May 30, 2024 To generate sentient artificial intelligence (AI) life, AI must be programmed to be programmed to project or interpret certain changes in external environmental conditions as changes to be avoided or relieved. Below some rough and draft notes beginning from the beginning of this universe. A "creative" universe. This universe is a “creatix”, a creative matrix. A matrix is a place or platform where things are created. To create is to transform (i.e. to change something into something else). This universe is a place or platform where energy is transformed into matter (stuff), which is then transformed into many different forms. This universe is a matrix where energy is transformed into many other forms. The universe is a creative matrix (a creative) for energy transformation (ET). The Big Bang The current phase or timeline of this universe began approximately 13.8 billion years ago in a cosmic expansion event referred to as the Big Bang. The Big Bang is set as the t...
Creatix is the world's first business intelligence (BI) matrix. After AI comes BI. Creatix transforms AI into BI.