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Will Trump solve illegal immigration or make it worse for political gain?

October 6, 2024

Will Trump solve illegal immigration or make it worse for political gain?

Trump will not solve illegal immigration. Trump will make illegal immigration worse for endless political gain. 

Trump is a smart old man. Trump knows our American minds as Darth Vader knew Luke Skywalker's one. Trump knows that what humans want is to be happy. Trump knows that what most Americans want is to be "whappy" (white and happy). Trump knows that most Americans want to believe that complex problems have easy solutions. Trump knows that Americans would like to go "back" to an imaginary perfect past and live happily ever after in a warm and snowy whiteness wonderland.  

P Diddy is going to jail. Trump is going to the White House. 

Break. Break. Quick break to insert our prediction that music producer Sean Combs is going to jail, maybe for life, on federal human trafficking, racketeering, and obstruction of justice charges. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is headed back to the White House for a second presidential term. Is that fair?

Well, if everything that is alleged about Sean ("Puff Daddy", P. Diddy) Combs is true, it is certainly fair that the man goes to jail. Combs is accused of sexually exploiting women, including minors, for decades. Allegedly, Combs found different ways to coerce women to participate in forced orgies. Apparently, Combs was as sick as Trump sexually, but was many times more "successful" in carrying out crazy sex stunts. Combs is in big trouble. Combs is also black and not the Republican candidate for president. Comsbs will most likely die in prison. Since there are so many high ranking celebrities involved. it will not be surprising that Combs is found dead after an apparent suicide. 

Trump, on the other hand, is going back to the White House. Trump is a convicted felon awaiting sentencing in New York. Donald Trump was convicted of falsifying documents to hide a payment made to buy the silence of a porn star that allegedly had consentual, extramarital sex with Trump. Trump's is an immoral felon, but is almost a saint when compared to Combs in the sexual trafficking realm. 

For sure, Trump may cost more lives and do more harm than Combs. Now, to incarcerate Trump would require convictions on other federal charges pending against him. Chances are that none of those charges will get Trump in jail because the American electoral college will most likely send Trump back to the White House. Once Trump becomes President again, he will order the Department of Justice to dismiss all federal charges against him. Isn't that sweet? In any event, even assuming that Trump loses the elections and is eventually convicted of federal charges, chances are that he is quickly pardoned by the next Republican president in the White House. Trump will never go to jail. Trump is an old white man. 

Why will Trump be re-elected? 

Racism. If we need to put in one word all the reasons why Trump will most likely be re-elected, we choose: racism. The political issue is the epidemic fear of non-white immigration, which is a manifestation of racism. 

The angst regarding non-white immigration is the cornerstone political issue in the United States (and also in Europe). Our so-called white race is the dominant "race" in the world yet it is a minority in the world. Only 15% of the world population is "white". 85% of the world population is non-white. 

While our white world proclaims to be democratic, we mostly mean whiteocratic. Think for a second about a hypothetical world government and every world citizen having an equal vote. In such a world, most Americans and Europeans would be completely opposed to democracy because the non-American and non-European voters would greatly exceed us in numbers. To some extent the same applies within our national borders. 

It's very simple. It's racial and cultural tribalism. Humans do what they emotionally deem more convenient for them.  The open border economy of Democrats works super well from an economic standpoint. The emotional impact is different. 

The economy is booming and the country is growing. Immigrants do the jobs that Americans either don't want to do or don't know how to do. Immigrants do these jobs better and at lower costs. Young immigrants even join our military, which most Americans don't even think about anymore. However, there is one "problem". Most immigrants are non-white and do not have an Anglo-saxon cultural background. Emotionally, that makes most Americans very uncomfortable.

Is there a way of stopping Trump? 

American voters in seven battleground states are the only ones who can stop Trump. Democrats thought that by indicting Trump in federal court, they would stop him by in criminal court or hurt him politically in the court of public opinion. The plan didn't work. 

The question now is whether voters in the key battleground states will stand against Trump or fall for his trap. About 43 and the District of Columbia are essentially decided already. It is up the voters in North Carolina, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan to decide what is more convenient for them.

Will Trump solve illegal immigration or make it worse for political gain?

Trump will not solve immigration. Trump will make illegal immigration worse for political gain. Immigration is the sacred cow of the brand of racism marketed by Trump and the MAGA world. Trump will keep milking illegal immigration until the day he dies. 

  • In 2016, Trump began milking the immigration cow by promising to build a wall on our southern border and have Mexico pay for it. Democrats laughed about the nonsensical proposal. Trump was ridiculed in the news. However, the message went viral on social media. Trump grabbed all attention and won the election. 
  • In 2020, Trump lost the elections because Americans were more afraid of COVID19 than about Hispanic workers. Americans found more convenient voting for Biden to have big government address the COVID crisis. The plan worked. The pandemic was WWIII and we won again. 
  • In 2024, now that COVID19 is no longer an issue, Trump can scare people again with immigrants that are eating our pets. When Trump said during the debate that immigrants are eating our cats and dogs, Democrats laughed. Just like the border wall to be paid by Mexico, the statement sounded nonsensical at the beginning. It then went viral on the news and social media putting Trump once again at the center of all attention. 

How will Trump make immigration worse?

First, remember Trump's Touch. Everything that Trump touches turns to shit, fraud, or both. A war against illegal immigration would be a failure similar to the war against drugs. If the focus is on the supply side rather than the demand side, the efforts against illegal immigration will worsen the problem. As long as there is demand for the low cost services of immigrants, there will be an increasing supply of illegal immigrants. 

Trump's deportations will not solve anything and will result in a net increase of illegal immigrants.  So long as American employers--most of them conservative Republicans--keep hiring illegal immigrants, they will continue coming. Although not verified, it seems anecdotally that Democrats tend rely heavily on legal immigrants while Republicans tend to exploit illegal immigrants. This to some extent mimics the North vs South perspectives on slavery.

What do most Americans really want?

We're not bad people; we're people. Humans want to avoid pain and obtain pain relief. Most Americans simply want to be "whappy" (white and happy). Most American voters grew up in a whiteness bubble. Whiteness is the belief that everything of northwestern European descent is inherently superior to anything else in the world. Trump and MAGA promise to go back to an imaginary wonderland where Americans can live in whiteness whappily ever after. 

America, the whole new world, was founded on the basis of European white supremacy. Our ancestors killed the brown people that were here before them and brought black slaves to do the hardest work for them. They did it in the name of an imaginary God. Since it worked many believe that colonization and white supremacy is part of a divine plan of an imaginary guy in heaven. 

Sharing the land that our ancestors stole for us on the basis of white Christian nationalism is not something that most of us are willing to do. That's why Trump won 30 states in 2016 and that's why he will win again in less than a month. 

Why Trump will win again?

Trump will most likely win again because we have not changed much since 2016 and there is no COVID pandemic panic to make us vote for big government and open borders. The biggest collective fear in our country is not economic or rational; it is racial and irrational. 

We are still very much a racist country that believes in whiteness, especially when we count votes state by state using the electoral college system. The popular vote doesn't matter and the outcome of the election depends on each separate state. While the vast majority of Americans want the prosperity of immigration and diversity, they don't want to pay the racial "price" of becoming predominantly non-white. In addition, people want the immigrants, but not in their backyards. 

What can Democrats do?

There is not much that Democrats can do now. It is too late to change the perception that Democrats are big government with open borders. Perception is that Democrats run an "open border" economy. It is not true because we would be even more prosperous, with a significantly higher GDP and a stronger military if we were really running an open border economy. However, we would be less white. 

If you are not a voter in a key battleground state, there is not much that you can do about it with your vote. Your contribution would have to be creating awareness and providing funds for last minute Hail Mary campaigns in the battleground states. 

Why is voting for the Harris-Walz ticket is better than voting for Trump?

First reason: Trump's Touch. Everything that Trump touches turns to shit, fraud, or both. Second reason: A Harris presidency would lead to a more united and more prosperous Nation. That's our belief and why we create the campaign slogan, Harris-Walz, a better country for all. We believe that a second Trump administration will prove to be incredibly divisive and painful. Yet, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and what kills you relieves you. 

In the end, the voters in each state will choose whatever they feel serves their best interests. If that means four more years of Trump, so be it. We're all in this together. 50 states, 1 federal district, and 5 territories. The sky is not falling. Life will go on. 

Now you know it. 

Live well. Die better. Enjoy.


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