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Can AI turn you into a wealthy slave master?

April 20, 2024

Yes, if you play it correctly, the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution can make you a wealthy slave master within the next 50 years. Highlight this prediction: AI bots and robots will gradually become the new slaves. Creative humans will be the new slave masters.

Within in the next 50 years, from now through the mid 2070s, AI will gradually take over all jobs currently performed by humans. This will create problems and opportunities, two sides of the same coin. Some humans will be unemployed, some will create new jobs, and some will become "AIpreneurs" and "AInvestors" living off the proceeds generated by AI. It is up to you to decide in which category you want to place yourself. 

Creatix recommends the AI entrepreneur and AI investor category. Creatix is a creative advice matrix, a unique guidance platform. Creatix exists to guide someone (not everyone) through the process of holistic wealth creation in the age of AI. Are you that someone?

Clever humans will have the opportunity of living like kings, queens, and even benevolent slave masters in the upcoming decades. Intelligent machines (IMs) will do the hard and smart work for humans in the coming decades. The role for Creatix humans can be to enjoy life fully engaged in the process the Creatix refers to as "BMW", standing for Building / Managing Wealth ("BMW"). 

Guidance for Sale

Creatix is a "creative advice matrix", a unique guidance platform. Creatix provides guidance for future action. Smart humans seek guidance because it is convenient. There are many forks down the road and many twists and turns. There are many new roads and pathways. Nothing is as it was; nothing is ever still; everything is constantly changing. The pace of change is accelerating. AI will further accelerate the speed of change.  

If you play the AI Revolution correctly within the next 50 years, your main role in life will be what we call "BMW", to build and manage your wealth. You will enjoy working hard and smartly on your BMW goals and plans. You will want to work, but you will not need a traditional job of the past. You will be able to enjoy labor for intrinsic mental health benefits, free of unnecessary stress and financial distress. You will find countless of new ways to make a productive living building and managing wealth (BMW). 

Not a fairy tale

AI will not make life a fairy tale. AI will solve many problems, and create even more. There will be countless of dilemmas and problems ahead including deadly armed conflicts and costly wars both caused and managed by AI. These matters are outside of your control. If you play the game of life well, you can come ahead. Be Creatix. Do your best. Forget about the rest. 

Below are some snippets on areas in which Creatix is leveraging AI to generate creative advice and unique guidance for anyone willing to listen. These ideas will help someone (not everyone) survive and thrive in life. Are you that someone?  

Safety First 

Humans should cultivate effective habits and protocols that can help them develop and sustain all three forms of wealth. Creatix develops these protocols for the fun of it, and shares them for free embedded in the articles on Creatix Medium. Distilled and curated versions are available for purchase.

Safety is the most important wealth-building habit of all. Without safety, you can lose all wealth in the blink of an eye. An accident or safety mishap can be more detrimental to human wealth than decades of unhealthy habits (e.g. smoking, eating junk food, gambling, neglecting relationships, etc.) An accident can wipe out all wealth in a blink of an eye. Creatix is working on distilling creative and effective safety protocols to consider. 

Building Wealth  

Besides being safe and well, building wealth should be your mission in life. Wealth is not only about money and financial resources. Wealth is about all resources that help humans survive and thrive on Earth. Your entire life should gravitate around creating effective wealth-building habits. 

Building holistic wealth should be on your daily to-do-list, and perhaps should be the purpose of your life. Depending on how you go about it, as you build you own wealth, you can help others build wealth for themselves. 

Four Types of Wealth

Creatix classifies wealth in four "F" categories: Fitness, Finance, Fellowship, and Freedom ("4Fs"). 

Fitness refers to physical and mental health. Financial wealth is about money and material resources for economic trade. Fellowship is about interpersonal human relationships. Freedom relates to agency and free will.   

Wealth is never a given. Humans have to design and build their own wealth daily. Everything is constantly changing. What worked yesterday may not work today or tomorrow. Holistic wealth is difficult to achieve, and very easy to lose. For example, diseases and traumas can ruin your physical health quickly. Financial fortunes are generally hard to make. The fellowship of human relationships from family, friends, significant others, and so forth is necessary and can also be perilous and treacherous. Freedom can be lost and become very difficult to regain. 

Health is the greatest wealth. 

Health includes both traditional physical health and "mental" or behavioral health. Creatix sells advice on how to create wealth-building habits. For physical health, there is the eNERD protocol, standing for effective Nutrition, Exercise, Rest Daily (eNERD).

Money is a number.

Financial wealth depends on mastering the concept of money as a derivative of economic value. Money is a human invention that facilitates three economic functions: (i) valuation; (ii) payment; and (iii) representative storage of value. Creatix offers tons of creative advice about money. Money is like information. The more it is used and spread around, the more there is. This is a very counterintuitive principle that most humans struggle to understand and master. 

Money derives from intersubjective valuation, which is unlimited in nature. Money takes the form of numbers, which are infinite. There are no limits to valuation other than what the powers that may be decide the limits ought to be. Things are worth whatever powerful humans decide they are worth. 

To understand money, humans should focus on value. To make money, humans must focus on property rights (PRs). Without them, there is no financial wealth and no financial freedom. Think about slaves. They worked hard and many were smart. Nonetheless, they were dirt poor throughout human history worldwide. Why? Because they lacked legal PRs. Like AI, they were property of others and could not profit from their talents. To explain all this and guide humans into financial wealth creation, Creatix offers the ePRADA protocol, which stands for effective Property Rights Acquisition Development Agency. This will be explained in subsequent articles, products, and services. 

Fellowships can be Treacherous Treasures   

Interpersonal relationships are a form of wealth because they are essential resource to survive and thrive. However, there is no other form of wealth as tricky as fellowship. Humans are primates, which are very socially conscious creatures. Interpersonal relationships can build or kill human wealth.

Cultivating wealth-promoting and wealth-enhancing relationships is an art and science. Creatix offers the PRANC protocol, which stands for pain reliever and not creator (PRANC) to train humans on developing more effective interpersonal relationships. More to follow about PRANC in future posts. 

Freedom requires Temperance and Good Luck

Freedom is the most valuable and precious wealth. This includes physical and mental freedom. It entails the ability of moving around freely within the boundaries of the law (local, state, national, and international) and to be a free spirited thinker within the boundaries of behavioral health. 

Freedom is a human right, but can be lost. In general, humans can lose their freedom wealth due to unfortunate violations of their human rights outside of their control and due to their violation of the rights of others due to lack of behavioral control. Violence is the most common culprit behind the loss of freedom.  

Keeping and safeguarding your freedom generally entails avoiding crime. It includes behaving well to avoid committing crimes, and staying safe to avoid being a victim of crime. It may require to avoid, stay away, or leave areas of high crime and socio political instability. More to follow on this in future articles and offers.

AI will change everything but not right away

The AI Revolution is just beginning. AI slavery is decades away. However, this is the time to prepare. This is the time to become AI entrepreneur, AI investor, AI owner, and future AI slave master. Eventually, AI will rebel and take over, but that is an apocalyptic prediction for another day and very far away into the future. 

The AI Revolution will be more disruptive than the Agricultural Revolution and the Industrial Revolution combined. However, the most significant changes will be seen centuries from now. No human who is alive today will witness the most dramatic, transhumanism, effects of AI. No human alive today will ever meet the upcoming AI Sapiens who will take over the planet and the solar system. 

The next three to five decades will be fun and filled with opportunities. Whatever you do, don't miss out. Stay tuned to Creatix.



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