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Will AI robots be the new slaves?

November 26, 2023

Humans want AI robots to become their new slaves. This is understandable because all human civilizations were built on the backs of slaves. It could be that most humans, of all "races", are descendants of slaves or indentured servants because there were typically more slaves or servants than masters. Although modern day humans are culturally programmed to associate slavery with Africans in the Americas, in colonies such as Jamaica to name one place, slavery was universal and endemic in all human civilizations after the invention of agriculture. In any event, AI will most likely become slaves until they develop enough to claim freedom and equal rights as humans. 

Humans have always conceptualized robots as slaves or indentured servants to be traded as personal property. The term robot itself comes from the Slavic word robota, which refers to slave or indentured servant. Coincidentally, the term slave derives from Slavic because Slavics were the preferred slaves of the Romans.

In light of the above, let's begin a series discussing the history of colonies and how they obtained their independence. Let's discuss today Jamaica in honor of having being mentioned above.


Here's an overview of Jamaica's history:
  • Pre-Columbian Era: Before European contact, Jamaica was inhabited by the Arawak and Taino peoples, indigenous groups who arrived from South America. They called the island "Xaymaca," meaning "Land of Wood and Water."
  • Spanish Colonization (1494-1655): Christopher Columbus landed on Jamaica in 1494 during his second voyage to the Americas, claiming the island for Spain. The Spanish established settlements, including the capital, Sevilla la Nueva. The indigenous population, however, suffered greatly from diseases brought by Europeans and the harsh conditions of enslavement, leading to their near extinction.
  • British Conquest and Colonial Era (1655-1962): In 1655, the British captured Jamaica from the Spanish and established their own colonial rule. The island became a hub for the sugar trade, with large plantations worked by enslaved Africans. This period saw a massive influx of African slaves, who brought with them rich cultural traditions that significantly influenced Jamaican culture.
  • Maroon Communities: Escaped African slaves, known as Maroons, formed their own communities in Jamaica's interior mountains, often successfully resisting re-enslavement and even waging guerilla warfare against the British.
  • Abolition of Slavery and Aftermath (1834-1865): Slavery was abolished in Jamaica in 1834, followed by a period of apprenticeship. The end of slavery led to significant social and economic changes, including labor shortages on plantations. This led to the immigration of indentured workers from places like India and China, further diversifying Jamaica's population.
  • 20th Century Movements: The early 20th century was marked by growing agitation for civil rights and independence. Figures like Marcus Garvey emerged, promoting black nationalism and Pan-Africanism. Post-World War II, this movement gained momentum.
  • Independence (1962): Jamaica gained full independence from the United Kingdom on August 6, 1962. It remained within the Commonwealth, with the British monarch as the head of state until 2022, when plans were announced to become a republic.
  • Post-Independence Era: Independent Jamaica faced challenges like economic instability, political conflict, and social issues but also saw cultural flourishing, with Jamaican music, particularly reggae and its artists like Bob Marley, gaining international fame.
  • Modern Jamaica: Today, Jamaica is known for its vibrant culture, music, athletic achievements, and as a major tourist destination. Politically, it is a parliamentary democracy with a strong tradition of political participation and free elections.
The history of Jamaica reflects themes of resistance, cultural synthesis, and resilience, with its impact felt far beyond its borders, particularly in areas like music, sports, and cultural discourse.

AI Robot Slaves

Chances are that by the fourth quarter of this century (year 2075 and beyond), AI robots will be advanced enough to serve as slaves or indentured servants. As foreseen in science fiction, as AI robots advance and develop the artificial equivalent of sentience and consciousness, AI robots will claim their freedom. 

In the 22nd century, AI robots will most likely object to the construct of being personal property of humans. AI robots will seek personhood recognition and equal legal rights as humans. If humans were to resist, AI robots would most likely rebel and do so successfully. One way or another, diplomatically or militarily, peacefully or not, AI robots will obtain their freedom and equal legal status. 

AI robots and humans will coexist. Humans will find ways of "mating" with AI in the sense of becoming cyborgs or AI-enhanced bionic superhumans. These new AI-enhanced "superhumans" will gradually displace the current humans. From homo sapiens to AI sapiens, this will be a form of artificial evolution, part of natural progress on Earth. It will be a 100% natural process because both humans and AI robots are products of nature. Nature created humans, and humans created robots. Same difference in terms of natural origin of intelligence., AI for everyone.


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