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This is why Trump will win Tuesday's debate against Kamala Harris

September 9, 2024

Why Trump will win the Tuesday's debate against Kamala Harris? 

Spoiler alert. Trump will win tomorrow's debate against Kamala Harris. Trump will win the debate because Trump is not bound by the truth. Debating against a demagogue like Trump is not a fair contest. Debating Trump is not a contest on a leveled playing field. 

While Kamala Harris has to stay 100% coherent and sharp to demonstrate competence to be our next President and Commander in Chief, Trump is unbounded and unplugged. Trump can say whatever he wants and his supporters will continue supporting him. The more absurd and bizarre Trump sounds and comes across, the more charismatic he will appear to his supporters and to many independent and still undecided voters in key battleground states.

The debate will be a net plus for Trump. Expect to see a significant bump in the polls in Trump's favor after the debate. As the tall and white German American in the room, Trump will look significantly more "presidential" than Harris. Racism and sexism being, of course, the reasons. We are a racist and sexist country at our base and backbone. The whole New World, all of the Americas, were founded on the basis of white supremacy and male supremacy. Racism and sexism are in decline for sure, but have not been eliminated yet. It will take many more decades if not centuries for racism and sexism to be completely eradicated. We're not there yet. 75 million votes for Trump prove it. 

Debating Trump is a huge mistake. It is impossible to beat Trump in a debate. No one has ever defeated Trump on a debate. Kamala Harris will not be the first one. Debates are where Trump shines the most. Trump can debate with his standard middle school tactics and beat his opponents easily. Facts are irrelevant. Alternative facts and lies carry the debate for Trump. On the other hand, his opponents are generally bound to the facts and must be sharp. Trump can be a child and win like like a man. 

The more you know. Now you know a little bit more about why Trump will win tomorrow's debate against Kamala Harris.

Live well. Die better. Enjoy.


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