November 10, 2024
Why is life so complicated? What can we do about it?
Paradoxically, life is complicated because we keep solving problems that create even more complicated problems to solve. This is what we call the Problem Paradox. The solution to a problem creates more complicated problems. There's no much that we can do about it. Recommendation is not to worry about problems and focus on becoming good problem solvers for the fun of it. Grow your intelligence, which is the ability to solve problems. Just as problems are practically infinite (PI), intelligence is also practically infinite (PI). Focus on developing intelligence to go along with you in the brief journey of life. Don't stress; finesse.
Life was so simple "back then".
When we look back to the past, it seems that life was so simple back then. The further you go into the past, the more simple life seems to be. To be sure, life may have been "simple" back then, but it was surely painful as hell "back then".
Between the "now" and "then", what has changed? We have solved many problems. The more problems we solve, the more problems we create. The new problems are always more complicated than the initial ones. The complexity chain continues. This seems to be part of our evolution as living organisms.
Evolution is the process by which different species of organisms change over time through variations in their genetic makeup. These changes occur across generations due to a combination of wilful or intentional adaptations and random or unintended mutations.
Evolution works through the process referred to as natural selection, where traits that have a positive effect on survival and reproduction are passed down from the surviving and reproducing species into their offspring. Whatever promoted survival, survives in the offspring. Whatever didn't promote survival, got extinct along with the unsuccessful species.
Imagine a group of animals that feel pain when hungry and another that feels pleasure from starvation. Which one survives and gets to reproduce? The one that felt the pain and sought the nutrition got to grow and had chances of reproducing, creating offspring with the trait of painful hunger. The other group starved itself happily to death without getting to reproduce. Fast forward the chain of evolution, and now all animals alive have the hereditary trait of painful hunger.
Animals: the heirs of pain, creators of intelligence.
All animals on Earth, including humans, are heirs of pain. We inherited the pain and pain relief (PR) traits that helped our ancestors survive. In seeking to solve pain, in seeking pain relief (PR), animals develop the problem-solving ability that we call biological intelligence.
We solve problems trying to relieve the pain of our existence. Once we solve an existential problem, we move into solving the next problems. Problems are practically infinite (PI). Problems never end. As long as you are alive, you will experience practically infinite (PI) problems of survival.
Think about this. Drop the illusion that if you solve whatever problem may afflict you at the time you will be forever saved or forever happy. Don't fool yourself. Another problem will come. The new problem will most likely be more complicated than the previous one. We see this all the time with money. We fool ourselves thinking that money will solve our problems. For sure, money solves problems. Yet, it create other problems.
This is not to say that you should give up or get depressed knowing that the human condition has no solution. Instead, it means that you should rejoice knowing the truth about problems. They are practically infinite (PI) like everything else in this universe. Solutions are practically infinite (PI) also. Everything, both the "good" and the "bad" is practically infinite (PI) in this universe.
The ultimate solution to life is death. However, there's no need to rush death. There's no need to quit life. Death will come. Relief will come. In the meantime, enjoy the pain, enjoy the journey. Become a problem solver for the fun of it. The better you become at solving problems, the easier and more rewarding your life will be. When you are in the business of solving problems, you will always be in business.
Now you know it.
Live well. Die better. Enjoy.
Creatix is a human intelligence matrix. That is, a platform for the creation of problem-solving ability. On the web at
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