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Showing posts from April, 2024

Is creating AI the purpose of the universe?

April 30, 2024 Artificial intelligence (AI) may help humans figure out the purpose of existence. The universe is a creative matrix, a creatix. A matrix is a platform where things are created or are developed. Existence may have no intricate purpose other than creation via transformation. It is evident that this universe is in a constant state of transformation. Energy is a constant that is neither created nor destroyed, simply transformed into different creations.   Life can be seen as one of those transformations and creations of the universe. Life, in turn, is a part of the universe that accelerates the creation process. Life on Earth began between 9 and 10 billion years after the Big Bang. In 4 billion years, life created humans, the homo sapiens. Humans will eventually create the AI Sapiens that will expand life into portions of outer space. Eventually other life forms may continue expanding life further into the galaxy. Other life forms further into the more portions of t...

Connect the dots like AI to make money?

April 27, 2024 So you want to make money? Connect the dots like artificial intelligence (AI) does to figure out what is needed to make money. Three ways of making money: inheritance; marriage; and trading. There is not much advice that can be given about inheritance. Either you have rich relatives or you don't. Regarding marriage, it would be ill-advised to marry just for money.  From here, AI would connect some dots easily.  If a human is not going to either inherit money or marry into it, trading is the only option left to make money.  Trading entails exchanging anything of value (products, services, assets) for money. No trade = no money.  To make money, the trade must be profitable. Buyers pay for value. Value should be higher than the price, and the price must be higher than the relevant unit cost. V > P > C.  Humans can trade their time and skills as employees in a job, as entrepreneurs running a business, or as investors (owners) acquiring property ...

Can AI help you figure out why dogs lick their private parks in public?

April 25, 2024 Of course, artificial intelligence (AI) can help you find out why dogs lick their private parts in public. They find it convenient, and do not identify any inconvenience with doing it anywhere. The behavior of all animals, including humans, is controlled by convenience. All animals, including humans, are genetically program to seek one thing and one thing only: pain relief (PR). PR is identified by the "gravity of convenience".  Highly interactive matter (HIM)   Life is highly interactive matter (HIM). A distinction between non-living matter and living matter is the degree of interactivity required to achieve energy stability. Non-living things are in a more stable energy state and require less interactivity to sustain and preserve stability. Living things are in a more fluid and dynamic energy state, requiring more interaction with the environment to preserve stability (homeostasis).  In non-living things, interactions are controlled by atomic interac...

No need to reinvent the wheel with AI?

April 27, 2024 What is AI? Artificial intelligence (AI) is computerized human-like intelligence. AI simulates and replicates human intelligence. AI encompasses a broad range of techniques that enable computers to perform tasks that in the past were exclusive to humans such as encoding / decoding natural language, learning from experience, and having agency to make decisions. AI systems can be classified into two main categories: Narrow AI (Weak AI): Narrow AI refers to AI systems that are designed and trained for specific tasks or domains. These systems excel at performing well-defined tasks within a limited scope. Examples of narrow AI applications include virtual assistants (e.g., Siri, Alexa), image recognition systems, recommendation algorithms (e.g., Netflix recommendations), and autonomous vehicles. General AI (Strong AI): General AI refers to AI systems that possess the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks and domains, similar to human i...

Can thinking like AI help you change your perception about money?

April 26, 2024 Thinking like AI can help you hack the money-making secret of billionaires. While poor people see money as a finite resource that needs to be saved and conserved, rich people see money as a renewable resource that can grow and spread like a virus.  Renewable resources vs. non-renewable resources.  Renewable resources can be used indefinitely without depleting their supply because they are replenished or regenerated easily. Renewable resources are infinite resources that can be replenished or regenerated within a reasonable timeframe using current technologies. The production rate can exceed the creation rate. This leads to accumulation.  Solar Energy: Radiation harnessed using solar photovoltaic panels to produce electricity. Wind Energy: Harnessed by the kinetic energy of air moving wind turbines to produce electricity. Hydropower: Energy harnessed from flowing water, such as rivers or waterfalls, to turn turbines and produce electricity. The more renewab...

Can AI turn you into a wealthy slave master?

April 20, 2024 Yes, if you play it correctly, the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution can make you a wealthy slave master within the next 50 years. Highlight this prediction: AI bots and robots will gradually become the new slaves. Creative humans will be the new slave masters. Within in the next 50 years, from now through the mid 2070s, AI will gradually take over all jobs currently performed by humans. This will create problems and opportunities, two sides of the same coin. Some humans will be unemployed, some will create new jobs, and some will become "AIpreneurs" and "AInvestors" living off the proceeds generated by AI. It is up to you to decide in which category you want to place yourself.  Creatix recommends the AI entrepreneur and AI investor category. Creatix is a creative advice matrix, a unique guidance platform. Creatix exists to guide someone (not everyone) through the process of holistic wealth creation in the age of AI. Are you that someone? Clever...

Will Trump's criminal cases send him to the White House? Some AI think so.

April 16, 2024 Artificial intelligence (AI) can predict that if the elections were next month, Trump's criminal cases would help him win a second term at the White House. At first glance, that prediction would seem to defy "common sense" and the logic of human intelligence. In what world is being a criminal defendant increases the chances of being elected President? In the world of politics.  AI's prediction is based on correlating publicity with popularity. Trump is white Mandela in some support circles and circuses. From what happened in 2016, AI can predict that the criminal cases against Trump will only increase the media coverage on him, which will count as free publicity, significantly increasing his popularity among current supporters and luring independent voters. This is an easy prediction for AI because the media handed the White House to Trump in 2016, making him a viral candidate in everyone's minds. The natural split between two candidates is 50/50, b...

Can AI digital assistants (DAs) improve health and wealth outcomes for humans?

April 15, 2024 Most humans desire health and wealth. Who wants to be ill and poor? Humans can take action to promote the creation of health and wealth. These are dynamic states created and lost every day in a dynamic interplay of luck (lots of it) and agency or free will (limited). Artificial intelligence (AI) can help humans improve their health and increase their wealth. Future AI digital assistants (DAs) will most likely become the best personal coaches for billions of humans worldwide. Computers will continue helping humans thrive and survive.  Lady Luck and 3G "Goodwill" Factors: Genetics, Groupology, and Geography (3Gs) Luck has a lot to do with health and wealth creation. The genetic, geographic, and group "lottery" of life is very relevant in predicting the human health and wealth odds for an individual. The genes copied at conception, in what family a human is raised, in which country, and the groups to which a human may belong to will have an oversized inf...