July 6, 2024
For the love of Trump, why millions of Americans support the Donald?
Hint: pain and pleasure. When studying human behavior, remember that it is all about pain and pleasure. Humans, like all other animals on Earth, are genetically programmed to avoid pain and seek pain relief (PR). Humans are primates. Primates generally select their leaders based on self-serving assessments of the leader's strength, intelligence, and ability to form coalitions and alliances to keep the troop safe, fed, and enjoying other privileges.
Creatix -> sales matrix
If we could sell you the world for profit, we would. It would be a win-win. The mission is to create sales. The vision is everyone enjoying sales. Why sales? Because humans need products and services to survive and thrive. Commercial sales in free market economies are the best way to promote the creation and distribution of products and services. Producers and vendors choose what to sell. Consumers choose what to buy. Voila!
Creatix sells ideas for profit.
We would sell you the world if we could. It would be a win-win-win. You would gain valuable products and services. We would profit. The government would collect its taxes. The more you would buy and spend, the more you would profit and earn. In reality, however, production and distribution costs exceed our capital and ability to serve you. Therefore, we focus on selling information and informational merchandise packaged into simple and affordable ideas. As with most ideas, many won't work for one reason or another. Ideas without capital behind them are ideas without capital behind them. You get the point. Nonetheless, sometimes in life you only need one good idea to click with you and lift you up. Who knows. Maybe Creatix can help you find an idea, or a counter idea that you may come up with, to help you prosper in business life and in the business of life. Consulting is available via email or text at a "spa" rate of $125 per hour on a 100% honor system based on your financial means.
Self Benefit
When we support Trump, we do it out of self interest and perceived potential for self benefit. No one makes a pact with the devil just for the fun of it. No one sells out on all ethical principles just because. We lend our support expecting a return on investment. Everyone is on the same boat. Everyone hates Trump even those who believe they love him. The millions of Americans supporting Trump to this day after he proved to be a loser (lost the 2020 elections), lost the fraud case against his company, and lost the criminal case against him, do so lured by the chance of gaining privileges or at least not losing them.
When it comes to Trump and making America "great" again, it is all about whiteness. Whiteness is our culturally programmed bias and belief, conscious and unconscious, that everything of northwestern European descent is inherently superior and deserving of privilege when compared to anything else in the world. It is part of our image and even part of our imagined religion of a white God favoring the white race from above. Whiteness is the "natural order" that we have been culturally programmed and trained to believe in, not only in the United States, but all throughout the Western world. By the way, a person doesn't have to be caucasian to be a believer and follower of whiteness. The cult welcomes all races provided that they believe in whiteness.
Trump is the wannabe King of Whiteness. Trump is not only an old liar, a loser, a fraud, and a convicted felon, but he is also evil and we all know it. When we make a pact with the devil, knowing that the devil wears MAGA, we make it knowingly and find justifications and rationalizations. The "issues" are used as excuses for rationalizations of our primal emotions.
The issues are irrelevant.
The issues are pretextual rationalizations of our primal emotions. The issues are excuses. Take immigration and the "open border" as the first example. If the humans crossing our southern border were English-speaking caucasians, their crossings would not be illegal. The laws would be amended to legalize their entry to quickly incorporate them into our taxpayer base and the "fabric" of our country. Take taxes as another example. If the taxes were levied to benefit a homogeneous English-speaking caucasian society, many more taxes would be welcomed and seen as a good way to pool funds to pay for public works and social improvements helping all current and future Americans. Take the abortion issue. If white women were not the ones aborting the most, and further extinguishing the race that has the smallest number of humans on the planet and the slowest growth rate, the views on abortion would be different with religious leaders explaining how God happily accepts returns of unwanted gifts within the first trimester after conception to avoid developing innocent babies who would suffer being raised by mothers who don't want them or being raised as adopted. Finally, even the sacred cow of the Second Amendment and gun control would be different if guns were not seen as necessary to defend us against "urban" (code word for black) crime and "thugs" (code for blacks).
Name an issue, any issue, and analyze it under the lens of whiteness to understand where our collective and endemic love of Trump is coming from. Americans live in pain and anxiety about social changes seemingly out of control. Trump is the best analgesic out there promising a quick fix to every problem by demonizing Latinos, controlling blacks, confronting China, and serving Putin.
Trump is our chose alpha male and silverback gorilla. When choosing leaders, primates generally look for the following traits:
- Strength: Physical prowess is a common factor in determining leadership, especially in species like chimpanzees and gorillas.
- Social Skills: The ability to form and maintain alliances is crucial. Leaders often have effective social bonds with other group members.
- Intelligence: Successful leaders are often very intelligent, using strategy and manipulation to maintain their position.
In our despair, we attribute all of the above qualities and more to Trump, the King of Whiteness. We were raised and programmed under a fairy tale version of our history and the history of our northwestern European ancestors. We suffer pain seeing and hearing how liberals revisit history and make the white race look as trivial as any other race of storytelling primates called humans. Most liberals don't even believe in our imaginary white God. It is their fault if we need to make a pact with the devil to show them wrong.
Let's make America great again.
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