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Why Trump benefits from being a mess? Is there a double standard?

 September 10, 2024

Why Trump benefits from being a mess? Is there a double standard?

If you are intrigued by Trump's popularity, this brief post by Creatix may help you solve the puzzle. There is a double standard. Trump is measured by a different standard because he is being "hired" to do a different kind of job. Trump is being "hired" to wreck the establishment. Trump is not being hired to preserve what we have today, but rather to tear it apart as in a revolution of the populace, an uprising of the lower class against the ruling establishment, against the "swamp". 

Since 2016, the Republican candidates running against Trump in the primaries, and Hillary Clinton running against him in the general elections, have wondered what is Trump's political "magic". How come such an unethical and morally flawed candidate is so popular among evangelical Christians? The candidates running against Trump, and all  those who have run against him in the past, cannot understand Trump's appeal and popularity. Trump's opponents are always dumbfounded about Trump's cult despite his obvious flaws.

Trump is significantly flawed as a person, as a candidate, and as a leader. Trump is a good entertainer as an old Simpleton clown or fool. Trump is not a serious political candidate in the traditional sense, yet the man is one of the most successful politicians in American history and may be re-elected to the White House this November. This night's debate will surely kick start Trump's comeback that may take him back to the White House. 

Trump is popular--as defective and deficient as he may be--because Trump is the best man for the job that he is being hired to do. The American populace is hiring Trump to wreck the establishment, to bring down the house, to dry the swamp, to burn it down, to rectify the revolution of the lower class man, without taking any prisoners. 

When you realize what Trump is being hired to do, you finally understand his popularity and effectiveness. Trump is extremely popular despite all his personality defects, cognitive deficiencies, and political clumsiness because Trump is the resemblance of America's revolutionary spirit. In the late 1700s, the British elites saw the American rebels with the same level of contempt that Democrats see Trump supporters today. It is the same class of "rags" or "deplorables" as Hillary used to call them. It is the populace of our Nation, the lowest of the low rallied by a few smart political entrepreneurs and opportunists. Supporting Trump is going back; it's going back to 1776.

Trump is a clown, a fool, a jester of American politics, our government, and above all, American democracy. We obviously support democracy when it is convenient. But democracy does not work for us when the majority doesn't think like us. For example, would we as a Nation concede to a hypothetical global democracy? Hint. We are less than 5% of the world population. 95% of the world population may vote against our interests. Anyways, without digressing, for Trump supporters, supporting that beast is a way of repudiating the elites and the establishment. At least that is what they have been programmed to naively believe. And naive Christian believers they are. Not bad people, not deplorables, and not even dumb; just naive. 

For Trump supporters, supporting Trump is a rebel act, a revolution on its own, in the American tradition. Supporting Trump is a way of bringing down the house and having some fun while at it. Supporting Trump is about disrespecting, discrediting, and desecrating the elitist government and our new "monarchy" under of science. Trump supporters would rather live under a strongman dictator that can tell them that everything is easy because we are the people chosen by an imaginary god in heavan, and that everything will be alright on Earth provided that they are loyal to their king. It's 1776 in reverse.

Above all, supporting Trump is about the wishful thinking of a simple life where everything works fine according to a divine plan. Supporting Trump is choosing simplicity over complexity. The world is becoming too complicated for the common person to understand it. Liberals are seeing as complicating everything even more to stay in power and in control of everything. Science is seen as a pretext to complicate the simple plan of god. Since everything is so complex and sophisticated, the government must be run by highly educated liberals that always know better than the masses. Yet, the system is supposed to be a democracy where power comes from the masses, from the people, from the populace. 

Think about it all of the above. It may help you understand in your own mind--and probably superior approach--why Trump is so popular and why no one should be surprised if returns to the White House next year. But make no mistake. Voting for Trump would be a huge mistake. Be wary of "Trump's Touch". Everything that Trump touches turns to shit, fraud, or both. 

Trump was already president for four years and he was a failure. That is why Biden beat him. Trump's biggest and most crucial failure was his incompetent handling of the COVID19 pandemic. All the inflation afterwards can be attributed to Trump's incompetence at the beginning of the crisis. Looking forward, the biggest threat posed by Trump is that he is an incredibly divisive figure. United we stand, divided we fall. Trump would divide all of us, and make us fall. Trump, his family, and a few oligarchs would benefit greatly. Most Americans will fall due to the divisions created by Trump's old-school racism and sexism. It sounds cool to equate Trump to a revolution, but it is better to realize that we don't need and don't really want a revolution. We just want a better country. In these elections, based on the alternatives that we have, Harris-Walz represent the best chances of having a better country for all. 

Live well. Die better. Enjoy.


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