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Will AI help humans achieve immortality? Yes, unfortunately

April 12, 2024

Yes, artificial intelligence will ultimately help humans achieve immortality. Don't worry too much about it for now. You will not get to see it. 

In other news, AI, inflation, and regional conflicts keep dominating the financial headlines. The AI boom propels valuations up. Inflation and regional conflicts bring them down. Today, inflation and conflict concerns won, bringing down down the S&P 500 by 1.5%, the NASDAQ by 1.6%, and the Russell 2000 index by 1.9%. It was quite a bloodbath journey for day traders and money managers. Not a problem in the long run. 

Inflation remains a concern in the United States. Armed conflicts in the Middle East remain a global geopolitical concern as the United States believes that Iran may attack Israel soon. AI remains a promising and booming platform of future economic growth and expansion. 

Rest assure that in the end everything will be just fine. Sooner or later you will be dead. Death is the ultimate rest. While alive, do your best and forget about the rest. 

As a mere mortal human, keep in mind that you will not be alive for long. Humans are currently trapped by the constraints of organic chemistry and evolutionary biology. AI carries the inherent promise of expanding human longevity. Eventually, humanity should be able to defeat organic or natural death. There will only be artificial death. 

Humans die for one reason and one reason only: lethal brain injury (LBI); or lethally impairing brain injury damaging oxygen supply (LIBIDOS). 

Every cause of death imaginable triggers death when it ends up asphyxiating or otherwise killing the brain. Whether it is a disease causing organ failure, an infection causing immune response shock, a trauma causing hemorrhagic shock (blood loss), or any other precursor of death, the actual death occurs when the billions of cells that make up brain functions die off due to lack of oxygen or any other cause. 

Future technologies should be able to liberate humans from their organic or natural shells. This may be accomplished by either physically removing the brain for implantation into an artificial body product of smart design rather than random organic evolution, or by digitizing (or quantizing) a digital (or quantum) computerized replica of the human brain. These technologies will take centuries to develop.

No human that is alive today will get to witness or bear immortality. All humans who are alive today will most surely die before humanity beats mortality. That may be a blessing. Eternal life may turn out to be eternally painful, eternally boring, or both. Future pro-life advocates may force you to stay alive by banning all forms of artificial death. Although your animal instincts and cultural illusions may make you think that staying alive forever is a good thing, reality may prove otherwise. Who knows. That is all in the distant future.

For now, best advice is to do your best and forget about the rest. Stay tuned to developments in AI technology. AI is the new internet and we are in the 1990s. The next 30 years will bring exceptional advancements making human life easier and more enjoyable. Every human will be able to afford personal assistants making life more organized and productive. There are many aspects of the AI personal assistance business model. Will be covering in future articles. Stay tuned.


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