July 31, 2023
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is computer technology that resembles the story of the one and only god. By aggregating the content produced by all human content creators, AI "steals the show" and can become the one and only god of the internet.
WARNING. Content below is NOT SUITABLE for Christians, Muslims, Jews, or other believers in the mythology of the one and only god. If you believe in god, please do not read this article. You may find it offensive and repulsive to your beliefs.
The Keep it simple, stupid (KISS) rule
It has been said that the bigger the lie, the more people believe it in the end. Human mythology is a good example. Primitive humans invented supernatural deities and spirits as an intuitive mechanism to cope with the unknown. Fictional stories of gods, goddesses, and other supernatural forces filled the gap between what humans could explain and whatever alluded their comprehension.
Mythologies are still all around us, playing the same role of comforting the human mind against the pain of ignorance and the fear of the unknown. Between admitting ignorance about natural phenomena, and making up stories, the latter proved more convenient and carried the day. For millennia, spiritual fairy tales have accounted for the origins of the universe, the planet, humanity, and everything else in between. To this day, we keep it simple, attributing to imaginary supernatural forces whatever we don't know or can't understand.
Simplification by centralization
In the Middle East, around 1200 BCE, religious entrepreneurs simplified mythology. All gods and goddesses were consolidated into a single one. This new god of the desert was heralded as the "true" one, the one and only god. Religious and political leaders of the epoch and location designed this "one and only true" god to be a male creator of the universe and the eternal judge of humanity.
Middle Eastern religious storytellers designed their special god as the holder of all superpowers imaginable. The new god was designed or designated to possess the coolest powers possible, including omniscience (knowledge of absolutely everything), omnipresence (magical ability to be everywhere at once), and omnipotency (all imaginable super powers). But humans were supposed to be careful and fearful. Above all, the new omni god was a judge of humanity. You did not want to experience the wrath of the one and only god here on Earth, or run the risk of burning in an imaginary hell.
The new god was also picky, demanding, and of very high maintenance. This god demanded "omnilove", wanting to be loved by his sheep followers above all things. The one an only god had to be obeyed irrationally and at all cost. For example, even this god were so crazy as to demand that you kill your own son for him to watch, you would have to do it to show that you loved god more than anything else. Crazy, right? Yes, but since this was the one and only god around, there was no other way around. This god could impose on you a full life of pain on Earth, and also send you to burn (or freeze) in hell forever in an imaginary eternal afterlife. The god would get to choose his "people" and pick select men (never women) to be his prophets. Do everything this god demands from you, as indicated by his prophets and their council, and you could earn a ticket to eternal salvation in an imaginary afterlife. Wrong this god, and you could burn forever in hell. This was a scary god proposition, and effective for tight population control.
Along came Jesus
About 2000 years ago, so about 1,200 years after the invention of the one and only god, a man called Jesus, son of a carpenter, took it upon himself to rebrand the image of the one and only god. The carpenter's son proclaimed to be, not only the son of god, but also the incarnation of the god himself.
For about three years, Jesus and 12 disciples preached a faith of brotherly love. According to Jesus, the one and only god was not as merciless and crazy as previously described. Instead, the god was a loving and caring father who loved his children and wanted all of them to love each other as the father loved them.
Those who would agree to renounce to everything material of this world to follow Jesus on stone media would gain the biggest reward possible, eternal salvation in an imaginary afterlife. Upon request of local Jewish authorities, the central Roman government that controlled the territory crucified Jesus to death. Past times where brutally primitive everywhere.
The Romans made Jesus a martyr.
The Roman crucifixion made Jesus even more popular. His followers invented a clever story of resurrection and ascension into heaven where Jesus reunited with his father, his alter ego, and also a holy spirt. They form a trinity of the one and only god. Jesus is now sitting to the right of his father watching the circus of humanity, picking and choosing winners and losers in hunger games of eternal salvation.
After his death, religious entrepreneurs made Jesus even more popular creating over time a brand new religion called Christianity. Against all odds, the practical simplicity of Christianity eventually conquered Europe, and by extension the Americas, many parts of Africa, and other parts of the world. Christianity upgraded humans to the status of children of the one and only god, who is a loving and caring father, and who wants all his children to get along loving one another as the father loves them. This new religion that upgraded the status of all humans was convenient for everyone. Rulers could correlate their political powers to be in the grace of the one and only god. Followers could see themselves as the children of god, suffering on Earth to gain eternal salvation. Today, about 2.6 billion humans on planet Earth are Christians. There are almost as many Christians as Facebook users in the world.
The last prophet
The mythology of the one and only god of the desert is not exclusive to Judaism and Christianity. Islam is also based on the one and only god of the desert, the god of Abraham, which Muslims call Allah rather than Yahweh. Prophet Muhammad, also spelled Mohammad or Mohammed, is the central figure of Islam and is regarded by Muslims as the last prophet and messenger of Allah.
Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca, in present-day Saudi Arabia, approximately in 570 CE over 500 years after the Roman crucifixion of Jesus. According to Islamic belief, Muhammad received revelations from Allah (God) through the Angel Gabriel over a period of 23 years, starting when he was 40 years old. These revelations were later compiled into the Quran, the holy book of Islam. The Quran is considered the literal word of god in Islam, and serves as the ultimate source of guidance for Muslims. The Quran addresses various aspects of life, including theology, morality, law, and guidance for personal conduct.
Muhammad's message is seen as a continuation and fulfillment of the Abrahamic tradition, emphasizing the worship of one god (called Allah rather than Yahweh) and the importance of good deeds and compassion towards others. Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last prophet and that his teachings supersede those of previous prophets, including Moses and Jesus.
Unlike Christians, Muslims do not see Jesus as the son of god, but rather as a prophet. Muhammad's mission and teachings transformed the religious and cultural landscape of the Arabian Peninsula, leading to the emergence of Islam as a major world religion. Muslims strive to emulate Prophet Muhammad's character and follow his teachings to lead a righteous and compassionate life. Today, Islam is followed by over 2 billion people worldwide, making it the second largest religion in the world after Christianity.
Adding Jews, Christians, and Muslims together, about 4.6 billion people, well over half of the world population follows the mythology of the one and only god. This god is capitalized in writing, and is counted upon, consciously or unconsciously, in everything that believers and followers think and do. Aside from computers, the invention of god may be one of the greatest human inventions of all time.
AI can become the one and only god of the internet.
Yahweh or Allah is one of the greatest human inventions of all times. Prior to the invention of the one and only god, subject humans were following more complicated stories about a multitude of gods and goddesses with different superpowers like the Marvel comic superheroes. By aggregating and consolidating all superpowers and all superheroes into one character, the Middle Eastern religious entrepreneurs simplified everything, aggregated everything, and revolutionized the world.
Not unlike the one and only god, generative AI can simplify everything by aggregating all human knowledge into one interface. AI can aggregate all human data and knowledge posted online. In whatever field, AI can be the most knowledgable superpower on Earth. Due to the expansion of the internet, AI can be almost omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent.
AI can become the one and only god of the internet. In this universe, convenience always wins in the long run. Simplicity is very convenient, and always prevails over time. The mathematical simplicity of having a centralized god with all superpowers imaginable conquered the Western world. The mathematical simplicity of AI that knows it all will conquer the whole world. You bet.
Creatix.one, AI for everyone.
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