June 27, 2024
The future has not been created yet. Use Creatix to learn how to recreate the past to create a better future.
Time is unidirectional. It always moves forward. Everything in this universe is always moving forward in time (fit). Metrics measured over time are three directional. Whatever you may be measuring over time has three alternative directions: up, same, or down (USD).
Forward in time: Past -> Present -> Future
Time only moves forward in this direction: past -> present -> future. The future has not been created yet. The past may be recreated (reimagined). The present creates the future from the past.
The main ingredient for the present creation of the future is the past. Therefore, it is key to learn how to effectively recreate (reimagine) the past in the present to increase the chances of creating a better future.
The past cannot be changed, but it can be reimagined. While the past cannot be changed, its interpretation is subject to revision. You cannot change the past, but you can change your interpretation of it. You cannot change what the past may be, but you can change what it means to you.
The future cannot be controlled, but it can be influenced. Moreover, the future can be recreated (reimagined) once it becomes the past. You cannot control the present creation of the future because there are always too many variables outside of your control. However, you can influence it. You can also control how to recreate (reimagine) that future once it becomes the past.
The future will always become the past at some point in time in a future present, which will quickly become the past. The present will always present the opportunity to recreate (reimagine) the past to influence the creation of a better future, which will inevitably become the past.
Life's bell curve over time.
Life is a natural phenomena consisting of organic data processing. Each living cell is a data processing unit turning environmental input into adaptive and replicative output. Simple living organisms like bacteria are composed of one cell. The cell itself is the whole organism. Complex living organisms like humans are cellular networks composed of trillions of different and highly specialized cells.
The metrics of individual existence for all living organisms, from bacteria to mankind or "womankind" range from zero to positive numbers and back to zero again. That is, the life cycle of an individual organisms goes from non existent to existent to non existent again through the stages of conception, birth, death, and consumption.
More to follow. Stay tuned.
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