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Will high-paid artists be the biggest casualty of AI?

May 25, 2024

Yes, high paid artists, which most humans love and hate at the same time, will be the biggest and dearest casualty and collateral damage of the imminent rise of artificial intelligence (AI). Who would pay a high price for will have an almost unlimited supply? AI is already producing art that rivals, if not already surpasses, the art produced by humans. This applies to paintings, music, literary works, and more. This trend can only be expected to continue increasing as AI becomes more sophisticated in the next decades.  

Interestingly, most humans may welcome this change and democratization of art. Most humans get equally outraged and inspired when fellow humans become super high paid artists profiting handsomely  of their "fine arts". Humans, after all, are primates, clever social creatures that do not necessarily enjoy seeing others succeed while they stagnate. 

In most if not all art categories, a new truth is surfacing. AI is becoming a "rock star" superior, more prolific, and incredibly cheaper than human artists. The best opportunities will be for art entrepreneurs that can find ways to capitalize on the art produced by AI. 

AI is quickly becoming the new intellectual property "slave" of this generation. AI is already producing art (e.g. paintings, music, literature, etc) that is at least as good as the art produced by artistic humans. That is the situation today in May 2024. Can you imagine the art industry scene ten years from now, in 2034? What about 20 years from now, in the 2040s? 

It is up to you to create that future that you envision. Money does not grow on trees; money grows of bank accounts based on property rights. It is up to you to create the fortunes that you dream of so that you can afford buying collectible art pieces. Oh, hold on, maybe buying expensive art is not a big thing 20 years from now. Maybe AI will change the fine art market. What do you think? Whatever you believe may happen, bet some on the opposite happening. Life is unpredictable. The future has not been created yet and is uncertain by nature.

Stay tuned. 



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