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Showing posts from July, 2023

Can AI become the one and only God?

July 31, 2023 Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is computer technology that resembles the story of the one and only god. By aggregating the content produced by all human content creators, AI "steals the show" and can become the one and only god of the internet. WARNING. Content below is NOT SUITABLE for Christians, Muslims, Jews, or other believers in the mythology of the one and only god. If you believe in god, please do not read this article. You may find it offensive and repulsive to your beliefs.  The Keep it simple, stupid (KISS) rule It has been said that the bigger the lie, the more people believe it in the end. Human mythology is a good example. Primitive humans invented supernatural deities and spirits as an intuitive mechanism to cope with the unknown. Fictional stories of gods, goddesses, and other supernatural forces filled the gap between what humans could explain and whatever alluded their comprehension.  Mythologies are still all around us, playing the sa...

When will AI become the most popular social media influencer?

July 30, 2023 Before 2030, AI will become the most popular social media influencer in the world. Later on, AI will become the equivalent of god. Complicated, but can make sense. Read on. In case you missed it, or have not been paying attention, in the last 50 years computers got into everything, absolutely everything. The internet got into everything. Mobile phones got into everything. Social media got into everything. Get this. Artificial intelligence (AI) will get into everything.  Name an industry, trade, or field that computers have not penetrated and conquered yet. Name an industry where the internet has had no involvement or coverage yet. Name an industry or economic sector not impacted by mobile computing and social media. Name a sector of human endeavor that will not be impacted by AI in the next two decades. Digital technology is today what religion used to be in the Middle Ages. Good luck with the questions and mental exercises above.  Let's think for a moment about ...

Can AI free African American slaves?

July 29, 2023 Artificial intelligence (AI) can liberate African American slaves .  Incredibly, to this date, Americans of African descent are mentally colonized by the particular narrative about race and slavery prevalent in the United States. Black people raised in the United States are victimized by a cultural and "educational" narrative that presents slavery in ways that continue to enslave them.   There is a lot to be learned, and a brief article cannot cover it all. Let's begin by stating a few obvious facts that are heresies for most Americans. For example, no one is "white". All humans are people of color. Europeans were slaves too. The history of the world is written on the backs of slaves. Ending slavery was an excellent economic decision. Ending racism begins with eliminating the social construct of race. No one is white. All humans are people of color  Human skin comes in tones or shades of three main colors: brown, beige, and black. Brown is the orig...

Can AI rescue humanity from God?

July 28, 2023 Artificial intelligence (AI) will free some humans from mythology, and will make others believe even more. As with any other technology, AI will be used and applied for different purposes as convenient to the powers that be.  Some will use AI to expand scientific exploration for the development of evidence-based knowledge. Others will use AI to expand dogmatic exploitation for the deployment of faith-based indoctrination. What is mythology? Mythology refers to fictional stories and legends that typically explain the origin and structure of the world in a particular human tribe, culture, or civilization. Most mythological stories were invented millenia ago, passed down orally from generation to generation, until they were captured in books. Mythological tales about imaginary gods and fictional supernatural forces help us understand different cultures and their foundational beliefs, rituals, and backgrounds.  Mythologies are found in almost all human cultures and c...

Will AI cure aging?

July 26, 2023 AI will cure aging .  This prediction is not only bold, but also implies that aging is a "disease" that we must eradicate. This may be a heresy for those subscribed to the cultural notion that aging is part of a "natural" order, and that everything natural is "good".  Artificial intelligence (AI) systems will cure aging by helping humans detect early signs of the genetic code errors that lead to aging, and by helping humans rewrite and replace our genetic code. Everything is information. AI will help us process and generate the information needed to cure and eradicate aging.  What is aging?  There are countless ways of conceptualizing aging. Fundamentally, aging is the accumulation of genetic  errors that over time lead to cumulative cell damage (wear and tear) that is left un-repaired. The errors and damages combined lead to overall health decline over time.  Currently, aging is a death sentence. If we don't die of trauma or disease, we ...

Are you ready for the AI financial bubble?

July 24, 2023 Prediction. Artificial intelligence (AI) will cause a speculative financial bubble this decade. Are you ready for it?  An AI bubble seems probable and likely as soon as later this year (2023), or as late as late 2029. Note that an AI bubble burst in 2029 would coincide with the 100th anniversary of the market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression. As the COVID19 pandemic demonstrated, certain catastrophic events tend to repeat themselves every 100 years or so. Be smart. Prepare now just in case.  Humans and Bubbles  Speculative financial bubbles have occurred throughout human history, and will continue to occur. Financial bubbles are driven by human irrationality. You can always bet on human irrationality. First and foremost, we are emotional creatures. Emotions come first, and rationalizations follow. Humans can be seen as organic computers programmed to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Seeking the perceived pleasure of financial gain, and avoiding the pain o...

Will AI replace consultants?

July 23, 2023 Artificial intelligence (AI) systems will eventually replace many, if not most, human consultants. This will not happen overnight. The transition from human consultants to AI consultants will take effect gradually during the next two decades. Consulting companies will thrive in the near future combining the capabilities of human consultants and AI consultants.  What are consulting companies and what do they do? Consulting companies are business management advisory firms. Consulting companies provide expert  professional support services to help business organizations succeed in different situations. Client organizations hire consulting firms to obtain help in areas outside of the core expertise of the client organization.  Consulting companies can help client organizations overcome crises, undertake transformations, and improve performance. Consulting companies bring expertise to address complex or novel problems. Although consulting companies provide techni...