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Trump's assassination attempt, Biden's retirement, and Ivanka Trump for Vice President

July 14, 2024

Condolences to the relatives and friends of the innocent victims. 

Trump's assassination attempt of July 13, 2024, will make it even easier to force Biden into retirement. Will Biden also resign to make Kamala Harris the first woman President of the United States? Will Trump wake up and follow the advice to select Ivanka Trump as Vice President? It's too early to know. The future has not been created yet. 

Creatix prediction:

Congress will appoint a bipartisan, independent commission to investigate Trump's assassination attempt. The investigation will be addressing the following: 1) Did the gunman act alone or was Trump's assassination attempt part of a conspiracy? 2) Was the Secret Service and law enforcement in general negligent in preventing the political assassination attempt? 3) What can be done to prevent future political assassination attempts in our country?


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Politics is as entertaining and it is enlightening. Politics gives a view into the psychology of humans, the leading storytelling primates of this PI universe as we know it. 

Trump's botched assassination attempt is benefiting Trump politically and hurting Biden at the moment. By November it will be old news unless the parties and campaigns can milk Trump's assassination attempt to their advantage. At the moment, Trump is benefitting tremendously from having gracefully and courageously survived the assassination attempt. Trump's assassination attempt was the first one in the United States since 1981 when Ronald Reagan was shot.  Reagan became even more popular after surviving the attempt. Trump is getting 24/7 media attention, which is always beneficial for him. If the elections were this week, Trump would win by a landslide. 

Conspiracy Theories will Abound

Conspiracy theorists will mint money "explaining" Trump's assassination attempt. ("Trumpassatt). Most conspiracy theorists will blame the "deep state". Some will blame the anti-Trump movement (ATM), and some will blame the Biden administration. Some will find ways of connecting the assassination attempt to China, and even the Ukraine. Conspiracy theorists on the left will blame MAGA and Trump. 

Political gains for both sides.

Politically, each camp will find ways of blaming the other side. The anti-Trump movement (ATM) will blame Trump for being a dictator wannabe increasing violence in the country. Conservatives will blame liberals for radicalizing the ATM. No one who is firmly pro Trump or against Trump will change political views due to the Trump Ass Att. Instead, each side will find ways to strengthen their respective beliefs. Humans do whatever they deem more beneficial and convenient to them. Facts and issues are irrelevant. Convenience always prevails. Conservatives are conservatives because they think the conservative policies benefit them. Liberals are liberals because they think liberal policies benefit them. 

Blaming Trump

Trump is now officially a survivor of American gun violence. Trump keeps adding to his repertoire and resume credentials from rich boy, business man, reality TV celebrity, bankruptcy duke, debt lord, tweet king, social media politician, President, anti-immigrant, MAGA king, alleged rapist, alleged racist, election denier, alleged election fraud conspirator, fraudulent business owner, convicted felon, presumptive Republican nominee for president, and most likely next President of the United States. 

Trump opponents, which will keep increasing and multiplying over time, will blame Trump for breeding violence. Violence breeds violence. Trump will be portrayed as responsible for the political climate and legal environment that he has helped create. When you play with fire, you can get burned. Sometimes you can lose the tip of an ear and bleed a little.  Now, you can also generate enough attention to win a presidential election. Elections are popularity contests. Trump is very popular. Very.

Within those blaming Trump, some extreme conspiracy theorists will suggest that the Trump Ass Att was somehow fake and that Trump was acting to gather media attention. Theories may include multiple shooters, different targets, different bullets, and different Hollywood effects to chip off Trump's ear and bleed a little on stage. 

Blaming the Deep State

Conspiracy theorists will blame the "deep state" for Trump's Ass Att. These conspiracy theories will have a practically infinite (PI) range. Some will "explain" how the deep state orchestrated the whole assassination attempt and how they recruited, radicalized, trained, and equipped the gunman covertly online. Others will propose that even if the deep state did not actively plan Trump Ass Att, the deep state knew about the plan and did nothing to prevent it. Conspiracy theorists will mint money expanding on all these different theories online, in books, documentaries, and more. The more crazy incredible the story, the more it will stick on crazy minds. 

Blaming Biden

Biden's administration will be blamed for being incompetent and negligent in preventing the Trump Ass Att. This will initially sound like good news for the Trump campaign, but it could easily backfire. The many Democrats that want Biden to retire from the race may use Trump's Ass Att as yet another reason. why Biden must step down. Some will ask him to resign from the presidency, which will make Kamala Harris the first woman president of the United States. 

Votes Not Bullets

Democracy is not perfect, but it is better than all other alternatives such as civil wars, military coups, dictatorships, authoritarian regimes, etc. It is better to elect officials using casting votes rather than firing bullets. Let's "fight" for our democracy with words and votes. We don't want to incite violence to later become victims of it. 

Ivanka Trump for Vice President

If the majority of the electoral college voters want Trump to be president again, that's what should happen. There will be pros and cons like with everything else in life. There may be less taxes and less regulations for businesses. There may be less nonwhite immigrants. There may be less abortions and more babies, especially nonwhite babies. However, if there is economic growth and shortage of low paid workers (e.g. less Mexicans), there will be more inflation. If there is no economic growth, then there will be stagnation and many will think that Trump was a fraud.  

Trump may want to become a Putin style dictator. With all the new powers that the Supreme Court has granted on the President, it will be almost impossible to stop Trump judicially in court. There may be more assassination attempts powered by the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms. Many conservative view the 2nd Amendment as insurance against an oppressive dictator. Following the Votes. Not Guns approach, Democrats would have to get control of Congress (House and Senate) in 2026 to impeach Trump by 2027. That's why if Trump is smart, he should nominate Ivanka Trump as his vice president running mate. Even if Trump is successfully impeached and removed from office in 2027, Trump will still run the show with Ivanka Trump as President of the United States. 

Allegedly Senile Biden is the key

Biden is the only man that has won an election against Trump. It is unlikely that he can win another election against Trump. However, Biden can still defeat Trump, or at least improve the odds. All Biden needs to do is retire. 81 years is old enough for early retirement. 

What do you think?


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