June 8, 2024
Absolutely. Humans will continue developing artificial intelligence (AI) even if it is detrimental to humanity. Powerful nations will avoid the anticipated pain of losing the AI race and will continue pursuing the anticipated reward of winning the AI race. The stakes cannot be any higher. AI is the key to conquering the world. Those who stay behind in AI will be inevitably lead by those who get ahead in AI.
Below some notes about Creatix, our unique perspectives on the universe, life in general, and how humans can improve their performance in business life and in the business of life. Creatix is a creative advice matrix. The universe is a "creatix". Life is a part of the universe that facilitates and accelerates creativity. Data processing and problems are prerequisites for the development of intelligence. Pain is the source of organic intelligence. Success comes from becoming a source of pain relief for others.
Creatix is a creative advice matrix.
A matrix is a space or platform where things are created. To create is to transform. Advice is guidance for future action. Creatix transforms general information into creative guidance. Creatix aims to see the world differently to provide a fresh perspective on everything. Creatix can help someone (at least one human on Earth) to improve overall performance in business life and in the business of life. Creatix offers unique perspectives not found anywhere else online. Creatix theories and perspectives are meant to be artistic and inspiring. The hope is that at least one human being out there can benefit greatly form Creatix.
The universe is a creatix.
Creatix believes that improving human performance on Earth begins with developing a working theory of the universe as a creatix where the role of life is to further the creative process. Creatix proposes that the universe itself is a "creatix" (a creative matrix). A matrix is a space where things are created or developed. The universe is certainly a space where energy (i.e. the capacity to do work) is transformed into new forms or creations. Creatix proposes that life is the part of the universe that accelerates the creative process of the universe.
Everything is energy.
All creations in this universe are energy transformations (ETs). Energy (the capacity to do work) cannot be created nor destroyed, and can only be transformed. Energy fields generate wave-particles, which generate the interactions known as the four fundamental forces of nature: gravity, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, and electromagnetism. These forces combine subatomic wave-particles into atoms, elements, molecules, and compounds. The strong nuclear force binds together atomic nuclei. Electromagnetism creates atoms by binding negatively charged electrons to positively charged nuclei. Gravity creates stars and planets by wrapping up gases and cosmic debris into its gravitational swirl. Stars create different elements by fusing atomic nuclei. At least on one planet, Earth, the fundamental forces cooperated to create organic compounds that generate the data processing functions known as life.
Life is autonomous replication.
Life is autonomous data processing for self-programmable adaptive replication. Life began when self-replicating organic compounds (RNA and DNA) became trapped in the fatty bubbles called cells. DNA strands serve as electromagnetic templates for RNA to assemble amino acids into proteins (building blocks of the cells, tissues, and organs that make up living organisms).
Cells are organic data processors.
All life on Earth is organic cellular life. Cells are fatty bubbles with a permeable, non-soluble, membrane wall. Cells shelter the self-replicating organic compounds (RNA and DNA) that assemble amino acids into proteins (building blocks of tissues and organs). Cells metabolize organic matter into energy. Cells grow, split, and replicate exponentially. Cells process environmental stimuli as data input for internal reactions that produce output for a chain reaction of higher order data processing. A simple change in external environmental variables can lead to higher order projections or perceptions all the way up to what we call sensations.
Pain is the instigator of organic intelligence.
The most sensational sensation of all is the integrated projection (IP) or interpreted perception (IP) known as pain. Pain is not real, but feels real within cells and cellular networks of living organisms. Pain serves as an alarm to motivate action and choice within cells and organisms. To be or not to be. To be in pain or not to be in pain. There are two prerequisites to developing intelligence: data processing; and problem recognition. Without data processing, there is no problem recognition. Without the identification of a situation as a problem (i.e. inconvenient situation or puzzling question), there is no development of problem solving ability. Pain becomes the master problem that living organisms seek to resolve. All living organisms are trapped by sensory higher order projections or perceptions of pain. All living organisms spend their lives seeking one and only one thing in and out of life: pain relief (PR). In seeking pain relief (PR), advanced living organisms develop the problem-solving ability known as intelligence.
Intelligence is problem-solving ability.
Intelligence is the ability to acquire knowledge and develop skills to solve problems, and the wisdom for optimal agency and decision-making. Knowledge is awareness of events, understanding of causality of those events, and mastering in predicting those events. Knowledge is acquired from learning, which occurs mainly from making connections after experience, experimentation, or education. Skills are applied knowledge developed by practice. Wisdom is optimal agency for decision-making and pain selection, including the decision to leave some problems partly unresolved.
All pain is physical.
Pain is the main problem of living organisms. For advanced organisms like humans, pain includes both the standard physiological pain and the "mental" or psychological pain. Both types of pain are 100% physical processes generated by nanoscale physical reactions in the brain. All pain is physical and can be stopped by physical mechanisms (e.g. anesthesia). However, historically physical pain and psychological pain have been conceptualized as different as if one was more real than the other. In any event, both types of pain (physiological and psychological) are physical reactions that humans can learn to control and manage effectively for personal growth and performance improvement.
Pain breeds technological progress.
Pain is the source of all intelligence and most technologies (tools and methods) developed so far on Earth, including AI. Societies with the least amount of problems invariably fall behind. Societies and humans who tackle problems as opportunities (e.g. for economic, scientific, and military development), invariably flourish. Pain is the main driver of progress. Humans keep thinking and studying seeking the pleasant neurotransmitters released during the learning process while also motivated by obtaining anticipated rewards and avoiding anticipating pain. Humans continue advancing technologies, including feeding the AI "arms race", to reap pain-relief rewards of winning (e.g. success, money, power, etc.) and to avoid the pain of losing. Pain will continue fueling technological progress.
How can you obtain pain relief (PR) and sell it to others?
To succeed in life, ask not how others can ease your pain, but ask how you can ease the pain of others. Remember that all humans, all your customers, all your relatives, friends, acquaintances, etc. live in pain, especially the psychological pain of modern day life. Organic life on Earth evolved to become a painful experience. Living organisms capable of processing stimuli as projections or perceptions of a negative state to be avoided and relieved turned out to be more fit for survival. By now, all advanced living organisms on Earth live trapped by pain. Humans, as primates, are especially sensitive to social angst and psychological pain. A key to your success is learning how to master pain relief (PR) so that you may become a provider of pain-relief (PR) for others. All successful businesses and enterprises on Earth are successful because they provide valuable pain relief (PR) to their customers. Whatever humans buy, they buy to obtain pain relief (PR). Think about. Where else online can you find creative information like this? Nowhere. Stay tuned to Creatix.
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