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Can Trump's Wall stop all these storms coming from Mexico?

October 7, 2024

Can Trump's wall stop the storms coming from Mexico?

The Gulf of Mexico keeps producing costly storms that are devastating our Southeast and beyond. Even Asheville, North Carolina was recently destroyed by a hurricane coming from the Gulf of Mexico. Someone has to do something about this. 

Can Trump help us? 

No. Trump cannot help because Trump believes that global warming is a hoax. Trump is a science denier. Just like Trump failed us during COVID19 and literally killed millions of Americans and caused massive inflation, Trump has failed and will continue to fail combating global warming. More and more storms will come. Thanks for nothing, President Trump. 

Will Trump win the elections?

No one knows because the future has not been created yet. Our prediction and bet is that Trump will win again. The election results in 2024 may be very similar to those in 2016 and for the same underlying reason: racism. The majority of voters in key battleground states, even if more the slimmest margin, are scared about the browning of our country. Every year our country is less white. That's why Trump, the King of Whiteness, is so incredibly popular. MAGA is an illusory movement to try to make our country white again. 

Why is Elon Musk is so involved in MAGA politics now? 

Who knows? Elon Musk is a white South African immigrant. Maybe Elon Musk is pro apartheid (racial segregation) and white supremacy. Only racists are MAGA supporters, and Elon Musk is a MAGA supporter. Another speculation is that Elon Musk may be concerned of being prosecuted by the Department of Justice for some federal crime and will want to argue political persecution. We don't know. Maybe Elon Musk is terrified of ending in jail like Sean P. Diddy Combs. We don't know. 

Why do we believe that the Harris-Walz ticket is better for all?

We believe that when compared to Trump, the Harris-Walz team is a better option. Harris-Walz, a better country for all. This is because Trump is a super divisive. Racists love Trump. Non-racists hate Trump. Trump is Civil War II material. 

While we do not share many of the views of Democrats, we think that Trump is a greater risk to our country all things considered. We think that Trump will make illegal immigration worse and that his discriminatory and racially motivated law enforcement will brew increase crime. We think that Trump's tariffs will be a super tax on the poor and the middle class that will increase inflation. We think that Putin will outsmart Trump, and that Putin's power will increase so that aggression can also increase once Trump is gone. We think that tensions in the Middle East will also brew more heavily under Trump for the commencement of WWIII once Trump is gone. That's just us. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Whatever America decides, America deserves. Rain or shine we'll find ways to smile and profit just fine.

Now you know it.

Live well. Die better. Enjoy.


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