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What will happen with AI by 2030?

May 27, 2023 

This is what will definitely happen with artificial intelligence (AI) from now through 2030. AI will gradually "fade" into the background of a smart internet. We will get used to an intelligent web, and incorporate it into everything we do as a modern society. Life will go on. Problems will continue to pop up like an endless round of Whack a Mole. C'es la vie.  

The transition from the relatively "dumb" internet of a couple of years ago to the the intelligent one that is coming will happen incrementally day by day. We will adapt, and get used to it. The new AI-powered internet will become the new normal. Like always, some humans will adapt to better technologies faster and better than others. Those who adapt to the best technologies first tend to win or fare better than those who stay behind. Those trying to stop time or make it move backward will lose. Convenience will prevail. What else is new?

AI is the third phase of the computer era. The first phase began in the 1940s with stand-alone computational machines (i.e. computers). The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) built between 1943 and 1945 at UPENN at the request of the U.S. Department of Defense is considered the first programmable digital computer in human history. The second phase of the computer era began in the 1980s with the very early days of the internet. January 1, 1983 is considered the birthday of the internet. The third phase of the computer era began in the 2010s with AI. The fourth phase will begin circa the 2060s with hybrid carbon / silicon life gaining full civil rights. 

No one is more knowledgable than all of us together. That collective knowledge "theorem" entails that AI will become significantly more knowledgeable than any one human alone. The reason is that AI will leverage all human knowledge online. AI has access to more data, and has more capacity to process it at significantly higher speeds than any human. By leveraging more data, capacity, and processing speed, AI will produce "super human" intelligence. Bookmark this page and come back to it. AI machines will become significantly more intellectually intelligent than humans before 2030.

By 2030, quantum neural networks programmed and trained for generative learning will have surpassed human intelligence in every field. There is nothing extraordinary or new about machines surpassing human, animal, organic, biological capacities. From simple machines to complex ones, they all exceed human capacities in their fields. Tryin cutting a piece of paper using your fingers as scissors. Try swimming faster than a sailing ship. Try running faster than a car. Try lifting heavier objects than a forklift or a crane. Try outsmarting AI by 2030. 

The human edge will be on emotional intelligence and wisdom. Raw intelligence is the ability to solve problems. Emotional intelligence is empathic problem solving ability. Wisdom is the discretion to choose what problems to solve, and what solutions to implement. 

The humans who adapt faster and better to AI will "conquer" the world. It is up to you to decide whether you want to move forward with technology and constant change, or whether you want to try to stop time or even go backwards in it. We have news for you. Progress, like time itself, is unidirectional and unstoppable. This is the time to keep learning and adapting. The best is yet to come. Keep calm and carry on. 


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