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I believed in Trump, bought DJT shares before the elections, and have lost 33% so far.

January 22, 2025

As of January 22, 2025, Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) (ticker DJT) presents a precarious investment profile. Despite a market capitalization nearing $9 billion, 53% belonging to the President of the United States himself, the company is a losing proposition. DJT is reporting minimal revenue on extremely anemic sales. DJT is currently unprofitable and is bleeding money in a spiral of increasing expenses and operational costs. In the third quarter, TMTG posted a net loss of $19.2 million on $1 million in sales. Let that sink in for a moment. DJT is spending $19 for every $1 of sales. It's impossible to make a profit that way.  

DJT's stock's performance has been highly volatile because it is essentially a meme stock, trading on the overall sentiment in favor or against Trump and the speculation of whether he could use some insider information to game the system and turn DJT into a money maker front. 

So far, the market is not favoring DJT. Following Trump's inauguration, which we thought was a pleasant reminder of the virtue of a peaceful transition of power, DJT shares experienced a 15% decline. That is despite a prior 235% increase since September 2024 prior to the election. Unfortunately, it was during that bubblelicious rise that we opted to speculate buying DJT, but it didn't work for us. Almost immediately after we bought some shares, the music stopped in the game of musical chairs. We are stuck holding a losing DJT stock.

DJT is a meme stock. Trump's significant ownership concentration (53%) raises the questions, risks, and  opportunities for the ultimate meme stock. The MAGA world seems very happy with the MAGA king. We don't know how many MAGA folks invest in the stock market as retail investors. Hopefully many do, or many get to do it, and get to buy DJT. At this point, we are just hoping that the stock gets a bounce at some point and can rebound a little. We are thinking that we will sell at a loss to stop the bleeding and keep up moving. 

Nothing looks good for DJT. Anemic sales, ongoing losses, political uncertainties, accounting problems, and ugly trues for the social media operator. Truth Social, which is the main revenue source of the company, is crap and getting worse daily. Reputable companies think twice before advertising on the controversial and politicized platform. Who can blame them?

DJTs' CEO, David Nunez, says that the company is looking into pivoting on other revenue streams such as video streaming. The chances of DJT making it big in that overcrowded and highly competitive segment are slim to none. 

Nunez and DJT have also looked into crypto ventures as a potential alternative revenue source. That could play out better for DJT due to the obscure and scammy nature of the crypto industry. It may be easier for DJT to fabricate some story line about a secret path to profitability thanks to crypto. We doubt it and very much regret the speculative bet we made on the President's company. 

We think that the Trump Media and Technology company is crap and that the DJT stock is worthless. We would not be surprised at all if we end up losing close to 100% of our money on DJT. Let's imagine that Trump dies of a massive heart attack later this year as "predicted" by modern medicine. The value of the DJT stock, which is completely speculative and meme on Trump will disappear overnight with Trump's last heartbeat. 

However, we wish health to our President. Hopefully the man outlives the odds of a fast food junkie and overworked, overstressed, old man. We can't imagine a job more stressful than being president of the United States. We can't see Trump surviving more than two years of his second term. We think that his heart will give up without any warning signs. He will most likely die while sleeping, which will bring so many conspiracy theories that could trigger a Second Civil War. Hopefully we are dead wrong about all this. 

We are the first to admit that we have been wrong many times before, especially about many things related to President Trump. Hopefully we are wrong about the value of the DJT stock. Hopefully the MAGA world is fed reasons to pump up the meme stock to the moon. Hopefully DJT becomes the next Game Stop meme stock and can get selfishly make our bank account great again. Hopefully Trump can fulfill his dream of becoming the best president in American history without having to win a civil war. MAGA is taking the country back. We're just looking to make our DJT money back. We'll see what happens. The future has not been created yet. That's the fun part of this universe.

Now you know it.


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