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Wanna be successful? Never give up. Keep on selling like Trump

July 16, 2024

Wanna make money or be successful? Never give up. Keep on selling like Trump.

There are two main ways of making money legally: inheritance; and sales. Other than the random luck of being born in a wealthy family, all forms of making money entail selling for profit. Marrying for money may be counted as a separate category, but in reality it is a form of selling your time and company for profit. All legal ways of making money entail selling. You can sell your time, skills, products, services, etc. It's all about buying low and selling high. Buying, adding value, and letting others buy that added value product or service from you. Buy and let buy. Don't be shy.

Sell your problem-solving abilities like Trump.

If you are a problem solver, or if your products and services solve a problem, you will always be in demand. People have a practically infinite (PI) amount of problems. Problems are practically infinite (PI) in this PI expanding universe. The "Problem Paradox" is that the solution to a problem creates even more problems for exponential problem growth. 

Problems never end. 

Perfection only exist in human imagination, which is bigger than reality. Humans can imagine a perfect life without problems, but that will never materialize in the real world. Problems will continue popping up nonstop. Change is constant in this universe. Change keeps creating new problems all the time. The best approach is to learn to see problems as opportunities for personal growth and fun. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. What kills you, relieves you. 

Learn from Trump, the king of sales. 

Trump is a clever salesman. His main product has always been himself and his grandiose image. He began selling real estate, then business advice, then celebrity reality TV entertainment, then politics. No matter what happens, he keeps selling. He sold himself super well and beat Hillary Clinton in 2016, In 2020, he was defeated by Biden, but he resurrected before the third day. Trump kept selling.

After Biden defeated Trump in 2020, many thought that Trump's political career was over. They forgot that Trump is a salesman. Salesmen never quit. Accepting defeat and retiring had been the American political tradition up to that point. The loser would accept defeat. The party would move on. However, everything changes. Trump broke off from tradition. Trump refused to accept the results of the 2020 elections, and began to sell alternative facts and lies. Trump faced indictments and convictions, but kept selling.

Trump's success is due to his ability to never stop selling. Trump knows that problems are endless, and that humans are always buying convenient solutions. The business of politics is about instilling fear and motivating greed. Politicians have to sell themselves as the solutions to the problems that people fear and to the obstacles preventing people from fulfilling their greed. 

Trump rallies are sales events televised for free where Trump sells ideas about what are the problems and what are the solutions. The problems are liberals; the solution is voting for Trump. The more he sells, the more people buy from him. 

Millions of Americans are buying Trump's main product and service, which is himself as a genius problem solver. If elections were this week, Trump and his running mate, JD Vance would win by a landslide. JD Vance is another political salesman. From hillbilly to the Hill and eventually to the White House, the story of JD Vance can be marketed as an American Dream story. Anointed by Trump, JD Vance will be POTUS in the near future, beginning in 2028. 

JD Vance opposed Trump and was in the anti-Trump movement (ATM) until Trump bought him with the VP candidacy. Those who believe in the devil say that Trump is the devil who can buy any human at the right price. JD Vance is now a Trump supporter in line to inherit the White House when Trump is impeached in 2027 or when his second term ends in 2029.

When JD Vance was in the ATM wagon he said many bad things about Trump both privately and publicly, Now that Trump bought him at a good VP price, JD Vance says that he was wrong about Trump. JD Vance is now selling the Trump brand and even more people are buying it. The more you sell, the more people buy. When in doubt, keep selling.

Can Democrats outsell Trump and Vance?

Just like Trump sells his brand and persona, Democrats also sell. Democrats sell the notion that Trump is a dictator wannabe and a threat to our democracy that will keep dividing the country and breeding violence. Millions buy that. Many believe that any Democrat would be better than Trump.

Democrats would need to sell much more than that if they want to have any chance of defeating Trump in November. Democrats sell abortion rights, which Trump and Vance oppose. Democrats may need to offer more entitlements and also benefits to businesses. Democrats should promise deportations and low taxes, not only for individuals but also for businesses small and large. If Democrats want to win, they need to open that wallet and make promises.

The President is the underdog 

The only good news for Democrats is that Biden is now the underdog in the race. It is looking as impossible for Biden to defeat Trump again. Trump's re-election seems inevitable. Our American culture is obsessed with the underdog and the comeback. We are Hollywood culture. Democrats have to sell the story that old Biden is the only one who can stop the devil. To win in November, Democrats will need to outsell Trump and Vance. That is easier said than done. 

Politics is the battle of which side can sell more fear and greed. Whoever can scare voters the most and lure them more wins. This is especially true with undecided and independent voters in the key battleground states (e.g. Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania) that will decide the elections for everyone else due to the electoral college vote system. Whatever those voters buy from the parties and candidates will decide the November elections. 

Stay tune. We'll keep on selling opinions.


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