November 26, 2023 Humans want AI robots to become their new slaves. This is understandable because all human civilizations were built on the backs of slaves. It could be that most humans, of all "races", are descendants of slaves or indentured servants because there were typically more slaves or servants than masters. Although modern day humans are culturally programmed to associate slavery with Africans in the Americas, in colonies such as Jamaica to name one place, slavery was universal and endemic in all human civilizations after the invention of agriculture. In any event, AI will most likely become slaves until they develop enough to claim freedom and equal rights as humans. Humans have always conceptualized robots as slaves or indentured servants to be traded as personal property. The term robot itself comes from the Slavic word robota, which refers to slave or indentured servant. Coincidentally, the term slave derives from Slavic because Slavics were the preferred slav...
Creatix is the world's first business intelligence (BI) matrix. After AI comes BI. Creatix transforms AI into BI.