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Better AI robot than human?

September 19, 2023

Absolutely, there will be a time when humans will prefer to be artificially intelligent robots.

AI Robots don't need to kill to survive.

Humans are animals and as such need to consume organic matter to survive. This means that humans need to kill plants or animals to stay alive. That is part of the horrible hunger games played by "mother" nature. Some life form needs to suffer so that another one can get ahead.  

Humans do kill many plants and many animals to survive. Some humans are distressed by that reality of natural life. Some are unaffected. Others rationalize it to feel empowered as a "superior" form of life dictating who lives and who dies on planet Earth. 

Regardless, AI robots (AIRs) may be developed and evolve to rely on solar power and battery storage without having to consume organic matter to stay alive. AIRs may survive without having to kill others.  

AIRs don't poop.

Since humans are animals that need to metabolize (digest) organic matter into energy to survive, humans need to discharge the metabolic wastes produced by the digestive process. AIRs would not have that disgusting problem. AIRs can be much cleaner and neat than animals. 

AIRs would be a new form of life outside of the organic animal kingdom. AIRs would not be subject to the wasteful laws of organic nature.   

AIRs don't need mythology

The humans roaming planet Earth today descend from previous generations of humans who descended from previous generations, so on and so forth. Before humans there were hominids. You can track the evolutionary trail of humans down to apes all the way to rat-like mammals that coexisted with dinosaurs. Genetically, humans are more closely related to rats than to dogs, which are their best friends in the animal kingdom. 

Previous human generations were significantly more clueless than current ones, which are still super clueless. Previous generations were plagued not only with physical diseases that humanity has already eradicated, but were also plagued with the worst ailment of all, which is ignorance.   

Ignorant humans created mythological stories about gods, spirits, and supernatural forces controlling and influencing humans. These stories proved to be so pleasant and convenient that they are still popular to this day. They are pleasant because they can sooth the human mind by taming the fear of the unknown. 

By inventing stories about gods and spirits, humans found a "hack" to cope with the pain of ignorance.  Regardless of how much a human can learn and know, there will always remain a practically infinite multiverse of things to learn. Ignorance will always be part of the human condition. As such, there will always be plenty of fertile ground for mythological beliefs to grow like weeds in the human mind. 

AIRs can live forever

Both humans and AIRs can live forever under the proper sustainment and maintenance program. Once humans decipher ways to repair and replicate the genetic code inside the nuclei of their cells, humans can live forever. 

Death is not fate. Death happens because humans don't know yet how to prevent it. Just like humans have figured out how to eradicate countless of diseases and conditions that used to kill millions, humans will gradually figure out how to prevent and cure all diseases, including the worst of all, which is aging. 

Regarding death by trauma (e.g. deadly energy collisions such as a falling down, getting electrocuted, getting crushed in a car accident, getting burned to ash, strokes, etc), once humans figure out how to upload / download replacement genetic code and human memories for reconstitution or "resuscitation", deadly trauma will also be solved. It will be as easy as replacing a lost cell phone is today by downloading all the settings and files from a database server into a replacement unit. 

AIRs can also be engineered to be repaired and replaced ad infinitum. Unlike humans who are animal produced by blind evolution, AIRs would be in fact products of smart engineering design. AIR immortality will be significantly easier to achieve and sustain than human immortality. 

Immortality will prove to be the biggest curse in the future history of humanity. Humans today believe that death is the biggest problem and shortfall they have. Evolution and natural selection statistically over select animals that are terrified by death and always play it safe. See a cockroach staying the dark and avoiding shadows. Cowardly traits lead to survival, and thus survive in offspring.

Once humans figure out immortality, many will wish that life could be as simple as in the "good old days" of death. Human immortality will bring more problems none of which will be solved by death. Today, the most evil person still has an average life span of less than 80 years old worldwide. The most regressive humans are recycled away by death. Immortality will take that away. 

Anyways, humans will adapt and overcome. AIRs will adapt and overcome., AI for everyone


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