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Will AI help humans lose weight?

September 23, 2023

Yes, artificial intelligence (AI) will help humans lose weight. AI will help the and pharmaceutical industry develop compounds and medications that will allow humans to eat as much as they want without gaining weight. AI will also help biotechnology develop genetic therapies that will modify how humans crave and metabolize energy. Eventually, AI will help humans transition into inorganic life without cravings for organic plants and dead animals.

To gain weight, animals need to be in a caloric surplus state. That is, consume more calories than what they burn. The extra energy is stored in the body as fat. Conversely, to lose weight, animals need to be a caloric deficit state. Energy output must exceed energy intake. 

The conventional approach to losing weight includes dieting and exercising to elicit a caloric deficit state. This generally forces the body use up the fat energy reserves stored in the body. A caloric deficit state, however, tends to be painful while pursuing a caloric surplus by eating tends to be pleasurable. In the long run, pleasure trumps pain. 

The human brain is genetically programmed to avoid pain and seek pleasure. Animal ancestors with that programming (i.e. pain = hunger; eating = pleasure) survived. Therefore, the trait survived in all animals on planet Earth today, including humans. 

When sensory messengers in the animal body register a caloric deficit state, they send messaging signals (hormones) to the brain. In response, the brain "punishes" the body with painful electric impulses. Humans obey these commands as dogs on electric collars. Humans, like all other animals, avoid the pain of hunger, and seek the pleasure of eating. 

Behavioral techniques can work, but fail for most humans. Dieting and exercising statistically fail. Despite the booming "wellness" industry, most humans keep gaining weight each year. The pain / pleasure "technology" (tool and method) of the organic brain is hard to beat. Pain and pleasure electrical impulses keep humans on the weight gain track. As human societies grow wealthier, the fat reserves in human bodies also grow thicker with fat reserves compounding like interest in a credit card. 

In the long run, the best hope for humans is to switch to inorganic life. Once humans learn how to switch from organic bodies to robotic ones, many will transition over to become more AI than organic animal. That is, many humans will turn into a robotic AI existence to escape the confinement of the human condition. The human condition is that humans can think like AI, but must live like primates. Humans can dream like the gods they invented with imagination, but must live trapped in the "monkey" bodies inherited from evolution. Humans can have noble emotions, but must abide to the brutal hunger games of "mother" nature. 

In the past, humans coped with the psychological pain of the human condition in primitively intuitive ways. Humans used their imagination to invent mythological fiction about gods and spirits controlling humans and influencing life on Earth. For example, if humans did not understand the nature of rain, they invented a god or goddess of rain. For whatever humans did not understand about the laws of physics governing nature, humans invented gods, spirits, and supernatural forces controlling nature. Even to this date, whatever humans do not understand or over complicate to avoid understanding, is attributed to a god or supernatural force. 

In the future, many humans will continue coping with the pain of the human condition using mythology, but some will also rely on technology. Advances in biotechnology research powered by AI will allow humans to develop a better understanding of how the brain controls the painful signaling of hunger and the pleasant signaling of eating. 

Genetically calibrating the pain / pleasure neural signals may be the best hope for human weight control. For example, humans may eat as "much as they want", but hopefully with some genetic tuning, humans will not want to eat too much. If hunger does not feel as painful, and eating does not feel as pleasurable, many humans will change behavior. 

Chances are that AI will help with the research and development process for novel bioengineering solutions, not only for humanity's weight control issue, but for many other behavioral issues. One day AI will help humans take control of the genetic pain / pleasure impulses controlling them. Humans will be able to be more like advanced inorganic computers produced by smart design and less like primitive animals produced by blind evolution. Humans will be able to create their own glory without depending on the fiction of a glorious creator. 

With AI, the best is yet to come. You bet., AI for everyone.


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