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What was Donald Trump's biggest mistake in life?

August 26, 2024

What was Donald Trump's biggest mistake in life? 

Time will tell. There were many mistakes. Future historians will write many books and make good money discussing everything about the Trump phenomenon. The 78-year old man has clearly gained a spot in American history and world history for that matter. For the millions of Americans and the billions worldwide who totally dislike Trump, the list of mistakes in his long life is almost unlimited. 

Like most other famous (or infamous) historical figures, Trump's life has been a combination of many successes and multiple failures. Trump has made some correct decisions and some incorrect ones. After all, the almost senile senior (ASS) Trump is fully human. 

Depending on the outcome of the next presidential elections, future historians may conclude that Trump's biggest mistake in life happened in the summer of 2024. Trump's biggest mistake in life was defeating Joe Biden prematurely in the summer of 2024. Instead of going easy on his presumed opponent (until it became the official opponent), Trump pressed on too early.

In the Summer of 2024, Trump convinced the American public that Joe Biden, at 82 years of age, was too old to run for re-election and begin a second term as President. Trump convinced all of us that Biden was an almost senile senior (ASS). Trump was so successful that he even convinced Democrats of the shortfalls of the presumptive nominee. 

Success breeds failure. 

Trump was extremely successful convincing the American people that Biden, at 82, was neurologically unfit for a second term. All that successful pressure resulted in the Democratic Party forcing Biden to step down and out of the race. Joe Biden, not being a dictator wannabe like Trump, did the honorable thing and stepped down. 

Democrats replaced Biden with Kamala Harris. Unlike Biden, Kamala Harris does have a real chance of defeating Trump. Americans love making history. It feels as if the planets are aligning so that we can make history this November, overwhelmingly electing our first woman president of the United States.

Election math is simple arithmetic. It's about adding voters, not subtracting. The Harris-Walz ticket is adding voters while the Trum[-Vance ticket seems to be subtracting voters. The Harris-Walz ticket is ammassing a coalition of Democrats, Republican anti-Trump voters, and anti-Trump independent voters. If elections were this week, the Harris-Walz ticket would probably win. 

Is there time for Trump to come back? Yes, plenty.

There is still time for Trump to stage a comeback. Trump is quickly becoming the "impossible" underdog. Americans love making history, but are also addicted to making the impossible come true. Americans love supporting the underdog and proving experts wrong. It's part of our revolutionary character and the cultural desire of defeating the establishment. 

What will Trump do if he loses the elections again? Run for 2028

If Trump loses the elections again in 2024, Trump will play the same denial card that he so successfully played in 2020. Trump will argue that the elections were stolen. Trump will never accept defeat and will never concede. Trump will once again invite his supporters to fight. Trump seize continued control of the Republican party. Trump will prepare to run again in 2028. Third time's the charm as they say. 

What should Kamala Harris do if she defeats Trump in 2024? Pardon Trump

If Kamala is smart, she can either pardon Trump or call down the federal prosecution against him. That would keep Trump alive in the campaign, make him dominate the Republican party for four more years, and present an easy to defeat contestant in 2028.


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