July 2, 2024
What are you whining about today? Is it politics, money, weather, health, crime, customer service, technology, boredom, annoying people? If you are feeling bad, it is all your fault. You create the matrix by which you interpret reality. You can create a different matrix that can let you enjoy this brief life before you die and decompose.
Creatix -> sales matrix.
Creatix sells ideas. As with all ideas, some may work and some may fail. This post contains a few ideas for your consideration beginning with the concept that your brain a creative matrix or "creatix" mapping your reality. A matrix is a platform where things are created. Your brain creates a "map" of your reality to guide your existence.
Perfection doesn't exist.
A reason why you may be whining and complaining is that you may be comparing your perception of the imperfect reality around you to an imaginary concept of perfection. Realize that perfection doesn't exist in this universe outside of your imagination. Perfection would be a condition of flawlessness or complete absence of defects. After spotting flaws and defects, humans can imagine a state of flawlessness and zero defects. However, that doesn't exist in reality, which is always imperfect and always changing. Even the mythical human creation of God, an omnipotent and omniscience spirit, would be full of flaws and defects if judged objectively. Any rational person can find flaws and defects in God and in anything else. In any event, even if you were to imagine the existence of a perfect state, any such state would be immediately lost because everything is constantly changing over time.
Nothing lasts forever.
Change is constant. Since everything is changing over time, every segment ends at some point in time. Nothing lasts forever. Everything is constantly changing. By the way, most things in human civilization are changing for the better. An average person today can enjoy a lifestyle and quality of life significantly superior to the ones enjoyed (or suffered) by past royalty. The farther you go back in time, the more evident it is that things are changing for the better. The apocalyptic view of western culture is simply an ineffective and inaccurate paradigm.
Nothing is "good" or "bad".
While some things are more pleasurable than others, and some are more painful than others, nothing is objectively "good" or "bad". Those are labels and opinions based on the pain or pleasure afflicted by the event or circumstance to the particular beholder. No wonder than opposing enemies always think they are the "good" and the other ones are the "bad". Typically, what humans label as "good" is whatever is less painful for themselves. What you want is whatever is convenient and pleasant for you. What you fear is whatever is painful and unpleasant for you.
Suffering is optional
Pain is guaranteed as long as you are alive, but suffering is optional. If you like suffering and enjoy whining, by all means, go for it. You only live once. If that is what you want and how you want to live your life to be, go for it. Now, if you want to stop suffering, and start enjoying, quit whining. Realize that the vast majority of things are completely outside of your control. What is within your control is how you react to things and how you interpret things. You cannot change or control most things in life, but you can change and control what they mean to you. It's all about mental connections and associations. You decide what connections to make, if any. You decide what associations to make, if any. That will change your life. Try it.
Dance your life away.
In dance, the 8 count or "dancers 8" is a rhythmic grouping of eight beats to keep track of tempo. Musicians typically count in 4s, and dancers count in 8s by combining two 4 count measures, so it goes 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 instead of 1-2-3-4, repeated.
The 8 count of the typical life cycle is as follows: conception, development, birth, continued development, deterioration, degradation, death, decomposition.
- conception
- development
- birth
- continued development
- deterioration
- degradation
- death
- decomposition
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