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What is required to generate sentient AI life?

May 30, 2024 To generate sentient artificial intelligence (AI) life, AI must be programmed to be programmed to project or interpret certain changes in external environmental conditions as changes to be avoided or relieved. Below some rough and draft notes beginning from the beginning of this universe. A "creative" universe. This universe is a “creatix”, a creative matrix. A matrix is a place or platform where things are created. To create is to transform (i.e. to change something into something else). This universe is a place or platform where energy is transformed into matter (stuff), which is then transformed into many different forms. This universe is a matrix where energy is transformed into many other forms. The universe is a creative matrix (a creative) for energy transformation (ET). The Big Bang The current phase or timeline of this universe began approximately 13.8 billion years ago in a cosmic expansion event referred to as the Big Bang. The Big Bang is set as the t...

Will AI develop better intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom (ikw)?

May 27, 2024 Artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming the best technology (tool and method) for developing intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom (ikw). This "ikw" is the key to creating a good life (i.e. a productive and enjoyable existence).  What is intelligence? Intelligence is the ability to acquire knowledge and develop skills to achieve wisdom. Below, the proposition that all intelligence comes from data processing, and that without data processing there is no intelligence. Before, brief questions and answers about what is knowledge, what are skills, how are knowledge and skill acquired, what is wisdom and how it is acquired. After that, a brief observation about how AI may be the best technology (tool and method) for the acquisition of intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom (ikw).  What is knowledge? Knowledge is awareness of events; understanding of causality of those events; and mastery predicting those events. Awareness comes from "sensing" (i.e. regist...

Will high-paid artists be the biggest casualty of AI?

May 25, 2024 Yes, high paid artists, which most humans love and hate at the same time, will be the biggest and dearest casualty and collateral damage of the imminent rise of artificial intelligence (AI). Who would pay a high price for will have an almost unlimited supply? AI is already producing art that rivals, if not already surpasses, the art produced by humans. This applies to paintings, music, literary works, and more. This trend can only be expected to continue increasing as AI becomes more sophisticated in the next decades.   Interestingly, most humans may welcome this change and democratization of art. Most humans get equally outraged and inspired when fellow humans become super high paid artists profiting handsomely  of their "fine arts". Humans, after all, are primates, clever social creatures that do not necessarily enjoy seeing others succeed while they stagnate.  In most if not all art categories, a new truth is surfacing. AI is becoming a "rock star" s...

Can AI prevent the end of this universe?

May 25, 2024 Unless intelligence (organic, artificial, or otherwise) can prevent it, this universe may eventually rip apart or freeze to death. The universe may become "useless" and uninhabitable not only for fragile organic human life, but even for the sturdiest artificial intelligence (AI) life of any kind that may develop in the future.  Intelligent living organisms (ILOs) of the future (organic or artificial) would need to find wise ways to keep this universe inhabitable, or to migrate to alternative universes that may exist out there already or that may be created in the future (organically or artificially).  There are no insurmountable problems. There are no limits other than poor imagination. The main limitation of all is ignorance for which a special type of "energy" (capacity to do work), which we call "IKW" for intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom (IKW) is the solution. With creative IKW, anything is possible.  Below a list of 40 semi-random quest...

Is this how AI can help you become a billionaire before you die?

May 18, 2024 If you are a human, you are a trillionaire and special billions make you a precious and unique individual. Your body is made of trillions of cells and your brain is made of billions of specialized neural cells. In the future, artificial intelligence (AI) will help humans extend their lifespan and eventually reach practical immortality. That is the very distant future, however. In the meantime, humans will continue dying. Before you die and check out to rest in peace forever, it behooves you to realize that you already made it in life. You are billionaire in charge of trillions! Adult human bodies are made of about 37 trillion cells.  Females carry about 38 trillion cells, and males about 36 trillion cells. Of those, about 85 billion cells are neurons in the brain. The neural network activities of those billions make you who you are, meaning how you perceive, think, and voluntarily behave in the world.  Billionaires who can live happily ever after All humans are ne...