July 31, 2023 Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is computer technology that resembles the story of the one and only god. By aggregating the content produced by all human content creators, AI "steals the show" and can become the one and only god of the internet. WARNING. Content below is NOT SUITABLE for Christians, Muslims, Jews, or other believers in the mythology of the one and only god. If you believe in god, please do not read this article. You may find it offensive and repulsive to your beliefs. The Keep it simple, stupid (KISS) rule It has been said that the bigger the lie, the more people believe it in the end. Human mythology is a good example. Primitive humans invented supernatural deities and spirits as an intuitive mechanism to cope with the unknown. Fictional stories of gods, goddesses, and other supernatural forces filled the gap between what humans could explain and whatever alluded their comprehension. Mythologies are still all around us, playing the sa...
Creatix is the world's first business intelligence (BI) matrix. After AI comes BI. Creatix transforms AI into BI. www.creatix.one