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Who will win the elections? Our newest prediction.

September 20, 2024

Who will win the 2024 U.S. presidential elections? Doughnut Trump

Prediction: Trump will win again. We're back to 2016. Kamala is the new Hillary. We're still a majority racist country under the electoral college system. 

Kamala will win the popular vote. We're no longer a majority racist country overall. Nonetheless, the popular vote is irrelevant. The vast majority of states are racist states. 

Our country, just like all others in the "New World", was established on the basis of European-centric racism. The country has been gradually moving away from white supremacy, realizing the benefits of diversity and inclusion. The majority of Americans are not racist. However, the majority of racists remain concentrated in traditionally Republican states. 

Kamala Harris will fall short of obtaining the 270 electoral college votes needed to win. Trump will get there before. The collective hate of nonwhite immigrants in battleground states will make Trump the next president of the United States. You bet. 

Now you know our latest prediction. We'll see what variables change before the elections to see if we can update and change this prediction back to a Kamala victory. Maybe once it becomes evident to everyone that Trump will win, more moderate anti-Trump Republicans can support Kamala in the key battleground states (North Carolina, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan).

As it is now, the polls show that we're back at 2016. The candidates are statistically tied, but we all know that there are no real undecided voters by now. The so-called undecided voters are closeted racists afraid of admitting that they will vote for Trump, who is the only viable candidate for conscious or unconscious white supremacists. 

Hopefully things change and we can change our prediction back to a victory by the Harris and Walz, for a better country for all. In. the meantime, although our heart is with Kamala, our betting money is predicting a Trump victory. Why? Racism.  

Now you know. 

Live well. Die better. Enjoy.



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