machines capable of performing computation tasks. Humans designed computers to process or transform binary input (1s and 0s) into binary output by applying language arts (coded definitions) and applied mathematics (manipulations of quantities and shapes).
Intelligence is the ability to solve problems. Intelligence entails processing, patterning, and predicting. These "3Ps" are the ones being programmed these days into computers for machine learning applications and neural networking solutions. To process data is to apply a function to input to turn it into output. To identify patterns in data is to perform comparisons to find similarities, differences, relations, and correlations. To predict is to anticipate the results of future computations based on behavioral patterns.
[Note that intelligence is different from consciousness and wisdom. Consciousness is the aggregate sensory awareness of living organism that helps them promote their continued existence or survival. Wisdom is the ability of an intelligent organism to choose key problems to solve and optimal solutions to implement. Computers are beginning to systematically outperform humans in intelligence. Computerized consciousness and wisdom have not been developed yet.]
AI mimics human intelligence by design. AI was conceptualized in the 1950s with the advent of the then "advanced" electronic computers. Mathematicians and pioneers in the computer science field envisioned computers that could be programmed to run computations that could mimic human intelligence. Dartmouth Professor John McCarthy is credited with coining the term "artificial intelligence" to denote computers programmed to think (process or compute information) like humans.
For computers to "think" like humans they need to be equipped with central processing units (CPU) or "brains" with sufficient processing capacity (hardware), and they need adequate programming instructions (software). In the 1950s neither hardware nor software were capable of resembling human-like intelligence. After more than 70 years of incremental progress, well programmed super computers with neural networks and machine learning programming are beginning to resemble human intelligence. Thus, the new "arms race" and global focus towards everything AI.
Computers in 2023 are already producing impressive AI results. AI achievements in pattern recognition (text, voice, images), and creative production (in language arts, music, prose, poetry, coding, and more) are "intellectually" impressive. Since the 1950s, computer power and prowess have increased incredibly. Visualize here the "trillion fold increase in computing power from 1956 to 2015". [external link]
Smaller, faster, and more efficient chips able to perform trillions of computational operations per second explain the current state of AI. Computers following mathematical algorithms are processing data input into what the human brain can interpret as "thoughtfully intelligent" output. Moreover, modern programming instructions or code can "train" computers to self "learn". The so-called machine learning (ML) and neural networking promise to influence every single aspect of modern human life in the next decades.
Just like evolution itself, the beauty of computer science is how simplicity aggregates into complexity. Computers simply process (transforms by application of functions and instructions) binary input (1s and 0s) into binary output. Inside computer chips, transistors switch electronic currents on or off to represent 1s or 0s. When a transistor (switch or gate) lets electric current go through, it is "on" and represents a 1. When a transistor switch or gate does not let electric current go through, it is "off" and represents a 0. Computers can transform binary input into binary output in quantity and speed that significantly surpass human speed processing decimals and words. Therein lies the efficiency and utility of computers.
Computers are beginning to mimic human intelligence (processing, patterning, and predicting). Intelligent computers will be the subject of debate for decades to come. The term "artificial" may take a new meaning. Realizing that humans are part of nature, society may eventually conceptualize intelligent computers as a natural creation. Sentient and wise computers are still science fiction yet they are completely feasible in the future. AI is just beginning. The best is yet to come. This is the time to jump into the AI train and capitalize on the trend. Don't stay behind. Don't miss out.
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