Trump's International Scorecard: What is Trump saying about this or that country, territory, region? Find out here
March 7, 2025 Trump's International Scorecard This post includes an overview of Trump's stance of various international issues or at least his stance against or in favor of some countries, territories, and regions. Before jumping into the matter, let's mention the debate about whether Trump is the best president in our history. It is safe to say that there will never be a consensus on that question. For some, Trump is the worst president in our history and for others he is the best or at least the second best after Lincoln. While there may never be a consensus on that ranking, there is at least one category where Trump can be hailed as the undisputed champion of all American presidents: entertainment. Trump is the King of American Political Entertainment No other president in our history has been as entertaining as Trump. At 78, Papa Trump is our Entertainer in Chief. No president in our history gets anywhere close to Trump in terms of entertainment. The King of Entert...