July 12, 2024
Another week, another record high at Wall Street. Money doesn't grow on trees; it grows on greed! The U.S. economy is booming. It's raining money on Wall Street. The AI boom, Biden's senility, the anticipation of lower interest rates, and the anticipation of low taxes under a second Trump administration are creating the perfect economic environment in the country. Productivity is increasing, unemployment is low, and inflation is coming down fast. The best is yet to come. Always. Yet, winter will also come as well. There will be ups and downs. We are currently on the way up. You can tell what will come next in the cycle. Buckle up and enjoy the ride with all the ups, downs, and loops around.
We hope that you can finds ways of making lots of money before the party ends. Buy low, sell high. That is the universal rule for making money. Buy and let buy. Buy, add value, and let others buy. Repeat. There are unlimited ways to add value. You can create goods (products and services) for sale, or you can create information about goods that others have created. Create value. Offer it for sale. Make sure that the value obtained by buyers exceed the price they have to pay, and that the price they pay, exceeds your production costs. There will always be enough sufficient money around. Money is as unlimited and endless as opinions.
Money is an opinion
If shit was gold, the poor would poop roses. Money is a valuation technology (a tool and method to facilitate economic valuation). Money is human invention arising out of the need to satisfy debts and facilitate trade. Money facilitates the economic valuation of goods, payments, and savings (GPS). Goods are products and services. Payments account for the satisfaction of debts and obligations. Savings represent storage of value. Value is subjective and valuation is intersubjective.
Money derives from power.
Even in free market economies, the powerful set the parameters for economic valuation and trade. Financial or monetary wealth hinges on property rights. Governments set the parameters for ownership and trade of property rights via laws and policies. Making someone rich entails using grants, contracts, and loans or any other legal instruments to assign economic privileges and valuable property rights. Making someone poor entails limiting and constraining property rights (e.g. bans, taxes, fees, fines, permit denials, delays, etc.) Markets, in turn, make some rich and some poor by deciding what is valuable at any given point in time based on the idiosyncrasies, beliefs, and opinions of market participants. The most powerful market participants are banks and investment institutions, which are typically connected to politicians and high ranking government officials.
Money comes from pleasing people.
In general, to make money, all you have to do is a people pleaser. You have to please someone enough for that someone to agree to hand you their money or valuable property rights in exchange for whatever it is that you represent to them or are selling to them. The easiest way to make money is trading value for money. Humans assign value based on the relevant supply and demand of the goods (products and services) and their capacity to help humans obtain the one and only thing that all humans seek in life, which is pain relief (PR).
Life is all about pain relief (PR).
Humans, like all other animals on Earth, are controlled by the pain / pleasure mechanism of life. The evolution of pain is the most consequential of all in the dynamic history of the organic data processing phenomena called life. Life, as we know it, began when self-replicating organic molecules called nucleic acids became trapped in self-replicating fatty bubbles called cells. The cell, being an enclosed unit, can become an organic data processing unit. That is, cells can process external data (environmental input) into internal cellular output that can be further processed within the cell for all sorts of adaptive and replicative behavior (output). The nucleic acids in the cells serve as electromagnetic templates for the creation of the self-folding three dimensional building blocks of life called proteins. Cells grow and split exponentially, creating more and more building blocks of life (proteins), and forming the complex organs and systems that composed different organisms. Cellular network interactions between specialized sensory cells (e.g. neurons in advanced organisms) lead to the integrated projections or perceptions directing behavior. Pain is the master integrated projection or perception directing all human and animal behavior. Everything animals, including humans, do or don't do is predicated and dominated by the pleasant convenience of avoiding the major perceived pain and seeking pain relief (PR).
To be successful in life, become a source of PR for others.
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