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What mathematics are required for computer science?

May 12, 2023. Mathematics for Computer Science. Free MIT course online 

Mathematics is the science (formal study) of quantities and shapes. Computer science is the study of computational systems.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers a free online course on the Mathematics of Computer Science. Consider enrolling today. The mathematicians and computer scientists of the distant future have not been born yet. This is the best time to jump into math and computer science. 

MIT's online course covers three areas:

  •     Fundamental concepts of mathematics.
  •     Discrete structures used in mathematics.
  •     Discrete probability theory.

1. The fundamental concepts of mathematics are "functional diapers": mathematical functions on definitions, ideas, axioms, proofs, examples, relations, sets ("diapers").

  • Definitions are lists of properties or characteristics giving meaning to a mathematical symbol.
  • Proofs are inferential arguments demonstrating by logic that certain assumptions in statements guarantee certain results. 
  • Axioms are statements that are taken as true without proof, serving as foundational blocks for the viability of a mathematical system.
  • Sets are collections of mathematical objects such as numbers, symbols, shapes, points, lines, etc.
  • Relations are value comparisons that can be reflexive, irreflexive, symmetric, anti-symmetric, or transitive.
  • Functions are data processing operations transforming input into output.

2. Discrete mathematical structures are sets or combinations of other sets or substructures. Graphs are points connected by lines. State machines are apparatuses or devices that transitions from one value (state) into another by functional processing of input into output.

3. Discrete probability theory studies the distribution of possible outcomes or events in sets where a specific result cannot be predicted with certainty yet the amount of possible results (events or outcomes) is finite rather than infinite.

Learn more about the Mathematics of Computer Science online course offered by MIT.

Artificial intelligence is the next frontier in mathematics and computer science. At Creatix AI Consulting, the mission and vision is helping clients succeed with AI. We are researching and learning the relevant topics and sharing them as we go. Join us online at, AI for everyone. 


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