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Is AI racist or can AI help end racism?

May 28, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) can unify humanity and help us end racism. Advances in AI can help us realize that there is only one race, the human race. We can update our cultural operating system to debug the belief in different "races". 

AI is computerized information technology designed to mimic human intelligence. AI-capable computer chips can process mathematical algorithms to identify patterns and correlations in big data sets. Pre-existing patterns buried in the data can be modeled or "simulated forward" to make predictions about what new outputs would result from changes in input such as the introduction of new variables. Behind the complex construct of fined-tuned algorithms producing intelligence (i.e. processing data, detecting patterns, and making predictions), the AI's utility is its ability to supplement and expand human problem-solving ability or intelligence.

Humans learn from training and experience. By storing memories and creating neural associations we develop the problem-solving ability referred to as intelligence. Likewise, AI machines "learn" by storing electronic data sequences (memories) of experiences, and creating electronic sequence associations in neural processing networks reinforced by training. It is not a coincidence that AI systems learn in a human-like fashion. That similarity is a feature of design because AI hardware and software is designed with the express intention of replicating human intellectual processes.   

Racism is socioeconomic system based on the social construct of race. Humans invented and developed racism out of intuition and convenience. Racism distributes and allocates socioeconomic resources based on racial designations. Members of the dominant or privileged race receive better socioeconomic benefits than members of the dominated "races". 

The best way to end racism is to realize that there is only one race, the human race. Just like humans come in different genders and sizes, we also come in slightly different skins or outer "shells". These "shell" differences come from ancestral adaptations to the different environmental conditions around the planet. Most "racial" characteristics, if not all, evolved out of adaptations to climatological conditions such as weather and the ultraviolet (UV) radiation index prevalent in the ancestral region of anthropological origin or development.

So long as we keep treating ancestral physical characteristics as "races" or categories to classify humans, we will continue tied in the mental trap of racism. The best way to end racism is to update our cultural programming to eliminate the concept of different "races". There is only one race, the human race, which can exhibit different physical characteristics. 

During ancient and colonial times, humans found it both intuitive and convenient to divide humanity in different "races". Primitive humans could justify their colonial pursuits by exploiting the concept of races. Inherited physical traits and characteristics were leveraged as proxies for dividing and conquering. 

Naturally, tribes of different "races" had originated or developed in different, far away, regions of the planet. That meant that the different "races" had also different cultures, including different languages and religions. These differences triggered the primitive instinct of tribalism. To this date, the dynamic is mostly the same, with most humans reacting to instincts of tribalism that are reinforced by culture, and even religion. In the past, physical traits and differences were intuitively interpreted as part of a "natural order" where certain "races" were superior to others simply because they had been chosen or favored by a supernatural creator. Fortunately, we have made a lot of progress in eliminating racist views from our more modern day approaches to religion. It can be said that most religions try to unify humanity under faith rather than to try to separate it. 

AI can also help us to keep ending racism. AI recognizes and picks up patterns in data that can help us identify how racism has led to disparate results in socioeconomic achievements across the spectrum. The solution is not to equalize achievement. The solution is to remove the barriers and allow all humans to flourish to the maximum of their individual and collective capacity. 

It is time to update our cultural programming. It's time to embrace the data, and end racism once and for all., AI for everyone.


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