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Trump's Civil War and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

August 31, 2024

In this post, Creatix uses Trump's Civil War tags for purposes of search engine optimization (SEO). There is no Trump civil war in the traditional sense of the concept. However, it can be argued that Trump is already waging a civil war against American democracy, its voters, and its institutions. Trump is a demagogue. Luckily, Trump is only human and is getting too old to grow a followership. Below questions and answers on Trump's civil war followed by notes on SEO. Two unrelated topics joined for the fun of it. 

When will Trump's civil war begin? 

The future has not been created yet. Anything is possible provided that it fits within the laws of physics. Every possibility has a different probability. Some things are more probable than others and thus happen more often than others. Once a set of variables and factors are in place, the same phenomena repeats itself over and over again. For example, the sun "rises" every morning on the east and "sets" every afternoon on the west. 

The sunrise and sunset are actually optical illusions. It is the Earth that spins on its axis from west to east, creating the illusion that the sun rises on the east and sets on the west. Although not 100% certain or guaranteed, it is super highly probable (and thus predictable) that the sun will "rise" again tomorrow on the east and set on the west. 

For the sun not to rise and set tomorrow as usual, strange physical phenomena changing the variables and factors at play would have to materialize. For example, the Earth would need to change spin direction, stop spinning, lose its axis, drift away, etc; the sun would need to collapse, be swallowed by a black hole; or some sort of another highly unlikely physical event would have to materialize. 

Chances are that no weird physical events will occur today that would somehow prevent tomorrow's sunrise and sunset. Chances are that history will repeat itself. Chances are that the sun will rise again tomorrow morning and the following morning so on and so forth for billions and billions of years to come. Chances are that history will keep repeating itself over and over again. The same applies to the conduct of Donough Trump. 

Will Trump lose the elections again? Will Trump deny the elections again?

Yes and yes. Remember, so long as the same variables and factors remain at play, history will repeat itself. The repetition of human events is never 100% exact, but is similar enough. Human events do not necessarily repeat because there are more variables at play. Humans can change and always die. 

Chances are that Trump will never change. He is too old of a dog to learn new tricks. Now, besides Trump, many other variables can change. While it is looking like the anti-Trump and pro Kamala Harris coalition will defeat Trump in November, many things can happen between now and the elections. 

Harris is a human and all humans are mortal creatures. Harris can die any time. The same, of course, is true for Trump. Trump is who as an obese 78-year old man past his Best By date and is quickly reaching his Expiration Date. Now, if the variables and factors currently in play remain roughly the same in the next two months (an eternity in American politics), more likely than not, Trump will lose the elections again. 

What will Trump do after losing the elections again?

While the future has not been created yet, the future is highly predictable when you know the relevant variables and factor at play. We all know Trump as if we had created him in hell. Trump is almost 80 years old and will not change his egocentric, narcissistic, and borderline schizophrenic personality any time soon.

Trump will lose the elections and will refuse to accept defeat. Trump will not concede. Trump will once again allege that the system is rigged and that the elections were stolen from him. Trump is very old, but thinks like a kid. When Trump wins, the system is legitimate and everything is kosher. When Trump loses, the system is rigged and all results are fake news.

Trump either lives in a virtual reality or pretends that he does. If Trump truly believes the things that he says about the elections and many other things, Trump is schizophrenic like Jesus, but evil. If Trump doesn't believe the things that he says and simply pretends that he does, Trump is a demagogue like his genetic compatriot Hitler, but less "successful" in his evil campaign. 

Denying adverse election results is a hallmark of dictators and dictator wannabes. That's how dictators roll. That is how Trump operates because although he is already an almost senile senior (ASS), Trump still fancies with becoming an authoritarian leader. If he could, Trump would crown himself as America's first king. If he could, Trump would establish a monarchy under a ruling House of Trump. 

Will Trump start a civil war? 

Not really. Trump's undeclared war against American democracy began on January 6, 2021 when Trump instilled his confederates to attack the U.S. Capitol. While most January 6 insurrectionists were already tried and convicted, Trump is still playing golf, enjoying the proceeds of his fraudulent businesses, and running from prison by controlling the racist wing of the Republican party.  

Trump is at war against American democracy because Trump refuses to accept the legitimacy of the elections when he is not the winner. It is a very convenient approach. If Trump wins, the elections are legitimate. If Trump loses, the elections are allegedly rigged. That is the premise of Trump's civil war against the system. 

Will Trump run for re-election in 2028 if he loses in 2024?

Yes, most likely than not, Trump will run for re-election in 2028 if he loses in 2024. Again, Trump will say that the elections were stolen by a corrupt establishment. Trump will convince his followers of the notion that American democracy no longer serves their best interests. 

It seems that Trump's MAGA supporters are becoming a minority that can no longer win democratic elections. Therefore, democracy is not working for them. They would rather have an autocracy that represents their world views. If the could, if they are allowed, they would grab power by force rather than by vote. 

It is up for the rest of Americans to decide if that is what we want, or if we are willing to stand up to vote for democracy now that we still have a chance. Hopefully, by voting against Trump, we can all avoid an escalation of Trump's civil war against democracy into a full blown second civil war in our country.

Where will this post rank in search engines?

The answer depends on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). As the name suggests, SEO is about content labeling and organization techniques to augment the visibility and ranking of websites on search engines. The goal of SEO is to attract traffic from search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO techniques generally consist of labeling and organizing content to make it more relevant and easily accessible to both search engines and users.

SEO is important to increase visibility of your website or web content. You can have the best product in the market, but if customers don't know about it, A higher ranking in search results increases the visibility of the website, leading to more organic traffic.

On-Page vs Off-Page SEO:

One-page SEO includes use of keywords and internal links. That is, identifying the terms and phrases (keywords) that potential visitors are likely to use when searching for content related to your website. It also includes ensuring that the website content is relevant, well-structured, and includes the targeted keywords naturally. This includes optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, headings, and image alt text. In addition, it includes connecting relevant pages within the website to help search engines understand the structure of the site and the importance of individual pages.

Off-Page SEO includes external link building as in acquiring high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites to improve the site’s domain authority and trustworthiness. It may include engaging with users on social media platforms to drive traffic and create awareness of the website's content, and building a strong online presence where the brand is mentioned across the web, even without direct links.

Technical SEO:

Site Speed: Ensuring that the website loads quickly, as page speed is a significant ranking factor for search engines.

Mobile-Friendliness: Optimizing the website to ensure it is responsive and performs well on mobile devices, which is crucial as mobile traffic has surpassed desktop traffic.

Indexing: Making sure that search engines can easily crawl and index the website's pages.

Structured Data: Implementing schema markup to help search engines understand the content and provide rich results in SERPs.

Local SEO:

Google My Business: Optimizing the business's profile on Google My Business to improve visibility in local search results.

Local Listings: Ensuring consistent and accurate information across local directories and citation sites.

Reviews: Encouraging positive customer reviews and managing online reputation.

SEO Strategies:

White Hat SEO: Following best practices and guidelines set by search engines, focusing on providing value to users.

Black Hat SEO: Using manipulative tactics to try to trick search engines into ranking a site higher (e.g., keyword stuffing, cloaking), which can lead to penalties.

Gray Hat SEO: Employing techniques that fall between white and black hat methods, often risky and not recommended for long-term success.

SEO is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring, updating, and optimization to adapt to changes in search engine algorithms and user behavior.


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