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Can AI help you figure out why dogs lick their private parks in public?

April 25, 2024

Of course, artificial intelligence (AI) can help you find out why dogs lick their private parts in public. They find it convenient, and do not identify any inconvenience with doing it anywhere. The behavior of all animals, including humans, is controlled by convenience. All animals, including humans, are genetically program to seek one thing and one thing only: pain relief (PR). PR is identified by the "gravity of convenience". 

Highly interactive matter (HIM)  

Life is highly interactive matter (HIM). A distinction between non-living matter and living matter is the degree of interactivity required to achieve energy stability. Non-living things are in a more stable energy state and require less interactivity to sustain and preserve stability. Living things are in a more fluid and dynamic energy state, requiring more interaction with the environment to preserve stability (homeostasis). 

In non-living things, interactions are controlled by atomic interactions (forces) and gravitational movement (gravity). The three atomic forces are the nuclear force, the weak force: and electromagnetism. Gravity is not really a force, but rather an effect of gravitational movement.

  • Newton conceptualized gravity as a force pulling mass together. Einstein conceptualized gravity as movement bending the fabric of spacetime. Think about the funnel that is created by water flushing down in a toilet or down a drain. The gravitational movement creates a funnel effect that spiral downwards flushing down into the fabric of spacetime. 

In living things, interactions are controlled by the same atomic forces and gravity plus what Creatix calls the "electromagnetic gravity of convenience" (EGOCo). 

  • Cells in living things are "houses" or shelters for the master molecule of life, DNA. All living things are composed of cells (or at least one cell) housing DNA. Without DNA, there is no life. Without a cell, DNA would not survive. 
  • Cell also shelter mitochondria, which like a furnace burning nutrients into a more usable form of  energy (ATP) to fuel functions within the cells. 
  • DNA, which as a long molecule of organic compounds generate electromagnetic effects that combine ambient amino acids into building blocks called proteins. These building blocks (proteins) form more cells. Clusters of specialized cells combine to form tissue, which combines to form organs, which form systems, which form complex organisms like animals and humans.  
  • The electromagnetic processes within cells create energy instability. Cells are constantly seeking the "convenience" of energy stability. Cells gravitate towards convenient energy states. That movement towards convenience is what humans refer to as agency, freewill, or choice.
  • Agency and free will may be more limited than what they seem, and could even be an illusion. Once cells identify the convenient pathways for energy stability, the gravitate towards them, reaching eventually a point of no return. 
  • In advanced systems, specialized cells (neurons) may scan the environment marking perceived states of convenience with nanoscale particles such as neurotransmitters. The accumulated weight of those neurotransmitters may force the neuron to gravitate towards the course of action perceived as more convenient. Once a choiced is identified as more convenient, the organism may have little agency to resist it unless another action is weighted as more convenient. That is what Creatix calls the Creatix calls the electromagnetic gravity of convenience (EGOCo).
Most of the above may be completely wrong. It's just a way of conceptualizing it. In the near future, AI will help scientists figure out with scientific precision the physical mechanisms of neuroscience. It will be shown that all "mental" processes are physical processes subject to specific laws of nature. There is no magic. There are no spirits, gods, or supernatural forces. There is simply ignorance about the physical mechanism that lead to "mysterious" phenomena such as consciousness and agency or "free" will.  

  • Everything is physical and subject to physical manipulation. It's just that mental processes operate at the nanoscale. Current technology is not advanced enough to see with precision the nanoscale physical processes leading to all mental processes, including so-called spirituality.
  • Spirituality is nothing other that a physical process produced by electrochemical impulses within the brain. Having said that, it should be acknowledged that the "spiritual" electrochemical processes can be the most effective analgesic (pain reliever) against the angst of the human condition. Spirituality is one of the greatest hacks ever discovered by humans. Every human should strive to master the "mysteries of faith" and the hack of spirituality. More to follow about this in future posts.  

Creating a Better Future with AI

The future has not been created yet. Whatever you want to accomplish in life can be facilitated with adequate technology (tools and methods). Over the course of millennia, humans have invented and developed fascinating technologies (tools and methods). Human inventions such as language, God, and money are foundational because they facilitate the development of more technologies. 

Creatix is a creative advice matrix, a unique guidance platform. Creatix conceptualizes the universe as a creative matrix. That is, this universe is a platform where things are created. Creatix invites you to be creative producer of your own future and to leverage AI.

Yes, you can use generative AI to tell you why dogs lick their private parts. But you can also use it to more productive endeavors. You can use AI to improve your intelligence and ability to predict certain aspects of the future. Even the question of a dog licking himself shamelessly in public, can be used to spark your curiosity about behavioral health. 

A human would not lick his or her private parts because the convenience equation will dictate that doing so would result in more pain than pleasure. Doing so would be shameful and could even result in criminal penalties. Everything humans do or don't is based on a calculation (conscious or unconscious) of convenience pros and cons. 

There are advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons, in ignoring AI. Creatix sees an advantage in thinking about everything AI, and even emulating the thinking of AI. Creatix helps someone (not everyone) who may be looking for creative advice (unique guidance) about what to do and what to avoid in the journey of life. Are you that someone?

Stay tuned. The best of AI and Creatix is yet to come.


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