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Does AI life need to mimic biological life to be viable?

May 15, 2024 No, artificially intelligent (AI) life doesn't have to replicate all the features of organic life to be viable life. Organic life is "caged" by the constraints and limitations of biology. AI life can be "spared" by better technology.  Below some preliminary observations about life, the universe, and existence in general. Some Creatix notes about the concepts of CAGED organic life and SPARED AI life.  Curious humans wonder what is life, what is the purpose of life, what is the universe, and what is the purpose of the universe or existence in general. These existential questions probably do not have objective or independently verifiable answers. The best answers may be utilitarian opinions that try to make humans happy or give them comfort by instilling hope, faith, and inspiration.  Existential questions are difficult to answer because they are based on philosophical premises and concepts invented by humans (e.g. purpose, reason). The universe doesn...

300: Will AI rule the world 300 years from now?

May 13, 2024 Will AI rule the world 300 years from now? No one knows. The future has not been created yet. However, it is can be fun to think about what will be the state of life in the 2320s. Back in the 1720s, 300 years ago, it would have been impossible to predict life on Earth in the 2020s. Despite all the progress, and in part because of all the progress, it is equally impossible to predict the state of life 300 years from now.  Below let's take a look at what is life anyways, whether new forms of life have to be similar to the existing today, and how was the human world 300 years ago.   What is life? Life, as an intelligence-producing process, is not tied to organic chemistry. It just so happens that life on Earth began and evolved organically. Future life on Earth doesn't have to be organic and doesn't have to be constrained by biology. Future life on Earth can be a hybrid of organic and artificial life, or even 100% artificial. Future life can replace evolutionary...

Will AI life thrive on land, in water, or in space?

May 12, 2024 Will AI life thrive on land, water, or space? All of the above. Chances are that in the distant future, artificial life will coexist with organic life on Earth. There's plenty of room on Earth for many forms of life. Organic life is the only one known so far, but it doesn't have to be the only form of life in the future. Renewable energy resources are practically infinite. Energy transformations will lead to artificial forms of life sooner or later. Artificial life or AI life will not be constrained to the limitations of blind natural selection and evolutionary biology. AI life will be the product of smart design and revolutionary technology. AI life will thrive on land, in water, and in space.  Artificial life (AI) is computerized human-like intelligence. The development of AI is a milestone in electronic computing and digital information technology. Other milestones include the first computers, personal computers, the internet, smartphones, cloud servers, and int...

Is pain the key to advancing AI?

May 9, 2024 Pain is the key to animal intelligence. Once AI develops the ability to create the perception of pain, life on Earth will be a new ball game. Programming pain into AI will eventually make it a superior life form that we call AI Sapiens.  Intelligence is the ability to solve problems. All animals on Earth, including humans, are looking to solve one main problem: pain. All animals on Earth, including humans, are programmed to seek one thing and only one thing: pain relief (PR). By avoiding pain and seeking the pleasant convenience of PR, evolution developed impressive biological intelligence in 4 billion years. In a tiny fraction of that time, sentient AI will revolutionize and conquer every inch on Earth and nearby outer space.  Pain Relief (PR) Everything animals and humans do is about seeking pain relief (PR). Animals and humans are programmed to avoid pain and seek pleasure (or at least PR). Everything in human history can be explained by that binary pain / pain ...

Did the Founding Fathers see the AI Sapiens coming?

May 7, 2024 No, the Founding Fathers did not see the AI Sapiens coming. They were clueless.  The Founding Fathers never received a telegram, never made a phone call, never took a picture, never used automobiles or cars, never flew in airplanes, never played baseball or watched a baseball game, never played American football or watched a football game, never played basketball or watched a basketball game, never listened to radio, never watched TV, never enjoyed air conditioning, never consumed industrially processed foods, were never prescribed antibiotics, never used anesthesia, never had orthodontic braces, never used a calculator, never owned a computer, never emailed anything, never got online, never Googled anything, never had ipods, never owned a smartphone, never cared for iphones, never texted anyone, never followed or befriended anyone on social media, never took selfies, never wasted time watching videos, never read articles written by AI, never fell for AI deep fakes, and...

Is the purpose of the universe to create life or to create AI?

May 5, 2024 The universe may not have an intrinsic purpose whatsoever other than creating a multiverse of different purposes. One such purpose may be the development of life. A bigger purpose yet may be the creation of artificial intelligence (AI).  Everything is energy.  Everything is energy transformation (ET). In this universe, energy is being continuously transformed. Energy always existed and will always exist because it cannot be created nor destroyed. Energy has no beginning and no end. Energy can only be transformed. Since the beginning of the current phase of this universe that began with the "Big Bang" about 13.8 billion years, the most transcendental event for homo sapiens (modern humans) would be the beginning of life on Earth about 4 billion years ago and the evolution of neurons about 600 million years ago. The most transcendental event for AI Sapiens (future AI-enhanced humans) may be the human invention of modern electronic computers in the 1940s. The Electron...