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What do most humans want in life?

June 30, 2024

What do you want in life? If you don't know yet what it is, figuring it out may be easier than you think. If you know what it is, achieving it may be harder than you think or may require a different approach. Getting what you want may also be impossible or highly unlikely depending on what it is and your circumstances. Regardless of whether you succeed or fail, you may find joy pursuing your dreams and goals. The journey may become the fun destination.

Creatix -> a sales matrix

Quick note about Creatix. The mission is to create sales. The vision is everyone enjoying sales. Why? Because all humans need products and services to survive and thrive. Commercial sales for profit are the best proven way to promote the creation and distribution of products and services. Producers and vendors are free to choose the products and services they want to offer for sale. Consumers are free to choose the products and services they want to buy. Voila!

What do you want in life?

Whatever end state you want in life, do your best to create it. Do your best and forget about the rest. Enjoy the process of trying to obtain the things and experiences that you want in this brief life. In the end, you will rest in peace (RIP) like everyone else on Earth. No one gets everything they want. No one gets out of this journey alive.  

What do most humans want? 

At Creatix, we believe that most humans want a practically infinite (PI) array of things that may be classified in the following categories: power, order, wealth, enjoyment, relationships, and spirituality (POWERS). Power as in influence over others and reality. Order as both the opposite of disorder and as the power to direct others. Wealth in all aspects including physical wealth (health) and financial wealth (money). Enjoyment as in happiness, joy, entertainment, pleasurable experiences, and pleasant sensations. Relationships as in meaningful connections with significant others, relatives, friends, and social acquaintances. Spirituality as in transcending mortality connected to mythical supernatural forces. Most humans want and desire all the POWERS above and more. All these wants and wishes are tied to the pain / pleasure mechanism of life. Ultimately, what all humans seek is pain relief (PR). 

In any event, once you figure out what you want, here is what you can do.

Figure out the recipe.

First, identify whether other humans have achieved the results that you want. If no one has obtained those results ever, that may be an indication that the objective is not possible yet. Say that you want to be immortal. With today's "primitive" medical technologies, immortality is not feasible yet. Humanity will need to develop technologies to beat death. These may include uploading digital or quantum copies of the brain and central nervous system into servers from which they could be downloaded into bionic bodies; figuring out how to beat all deadly diseases including the most deadly of all, which is aging; developing safety mechanisms that can prevent or fix all lethal trauma in human bodies; and reconstructing all cells and neurons from DNA. All these are feasible, but will take centuries to develop. Rest assured that if you are alive today in the summer of 2024, you will die before humanity figures out immortality. 

Anyways, if some humans have achieved what you are trying to achieve, figure out the "recipes" of their success. Figure out if you have the ingredients, equipment, and disposition to replicate the proven recipes for success in your selected field. In business settings, do you have the capital necessary to acquire the labor, materials, and equipment? Chances are that you do not. Most likely than not you don't have all the necessary resources and you are not mentally disposed to put up the work required to obtain them. That is why you, like almost everyone else, will fail many times before you find success. 

In general, you need fitting resources and a fitting disposition to follow proven recipes or the resources and disposition to innovate your way into success. Desire is a first step, but is never enough. Having fitting resources in oportune circumstances are key requirements in many instances. For example, if you are the size of Lebron James and your dream is to become a Hall of Fame horse jockey, it will be hard to achieve that dream. Conversely, if you are the size of legendary horse jockey Mike Smith, and your dream is to be a Hall of Fame NBA superstar, it will be hard to achieve that dream. Who cares?

Never stop dreaming

Don't ever let reality discourage you from dreaming. If you are clever enough, you become flexible about your approach to success. There are unlimited ways to find even more rewarding success in ways related to your original dream. For example, instead of becoming a superstar athlete or sports "slave", you may become a super wealthy sports entrepreneur. You can become the team owner one day.  

Figure out a process that will increase your chances of achieving dreams even if they are not exactly your initial dreams. Focus on that process; not on the results. Make the process elements your daily habits. Pursue them for their intrinsic value and your internal satisfaction. Have fun. Do your best and forget about the rest. Whether you succeed incredibly as few humans do, or fail miserably as most do, if you enjoy the process and find it intrinsically rewarding, it will all be a win for you. Don't you think? What do you think? 

To be continued. Stay tuned.


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