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Showing posts from August, 2024

Trump's Civil War and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

August 31, 2024 In this post, Creatix uses Trump's Civil War tags for purposes of search engine optimization (SEO). There is no Trump civil war in the traditional sense of the concept. However, it can be argued that Trump is already waging a civil war against American democracy, its voters, and its institutions. Trump is a demagogue. Luckily, Trump is only human and is getting too old to grow a followership. Below questions and answers on Trump's civil war followed by notes on SEO. Two unrelated topics joined for the fun of it.  When will Trump's civil war begin?  The future has not been created yet. Anything is possible provided that it fits within the laws of physics. Every possibility has a different probability. Some things are more probable than others and thus happen more often than others. Once a set of variables and factors are in place, the same phenomena repeats itself over and over again. For example, the sun "rises" every morning on the east and "...

Was historical Jesus schizophrenic?

August 24, 2024 Was historical Jesus schizophrenic? The idea that the historical Jesus may have had schizophrenia is speculative. Schizophrenia can be seen as a gift of experiencing a virtual reality. Said alternate reality may be given a divine character interpretation. However, there is no empirical evidence and no medical records to confirm that historical Jesus was in fact schizophrenic. That is, although it is said that Jesus heard the voice of God, saw lights or spirits, and believed that he was divine, there is no way to prove that Jesus actually experienced those hallucinations or actually believed the delusional divine ideas of the self attributed to him in the gospel.  1. Lack of Historical Medical Records: Jesus exhibited symptoms consistent with schizophrenia, such as hallucinations, delusions, and disconnection with reality as understood by modern psychiatry. However, there are no historical medical records available. The accounts of Jesus, primarily found in the New T...

What is the story of your life? Has it being published? Will it be published? Make it interesting. Make us proud.

August 29, 2024 What is the story of your life?  Once upon a time, you were conceived. A spermatozoid of your biological father fertilized an egg of your biological mother. Voila! You were conceived and your life journey in spacetime began. One day you will die. Whatever happens between your conception day and your death day will become part of the story of your life. What do you want your life story to be mostly about? What fancies your dopamine the most?  What do you want to accomplish in your brief life? Why? By the way, will books or posts be published  about you? You have better chances of being written about or publicly discussed than billions of other humans in the past. There are countless of books and posts published every day of almost every shit imaginable on Earth. Humans have been writing shit down for millennia.  Before the invention of the printing press, written texts were created by hand, using a variety of materials and writing systems across differ...

What is the number #1 rule for making money? Plus a few other questions and answers

August 28, 2024  What is the number #1 rule for making money? Buy low, sell high. Warren Buffett says that the first rule to making money is not losing money. However, you have to have money before you can lose it. To make money, you have to acquire or develop something of value and sell it for money. You have to buy it a lower price than you sell it.  Speaking of buying and selling, note that Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway is mostly selling stocks nowadays. The Oracle of Omaha knows a few things about investing and making money. Warren is turning 94 this Friday. The guy is as wise as a human investor can be. Warren Buffett believes that the stock market is mostly overpriced. Warren is selling now, and accumulating / hoarding cash reserves that he can deploy once values return to the market. And they will return sooner or later.  Warren Buffett should have followed our advice three weeks or so ago when we recommended that Berkshire Hathaway bought Nike shares. Nike s...

What was Donald Trump's biggest mistake in life?

August 26, 2024 What was Donald Trump's biggest mistake in life?  Time will tell. There were many mistakes. Future historians will write many books and make good money discussing everything about the Trump phenomenon. The 78-year old man has clearly gained a spot in American history and world history for that matter. For the millions of Americans and the billions worldwide who totally dislike Trump, the list of mistakes in his long life is almost unlimited.  Like most other famous (or infamous) historical figures, Trump's life has been a combination of many successes and multiple failures. Trump has made some correct decisions and some incorrect ones. After all, the almost senile senior (ASS) Trump is fully human.  Depending on the outcome of the next presidential elections, future historians may conclude that Trump's biggest mistake in life happened in the summer of 2024. Trump's biggest mistake in life was defeating Joe Biden prematurely in the summer of 2024. Instead...

How did the United States become a white country?

August 26, 2024 Between the 17th and the 20th century, about 50 million Europeans migrated to the United States in several distinct waves: Colonial Period (1600s to late 1700s): During the 17th and 18th centuries, European settlers, primarily from England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, and the Netherlands, migrated to the American colonies. By 1790, the U.S. population was about 4 million, with most people of European descent. The ratio of European settlers in the 13 American colonies varied over time, but the majority came from England, followed by smaller groups from Germany, France, and the Netherlands.  England: The largest group of settlers came from England, making up about 60-70% of the European population in the colonies. These settlers included Puritans, Pilgrims, and other English religious and economic migrants. Germany: German settlers, particularly from the regions of the Rhineland and Palatinate, formed the second-largest group. They made up about 6-10% of the European ...

How was life in the 13 American colonies in the 1600s and 1700s? Hard

August 22, 2024 Life in the 13 American colonies during the 1600s and 1700s was challenging and varied greatly depending on the region. The colonies were still in their early stages of development, with settlers facing numerous hardships as they established new communities in a largely untamed wilderness. Here’s a general overview of what life was like in the 13 colonies during this period: 1. Settlement and Housing Housing and colonial towns: Early settlers lived in simple, rudimentary homes made from local materials. These were often small, one-room structures built of wood, with thatched or wooden shingle roofs. As settlements grew, homes became more substantial, with some wealthier colonists building larger, more comfortable houses. There was no electricity, no heating, no air conditioning, no electric fans, no TV, no radios, no appliances, no interior plumbing, no toilets! There was no toilet paper either. Colonials wiped their butts with leaves and corn cobs. For lighting, people...

How to invest when the market is at an all time high?

August 22, 2024 How to invest when the market is at an all time high?  The S&P 500 has risen 50% so far during the Biden administration. The S&P 500 is up 65% in the last four years. Today, as the Democratic party looks to make history by nominating for the president a woman with high chances of becoming the first woman president of the United States, the stock market finds itself at an all time high.  What is the best investment move at this time?  We don't know, but have a few suggestions. For long term investments such as your 401k, stay invested and do nothing differently. Keep buying, keep investing. Buy into the stock market regularly every month. Go for dollar cost averaging because no one can time the market. The long term bet is that there will be ups and downs, but that the stock market will continue increasing in value over time along with inflation.  Diversify your investments. For that portion going into stocks, put most on on a low fee exchange ...