April 30, 2024 Artificial intelligence (AI) may help humans figure out the purpose of existence. The universe is a creative matrix, a creatix. A matrix is a platform where things are created or are developed. Existence may have no intricate purpose other than creation via transformation. It is evident that this universe is in a constant state of transformation. Energy is a constant that is neither created nor destroyed, simply transformed into different creations. Life can be seen as one of those transformations and creations of the universe. Life, in turn, is a part of the universe that accelerates the creation process. Life on Earth began between 9 and 10 billion years after the Big Bang. In 4 billion years, life created humans, the homo sapiens. Humans will eventually create the AI Sapiens that will expand life into portions of outer space. Eventually other life forms may continue expanding life further into the galaxy. Other life forms further into the more portions of t...
Creatix is the world's first business intelligence (BI) matrix. After AI comes BI. Creatix transforms AI into BI. www.creatix.one