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Showing posts from September, 2024

What are emotions?

September 12, 2024 What are emotions? Human emotions are mental states. Emotions are neuropsychological states produced by neural data processing in the brain. Emotions involve a subjective experience (input), a neuroactive response (processing), and a behavioral expression (output). Emotions are said to be the driving forces behind human cognition and behavior. The evolutionary role of emotions may be to help humans learn to predict pain and obtain pain relief based on past experiences. The appraisal theory of emotional processing states that people consider the importance of a stimulus differently, and therefore different people may experience different emotions than others even when faced with the same events.  Classification of Emotions The field of psychology classifies emotions as either primary (basic) or secondary (mixed or combined). Primary emotions are universal in all humans across of all times, regions, and cultures. Secondary emotions may vary by epoch, culture, and conte

Remembering 9/11 and wondering if Apple can get its mojo back.

September 11, 2024 It's been 23 years since the  September 11, 2001 attacks (commonly referred to as " 9/11" ). These were a series of coordinated terrorist attacks carried out by the militant Islamist group al-Qaeda against the United States on September 11, 2001 . Almost 3,000 people lost their lives on the attacks. A few trillion dollars were spent (indirectly invested) in the War Against Terror that ensued after the attacks. As with all wars, the expenses translated into many technological advancements. Wealth creation in the United States since the 9/11 attacks, especially in the digital technology sector, has been incredibly amazing.  Of the many technology companies that created trillions in wealth in the past 23 years, the most remarkable in our opinion has been Apple. Unfortunately, it seems that the fruit is finally losing its mojo. Apple seems to have peaked and may soon begin a slow yet steady trail downhill.  While Apple may very well remain a solid investm

Why Trump benefits from being a mess? Is there a double standard?

 September 10, 2024 Why Trump benefits from being a mess? Is there a double standard? If you are intrigued by Trump's popularity, this brief post by Creatix may help you solve the puzzle. There is a double standard. Trump is measured by a different standard because he is being "hired" to do a different kind of job. Trump is being "hired" to wreck the establishment. Trump is not being hired to preserve what we have today, but rather to tear it apart as in a revolution of the populace, an uprising of the lower class against the ruling establishment, against the "swamp".  Since 2016, the Republican candidates running against Trump in the primaries, and Hillary Clinton running against him in the general elections, have wondered what is Trump's political "magic". How come such an unethical and morally flawed candidate is so popular among evangelical Christians? The candidates running against Trump, and all  those who have run against him in th

This is why Trump will win Tuesday's debate against Kamala Harris

September 9, 2024 Why Trump will win the Tuesday's debate against Kamala Harris?  Spoiler alert. Trump will win tomorrow's debate against Kamala Harris. Trump will win the debate because Trump is not bound by the truth. Debating against a demagogue like Trump is not a fair contest. Debating Trump is not a contest on a leveled playing field.  While Kamala Harris has to stay 100% coherent and sharp to demonstrate competence to be our next President and Commander in Chief, Trump is unbounded and unplugged. Trump can say whatever he wants and his supporters will continue supporting him. The more absurd and bizarre Trump sounds and comes across, the more charismatic he will appear to his supporters and to many independent and still undecided voters in key battleground states. The debate will be a net plus for Trump. Expect to see a significant bump in the polls in Trump's favor after the debate. As the tall and white German American in the room, Trump will look significantly mor

What is hypnosis and what hypnosis can be used for?

September 7, 2024 What is Hypnosis? Hypnosis is a mental state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and deep relaxation. Hypnosis involves a trance-like state in which a person becomes less judgemental and more open to suggestions. Hypnosis can make it easier to influence emotions, perceptions, and thoughts that may lead to different suggested behaviors.  How is someone hypnotized? Hypnosis is typically induced by a trained practitioner, but it can be self-induced (self-hypnosis). When hypnotized, a person may experience altered sensations. The sensing of the surrounding environment may be reduced as the person becomes more hypnotized. Hypnosis is not sleep, despite some similarities in relaxation and altered awareness. What is the neeuroscience of hypnosis? Neuroscience is still investigating and trying to understand the process behind hypnosis. Neuroscientists study the brain’s activity and responses during hypnotic states to demystify the cognitive and neural mechanisms

Is Vladimir Putin the most powerful man in the world?

September 6, 2024 Is Vladimir Putin the most powerful man in the world? Yes, Putin is the most powerful human being on Earth. Putin controls Russia, which is not only the largest country in the world by land mass but is also a bellicose nuclear superpower eager to start World War III. Future historians may point out that Putin's invasion of Ukraine was actually the start of WWIII. Regardless of the outcome of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Putin will most likely find a way to stay in power in Russia until the day he dies. For all practical purposes, Putin is Russia's king tsar for life. Below let's take a look a look at Putin's biography followed by a brief summary of the Russian-Ukraine war. Putin's Early Life and Education (1952–1975) Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born on October 7, 1952, in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg), Russia, which was then part of the Soviet Union. He grew up in a working-class family in a Soviet apartment. His father, Vladimir Spiridonovic

Can AI help cure mental illnesses?

September 5, 2024 Can AI help cure mental illnesses? Yes, that is the hope. Mental illnesses are very common. They all have a physical cause in the brain. With more research and intelligent work, humans will one day eradicate most mental illnesses. As it is now, it is estimated that roughly 1 in 8 people worldwide will experience a mental disorder at some point in their lives. With about 8 billion humans worldwide, that would mean that about 1 billion humans may experience at least a mild episode of mental illness in their lifespan.  Chances are that artificial intelligence (AI) will prove extremely beneficial in the development of medications and therapies that can one day eradicate all mental illnesses. Below let's take a quick look at the common mental illnesses followed by ideas of how AI may help finding cures.  The most authoritative source for mental illness classification is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR) pub

Is live streaming the next big thing in business? Is live streaming the future of e-commerce?

September 4, 2024 Is live streaming the next big thing in business? Is live streaming the future of e-commerce?  Yes and yes. If you are looking for what current trend besides AI may become the next big thing and a new normal in the future, be sure to consider live streaming e-commerce.  Humans are storytelling primates who need trading to survive and who thrive trading. Humans use whatever technology may be available at the time to facilitate the trade needed to survive and thrive on Earth.  Before the advent of telecommunications, human buyers and sellers (or their representatives or messengers) would have to meet in person and be co-located to negotiate trade or commercial transactions. With the development of written language, buyers and sellers could also transact in writing. Sellers could list their offers or print a catalog. Buyers could send written orders that sellers could agree to fulfill, arranging for production and distribution.  With the invention of the telephone, buyer

What is human flourishing?

September 2, 2024 What is human flourishing? Human flourishing refers to the realization of a person's potential in life. Flourishing is not only surviving, but thriving in life. Flourishing goes beyond mere happiness and success into meaningful fulfillment of a higher purpose or calling in life. The hallmark of flourishing is mutual benefit to the individual and the collective.  The concept of flourishing is rooted in Aristotle's idea of eudaimonia, which refers to living a life of virtue and excellence, fulfilling one’s potential, and contributing to the well-being of others. While surviving focuses on meeting basic needs, flourishing is about thriving, living fully, and realizing one’s potential. It’s not just about being free from illness or hardship, but about experiencing a meaningful and fulfilling life. Human flourishing is a holistic concept that involves living a balanced, fulfilling life, characterized by purposeful productivity and contribution to the self and to so