May 12, 2024
Will AI life thrive on land, water, or space? All of the above. Chances are that in the distant future, artificial life will coexist with organic life on Earth. There's plenty of room on Earth for many forms of life. Organic life is the only one known so far, but it doesn't have to be the only form of life in the future. Renewable energy resources are practically infinite. Energy transformations will lead to artificial forms of life sooner or later. Artificial life or AI life will not be constrained to the limitations of blind natural selection and evolutionary biology. AI life will be the product of smart design and revolutionary technology. AI life will thrive on land, in water, and in space.
Artificial life (AI) is computerized human-like intelligence. The development of AI is a milestone in electronic computing and digital information technology. Other milestones include the first computers, personal computers, the internet, smartphones, cloud servers, and internet of things (IOT). AI bots, AI robots, life of things (LOTs), will lead to AI life.
Below let's take a quick look at the habitat for future AI life, and what will be the most likely source of renewable energy for all this future life. In closing, we explore a few concepts about what it life to begin with.
A blue planet with plenty of salt water, some land, and access to practically infinite outer space.
There's plenty of land, water, and space for future AI life on and around Earth. Approximately 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by water, while the remaining 29% is land. This distribution of water and land gives rise to the familiar image of the Earth as a "blue planet" when viewed from outer space.
The oceans contain about 97% of the planet's water (352 quintillion gallons of water) and cover 71% of the Earth's surface. The average depth of the ocean is 12,100 feet. The deepest point is over 35,000 feet below surface at the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench, about 200 miles southwest of Guam. Let's meet the oceans, which may be inhabited by AI life 300 years from now.
Pacific Ocean:
- Size: Approximately 60,060,700 square miles (155,557,000 square kilometers)
- Percentage of Global Water Area: Approximately 46.6%
Atlantic Ocean:
- Size: Approximately 41,100,000 square miles (106,460,000 square kilometers)
- Percentage of Global Water Area: Approximately 23.5%
Indian Ocean:
- Size: Approximately 27,240,000 square miles (70,560,000 square kilometers)
- Percentage of Global Water Area: Approximately 19.5%
Southern Ocean:
- Size: Approximately 7,848,300 square miles (20,327,000 square kilometers)
- Percentage of Global Water Area: Approximately 7.8%
Arctic Ocean:
- Size: Approximately 5,427,000 square miles (14,060,000 square kilometers)
- Percentage of Global Water Area: Approximately 3.5%
Mediterranean Sea:
- Size: Approximately 969,100 square miles (2,512,000 square kilometers)
- Percentage of Global Water Area: Approximately 0.78%
Caribbean Sea:
- Size: Approximately 1,063,000 square miles (2,754,000 square kilometers)
- Percentage of Global Water Area: Approximately 0.86%
South China Sea:
- Size: Approximately 1,423,000 square miles (3,685,000 square kilometers)
- Percentage of Global Water Area: Approximately 1.15%
Bering Sea:
- Size: Approximately 884,900 square miles (2,291,000 square kilometers)
- Percentage of Global Water Area: Approximately 0.72%
Gulf of Mexico:
- Size: Approximately 615,000 square miles (1,590,000 square kilometers)
- Percentage of Global Water Area: Approximately 0.50%
Five Continents of Land
29% of Earth is land, divided in five continents.
- Land Area: Approximately 17,139,445 square miles (44,391,162 square kilometers)
- Percentage of Global Land Mass: Approximately 30%
- Land Area: Approximately 11,730,000 square miles (30,370,000 square kilometers)
- Percentage of Global Land Mass: Approximately 20%
North America:
- Land Area: Approximately 9,361,791 square miles (24,247,039 square kilometers)
- Percentage of Global Land Mass: Approximately 16%
South America:
- Land Area: Approximately 6,888,642 square miles (17,814,000 square kilometers)
- Percentage of Global Land Mass: Approximately 12%
- Land Area: Approximately 5,400,000 square miles (14,000,000 square kilometers)
- Percentage of Global Land Mass: Approximately 9%
- Land Area: Approximately 3,930,000 square miles (10,180,000 square kilometers)
- Percentage of Global Land Mass: Approximately 7%
Australia (Oceania):
- Land Area: Approximately 2,967,124 square miles (7,692,024 square kilometers)
- Percentage of Global Land Mass: Approximately 5%
Ten largest countries in the world by land area in 2024.
The land mass on Earth is currently divided geopolitically in 195 countries recognized by international law. Below are the 10 largest countries by land mass.
- Land Area: 6,601,668 square miles (17,098,242 square kilometers)
- Percentage of World Land Mass: Approximately 12%
- Land Area: 3,855,103 square miles (9,984,670 square kilometers)
- Percentage of World Land Mass: Approximately 7%
- Land Area: 3,705,407 square miles (9,596,961 square kilometers)
- Percentage of World Land Mass: Approximately 6%
United States:
- Land Area: 3,531,905 square miles (9,147,420 square kilometers)
- Percentage of World Land Mass: Approximately 6%
- Land Area: 3,287,956 square miles (8,515,767 square kilometers)
- Percentage of World Land Mass: Approximately 6%
- Land Area: 2,941,300 square miles (7,617,930 square kilometers)
- Percentage of World Land Mass: Approximately 5%
- Land Area: 1,269,219 square miles (3,287,263 square kilometers)
- Percentage of World Land Mass: Approximately 2%
- Land Area: 1,073,518 square miles (2,780,400 square kilometers)
- Percentage of World Land Mass: Approximately 2%
- Land Area: 1,052,090 square miles (2,724,900 square kilometers)
- Percentage of World Land Mass: Approximately 2%
- Land Area: 919,595 square miles (2,381,741 square kilometers)
- Percentage of World Land Mass: Approximately 2%
In the future, there may be a different list of countries based on the outcome of future wars, conflicts, and agreements.
The universe is a creative matrix, or creatix. Life is also a creatix. Homo sapiens are clever creators. Humans created AI, which can lead to further creations, including new forms of life. Ultimately, there may be a new form of superior intelligent life on Earth that we call AI Sapiens. Now, before AI Sapiens, it is not inconceivable that other forms of AI life be developed on Earth. For example, AI fish?
AI Fish and Ships?
Could it be that in the future, AI fish and ships control the high seas? No one knows. The future has not been created yet. The universe is a creative matrix, a creatix. The universe is a practically infinite platform where the past and present merge under the laws of physics to create the future.
Earth is also a creative matrix, a creatix, that generated organic life, which not surprisingly, is also a type of creatix. Since 70% of Earth is covered by salt water, it is not inconceivable that AI life can find ways to thrive in water. If history repeats itself, AI life could even originate in water and move to land as most animal life did millions of years ago.
All animals on Earth share a common ancestor that lived in the water as a simple aquatic organism that lived on Earth over 600 million years ago. From this ancestor, various evolutionary branches diverged, leading to the evolution of different animal groups, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
Fish were among the earliest vertebrates (animals with backbones) to evolve. Fish are considered basal vertebrates, meaning they occupy a primitive position in the vertebrate evolutionary tree. Over millions of years, some fish-like ancestors of vertebrates gradually adapted to life on land, leading to the evolution of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
Key evolutionary transitions that occurred as vertebrates moved from water to land include:
- Limbs: Fish-like ancestors of tetrapods (four-limbed animals) developed limbs with joints, allowing them to support their bodies and move on land.
- Lungs: Terrestrial vertebrates evolved lungs or modified gills to breathe air instead of relying solely on oxygen dissolved in water.
- Reproduction: Tetrapods developed adaptations for reproduction on land, such as internal fertilization, amniotic eggs (in reptiles and birds), or live birth (in mammals).
- Sensors: Terrestrial vertebrates evolved specialized air or land-based sensory organs, such as ears for detecting airborne sounds and their eyes adapted to vision in air rather than water.
Once humans and AI develop AI life (living computers), they will gradually multiply and inhabit all corners of Earth and nearby space. There will be AI "fish" and AI "ships" in the water just like there will be all sorts of AI life on land and in space. This is what we call the "life of things" (LOTs) stage, a proliferation of life on and from Earth.
What is life anyways?
Life, as an intelligence-producing process, is not tied to organic chemistry. It just so happens that life on Earth began and evolved organically. Future life on Earth doesn't have to be organic and can be either a hybrid of organic and artificial life, or even 100% artificial.
Organic life is an excessively complex phenomenon characterized by the presence of certain key characteristics or properties. While there is no universally agreed-upon definition of life, scientists generally recognize several key features that distinguish living organisms from the nonliving. These key characteristics include what we call "CAGE": cellular adaptation growth evolution (CAGE)
- Cellular: All organic life on Earth is composed of one or more cells. These are the houses or "prison cells" if you will safeguarding the nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) that kickstart the processes of organic life. RNA and DNA serve as electromagnetic templates for the assembly of amino acids into proteins (3-D building blocks like "Lego" pieces). Protein clusters create cells; cell clusters form tissue; tissue forms organs; organs form the systems that perform and coordinate the processes (e.g. energy metabolism, homeostasis, etc) keeping organisms alive.
- Adaptation: Living organisms respond to stimuli from their external environment or internal conditions. These responses are behavioral adaptations such as movement or changes in activity that have a result (positive or negative) in terms of survival. Those with negative results are never heard of. Those with positive results move forward as the species growth and evolves over time.
- Growth: Energy consumption and metabolism cause growth of the organic compounds of life. RNA and DNA compounds also replicate within the cells. When the cells grow and replicate (split in two), copies of RNA and DNA survive in the new cells. The process leads to exponential growth of RNA and DNA carrying cells that continue the protein production process of life as it evolves over time. Organisms also evolved ways of reproduction by themselves or by mating with complimentary partners of the same species.
- Evolution: Living organisms evolve over time through DNA changes caused by mutation. When RNA makes copies of DNA within the cells, the new copies may be different than the original. The DNA changes may be due to random copying errors or to environmentally-induced changes Either way, this means that new cells will carry different DNA templates, which will result in the assembly of different proteins. If the new DNA increases living functionality, it has a chance of surviving and moving forward through natural selection. Conversely, if the new DNA decreases functionality, it may perish with the organism and the species may even go extinct. Evolution is random change or environmentally induced change. Natural selection blindly moves forward whatever works and extinguishes whatever doesn't.
While these characteristics are commonly associated with living organisms, it's important to note that some entities, such as viruses, exhibit some but not all of these characteristics and are considered to be on the boundary between living and non-living matter.
It is not impossible to program CAGE and CAGE-like functions in computers. AI life is currently science fiction. Human history shows that what humans can imagine, they can create. The universe is a practically infinite creatix where everything is possible provided that it does not violate the universal laws of physics. AI life will not break any laws of physics. AI life is entirely doable and feasible. It is just a matter of applied intelligence and work over time.
Don't miss out. Stay tuned.
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