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Why is Barack Obama happy to hear that Trump may win the elections?

Why is Barack Obama happy to hear that Trump may win the elections?

Michelle 2028. To be sure, Barack Obama doesn't like Trump and doesn't want him to win again. However, if Trump wins, Michelle Obama may have a chance of becoming the first woman President of the United States (POTUS). If Kamala Harris wins, she will become the first woman POTUS, and it the chances of Michelle Obama ever running for president, or being elected, would be slim to none. A Trump victory would be in the Obama's best interests. 

Who will win the elections?

No one knows because the future has not been created yet. Our prediction as of today, October 16, 2024, remains that Trump will win. Moreover, we think that Trump will defeat Harris by an even larger margin than by the one he beat Hillary Clinton. In 2016, Trump was a racist experiment of the far right. In 2024, Trump is a proven racist of the whole country. 

Our sense is that the majority of American voters in the key battleground states want to "clean" the house (ethnic cleansing) and get rid of immigrants that Trump vilifies so much. The economy is doing super well, and Americans think they can afford the cleaning. 

What will happen if Trump wins?

No one knows because the future has not been created yet. Our prediction is that Trump's second presidency would divide the country. Our bias is based on what we call Trump's Touch. Everything that Trump touches turns to shit, fraud, or both. A second Trump presidency may lead to Democrats gaining control of both chambers of Congress to finally impeach Trump for good in 2027. 

If that prediction comes true, JD Vance would become POTUS. Michelle Obama could run against Vance in 2028. Vance would most likely win by a solid margin. JD Vance may be an excellent POTUS and "reign" for two terms through 2036.

Now you know it.

Live well. Die better. Enjoy.


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