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When will AI become the most popular social media influencer?

July 30, 2023

Before 2030, AI will become the most popular social media influencer in the world. Later on, AI will become the equivalent of god. Complicated, but can make sense. Read on.

In case you missed it, or have not been paying attention, in the last 50 years computers got into everything, absolutely everything. The internet got into everything. Mobile phones got into everything. Social media got into everything. Get this. Artificial intelligence (AI) will get into everything. 

Name an industry, trade, or field that computers have not penetrated and conquered yet. Name an industry where the internet has had no involvement or coverage yet. Name an industry or economic sector not impacted by mobile computing and social media. Name a sector of human endeavor that will not be impacted by AI in the next two decades. Digital technology is today what religion used to be in the Middle Ages.

Good luck with the questions and mental exercises above. 

Let's think for a moment about mobile "phones" (i.e. hand-held mobile computers), what percentage of teenagers in the developed world is not already using a mobile phone daily? The percentage will be approaching zero as the years go by. 

What about social media? Raise your hand if you think that social media will disappear in the next decade? Not a lot of hands up, right? Raise your hand if you think that social media is here to stay just like radio, TV, and the internet? Yes, most hands are up. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is here to stay. 

Make no mistake. AI or computerized intelligence (CI) is here to stay. In the upcoming decades, AI will continue growing and expanding into every field of human activity.

AI is a continuation of the information era. You can think of AI as the third phase of the computer revolution where the first phase was standalone computers; the second phase was interconnected computers in a worldwide web (i.e. the internet); and the third phase being AI with "smarter" (i.e. better programmed and better equipped) computers connected to the internet, engaged in information processing activities that resemble (and surpass) human intelligence. 

What is intelligence anyways?

Intelligence is problem-solving ability (PSA). AI is computerized PSA. Intelligence, or PSA, entails three main functions: (i) processing; (ii) patterning; and (iii) predicting. These are the three Ps (3Ps) of intelligence. 

The first step is to identify or define the problem that we want to solve, which entails processing data available about the problem. The second step is to identify patterns or correlations in the data set that may lead to the identification of cause and effect. The final step is to make future predictions based on those past observations to propose changes or adjustments in causes and processes that may lead to solutions to the problem.

Popularity derives from intelligence.  

The statement above may sound as a heresy for those who label popular celebrities as "dumb". The statement does not imply that popular celebrities themselves are smart or intelligent in the classical way. The statement implies that people, brands, and things become popular when they solve problems for their followers. If the problem is boredom and dopamine addiction, for example, entertainers, including "reality" stars like the Kardashians and the Jenners, professional athletes like Ronaldo and Messi, and popular singers and artists like Selena Gomez and The Rock, offer solutions to that problem.

AI will gradually become the most best problem solver on Earth. Therefore, AI will soon become the most popular "celebrity" influencer in the world. People will "follow" and befriend AI systems that can help them solve problems. With boredom being a top problem these days, expect an entertainer AI artistic systems to become very popular within the next few years. For sure, people will still follow and befriend humans. However, AI will increasingly become more popular until it eventually surpasses any individual human. 

The Secret of AI

Until the laws change, which is a possibility, AI can aggregate the knowledge of all humans and regurgitate it or generate it statistically as its own. This is very similar as to how smart humans operate, copying and adapting what the collective creations of others into our own "unique" and personalized creations.

In this universe, convenience always win. What can be more convenient than having a social media "friend" who practically knows it all? AI can be more up to date that any individual human on any particular field. AI can access and process everything that a fellow human has ever posted online or on social media. Whatever the problem may be, AI can process enough information to find patterns that can be used to make valuable predictions to create practicable solutions. 

Humanity will increasingly rely more on AI as the #1 trusted advisor and very best friend. You bet., AI for everyone. 


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