September 26, 2024 Is there a point in learning a foreign language now that AI can translate and interpret in real time? Well, there is no real need, but it is always a good challenge and mental exercise to learn a foreign language. Technological progress liberates us from having to do many things. Yet we can still do them for fun. Take cooking for example. No one really "needs" to cook nowadays when there are so many restaurants and pre-cooked meals available. Nonetheless, cooking can still be a fun and relaxing activity. The same goes for taking the challenge of learning a new language. The best method to learn a new language is immersion. After you immerse yourself in the target language for about 10,000 hours, the language will become natural for you. Your brain will spit out words and phrases just like generative AI does. Your brain will predict what word to put after another. In the first 5 years of study, do like babies and toddlers. Forget abour formal grammar ...
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