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Can AI predict the stock market?

August 16, 2023 Neither artificial intelligence (AI) programs nor humans can predict with 100% accuracy the day-to-day swings or the cyclical fluctuations in the stock market. Some predictions will be correct, some will fail. There are too many variables involved, including unpredictable events and all the ensuing emotions of market participants.  Sometimes a little information is all we need to make smart decisions in life. Just knowing that there will be swings and fluctuations in the stock market is sufficient information to implement a time-proven  investment plan of action. The method referred to as "dollar cost averaging" has worked well in the past, and will most likely continue working well in the future.  Instead of trying to time the market, waiting for the perfect opportunity to buy super low and sell super high, just buy consistently over time. Buy high-quality, low-few, exchange traded funds (ETFs) holding a baskets of quality stocks. Buy steadily over time i...

Can AI predict the future?

August 15, 2023 While neither artificial intelligence (AI) systems nor humans can predict the future with 100% certainty, working together AI and humans can make highly accurate predictions. As we continue making progress in computational capacity, with the ability of accounting for multiple variables and running realistic simulations, predicting the future is becoming an inevitable part of, well, the future.  Think about how much more accurate are weather predictions these days versus the days of the past. In similar fashion, many things that are considered unpredictable today will become generally predictable in the future.  There are practically infinite predictions to make about the future. Today, let's make an easy prediction for the next 20 year. Here it is, computers (and AI) will continue penetrating every single aspect of human life. If you are looking into a field to study and practice in the next two decades, think about computer science. The field will continue gro...

Will AI improve business specialization and investing diversification?

August 14, 2023 Artificial intelligence (AI) will be involved in all major business and investing operations around the world from now on until the end of times. The goal of a business enterprise or an investment company is to make money. AI will help businesses and investment companies make money. For businesses to make money, they must sell products or services for profit. The value obtained by customers should be higher than the price paid per unit; and the price per unit must be higher than the unit production cost. Businesses can maximize profit by using specialization.  For investors to make money, they must acquire property rights that appreciate in value over time. The value that returns or comes out from an investment must be higher than the acquisition price or value that went into the investment. Investors can maximize returns on investment by using diversification.   Overall, making money requires balancing specialization and diversification. Conglomerates are...

Will AI become a new religion?

August 13, 2023  Artificial intelligence (AI) will not become a new religion. However, AI will become a quasi religious leader and influencer for millions of humans. AI is already performing some of the social functions that were traditionally reserved in the past for religious leaders and gurus.  Religion  is neither "good" nor "bad" per se. Those are opinions or labels that humans generally apply out of convenience rather than truth. Critical thinking may the best tool to contextualize the role of religion in modern society. AI will help us develop a better understanding of religion and its role in modern societies.   What is religion? Religion is an artificial technology for social control. That is, religion is a tool and method invented by humans to control their respective human groups or societies. Religion encompasses a mix of internal beliefs and external rituals. Religion, where it exists, is part of the social programming (i.e. culture) of the human mi...

Can AI save us from the perils of our hearts?

August 12, 2023 Artificial intelligence (AI) can save us from the perils of our hearts. If you are looking for an article about romance, and how to avoid falling in love with the wrong person, this is not the article to read. Here we will briefly discuss generative ideas about cardiovascular diseases, heart failure, and how AI can help us develop artificial hearts that can free us from the shackles of nature and evolution.  Our biological hearts are failing us. The heart is simply a pump. Nothing more; nothing less. However, that little pump in our chest is not a product of smart design, advanced mechanical engineering, and manufacturing. Instead, our biological hearts are products of random evolution and blind non-artificial selection.   Our biological hearts are limiting our lifespan on Earth. If you are content with the idea of having a heart that lasts about 80 years in average, good for you. There is no need to read any further. You can go back to Tik Tok. However, i...

Can AI solve more problems than god?

August 10, 2023 Artificial intelligence (AI) will solve many problems, and will create many more. AI will accelerate economic growth and create unprecedented opportunities for entrepreneurs, investors, and other wealth creators. AI will help us realize that everything artificial is 100% natural, and that artificial solutions can be better than non-artificial alternatives. Finally, AI will invite us to reflect on the nature of mythology, the mythological defense of nature, and the evolutionary shackles of pain / pleasure programming. AI will help us improve life on Earth and beyond. Intelligence and the problem solving paradox  Intelligence is the ability to solve problems. Intelligence is what allows systems to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to solve problems. Intelligence is not magic. Intelligence depends on three main processes: (i) processing; (ii) patterning; and (iii) predicting. Processing data leads to identifying cause and effect patterns, which can be used to ...