July 9, 2023
Humans fear pain. It is said that we fear the unknown. In reality, we fear unknown sources of pain. So-called "whites" and "nonwhites" are humans. Humans fear the potential pain that artificial intelligence (AI) may bring to their lives.
Due to cultural (i.e. social programming) reasons, so-called "whites" and "nonwhites" fear AI for different reasons. The reasons can be tied or correlated to notions of racism, "racial" relations, and the allocation of socioeconomic privileges. "Whites" fear the psychological pain of seeing AI become a "superior" race that could discriminate against whites. "Nonwhites" fear the pain of seeing AI perpetuate discrimination against them as an "inferior" race.
All humans are people of color.
Before proceeding, a quick note about human skin color. All human skin has color. All humans are "people of color". The colors of human skin range from brown to black and beige. Human skin is never white. Wearing white socks or white clothing on "white" skin shows that even the palest human skin is beige and never white.
Human skin color (black, brown, or beige) is primarily determined by a natural pigment called melanin, which is produced by skin cells (melanocytes) as a form of natural "sunscreen". Melanin evolved in different color tones depending on the ancestral exposure level to UV radiation. Darker melanin tones correlate to the proximity of ancestral populations to the equator line where ultraviolet (UV) radiation is relatively high. Lighter melanin evolved in regions far from the equator line (e.g. Northern Europe and Northern Asia) where the UV index is relatively low, and where humans had to cover the skins with animal furs to withstand the ambient cold.
More than a "racial" concept, the term "white" is a cultural label affixed to humans of Northwestern European ancestry, and mostly of Anglo Saxon cultural descent. Referring to people as "white" is quickly becoming a pejorative in modern society because the "white" label is increasingly being associated with negative connotations of historical racism, unfair privilege, and the backlash of "white trash".
AI fears vary by culture, and "racial" programming
Racism is a socioeconomic and geopolitical power system that allocates socioeconomic privileges based on the ill social construct of race. Racism proved convenient to violent tribes and countries wanting to colonize others in the name of "god" and country. Modern society has imposed a high price on racism, and the practice is dissipating.
Cultural perspective about "race" impact the views and fears related to AI.
Nonwhites fear that AI may perpetuate racism and discrimination against them. A prevalent fear among nonwhites regarding AI is that the technology may perpetuate the patterns of "white" discrimination against them. Nonwhites also fear that AI may displace them from jobs, and leave them socioeconomically worse off.
"Whites" fear that AI may become the "superior race" and get to discriminate against them as primitive ancestors discriminated against nonwhites. "Whites" fear that AI may displace them from the top of the global social hierarchy, which they inherited from colonialism and racism in the name of an imaginary god.
Conjectures and generalizations are not a substitute for scientific research and critical thinking
What do you think about the conjectures and generalizations discussed above? How would you research and study the subject of fear of AI in the context of racial relations? Let us know.
Creatix.one, AI for everyone.
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