June 3, 2024
Humans are the greatest creation of this universe as far as it is known today. The creation of artificial intelligence (AI) is the evidence. Those thoughts will be explored in future posts. Below is more of the same about the nature of this universe discussion recurring themes as "everything is energy" and energy transformations (ET).
Everything is energy. This universe is a "creatix" (a creative matrix) that transforms energy (capacity to do work) into different creations that keep creating more advanced things over time. So far, and as far as we know, artificial intelligence (AI) is the most advanced creation of this universe. AI will continue the creative process leading to new creations impossible to predict at this time. All that is known is that the new creations will be energy transformations (ETs) like everything else in this universe.
1. Everything is energy and eternal work.
Everything in this universe is energy. Energy is the capacity to do work. Everything in this universe is created or produced by applying work. Everything is work and everything requires work. takes work, eternal work. Energy exists, yet it cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transformed. Since energy cannot be created yet it exists, this means that energy has always existed in a form or another. Since energy cannot be destroyed, this means that energy will always exist in a form or another forever and ever. This also means that energy is timeless, eternal, and practically infinite (PI). Energy existed before the beginning of the current phase of this universe, the "Bib Bang". Energy will exist after the end of the current phase of this universe in the Big Rip, the Big Freeze, or whatever else may end this universe.
2. The universe is a "creatix" for work.
Everything in this universe is energy (capacity to do work) continuously transformed over time. Another way to see it, is that everything in this universe is work. The universe works as a "factory" for energy transformations (ET). Some creations continue working and transforming energy into different creations. The universe as a whole is a creative matrix or “creatix” for further energy transformations (ETs).
- A matrix is a place or platform where things are created. To create is to transform. This universe is a matrix where energy transformations (ETs) create different things. Some creations of this universe become agents of further creations (energy transformations) such as energy wave-particle interactions creating the "forces" of nature.
3. From energy fields to stars, planets, cells, pain, and intelligence.
In this creatix of a universe, everything is energy (i.e. the capacity to do work) being transformed into different creations. Some creations become agents of further creation, all the way up to the creation of intelligence, which becomes another "force" of further creation.
- Energy fields create energy wave-particles that in turn create interactions or “forces” referred to as gravity (gravitational motion), the strong nuclear force (holds atomic nuclei together), the weak nuclear force (decays atoms), and electromagnetism (attract/repel based on electric charge). These forces are behind all the energy transformations (ET) in this universe.
- Stars, planets, and cells (SPCs) are examples of energy transformations (ET) that keep developing creations by in this universe. The strong nuclear force creates protons and neutrons and holds them together in a nucleus. Electromagnetism creates atoms. Gravity creates stars and planets. Stars create elements. In at least one planet, Earth, electromagnetism combines carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen (CHON) elements into compounds that among many other things, create acids and organelles that assemble amino acids to create three-dimensional, self-folding, "building blocks" called proteins. CHON compounds also form tiny fatty bubbles called cells.
- Cells provide shelter to self-replicating acids that assemble amino acids into proteins, the building blocks of living organisms. Cell metabolize organic matter into energy for all biological processes. Cells group together to form tissues, organs, and systems that create living organisms. Cells carry out organic data processing and the cellular networks within living organisms create intelligence.
- Cells create the data processing that is a prerequisite for generating intelligence. Being an enclosed environment, cells can react to the "external" environment. Cells can register their internal reactions to external changes in the environment as input for data processing. ThIs output may be further processed into more complex output all the way up to integrated projections (IPs) or interpreted perceptions (IPs) known as sensations. The most sensational cellular sensation or creation of all is that one known as pain.
- Pain is a "negative" sensation that living organisms seek to avoid. Pain is the source of organic intelligence. Intelligence is problem-solving ability, and solving problems is required to generate intelligence. Pain is the problem that all living organisms spend their lives trying to solve. Pain becomes the main problem to be solved by living organisms, and the main source for the generation of organic intelligence. All living organisms live for one thing and one thing only, which is pain relief (PR). Ironically, death is the permanent solution to pain, but living organisms avoid the perceived pain of death. Solving the problems of existence is what leads to intelligence.
- Knowledge is awareness of events, understanding of causality of those events, and mastery in predicting those events. Knowledge is acquired through learning, which entails making connection or associations based on experience, experimentation, and education. Experience is undergoing events. Experimentation is undergoing events under controlled conditions to observe results. Education is drawing meaningful connections and associations from experience and experimentation. Skills are applied knowledge learned and developed by practice. Wisdom is optimal agency (choice) in decision-making.
5. Data processing is the key.
On Earth, this universe (all of us in existence) began to create intelligence via organic data units called cells and the cellular networks created by those cells, which are called living organisms. Living organisms are cellular networks integrating a practically infinite (PI) amount of data processing. The more data processing that cells and networks can process and integrate, the more advanced the organism and the intelligence (problem-solving ability) that they can generate.
Cells process data by registering internal reactions to external stimuli (changes in environmental variables). For example, an external change in pressure or it heat, causes internal reactions within cells. Those external changes thus become the "input" that is "processed" by internal reactions within the cell to generate output. That output can serve as input for further processing to generate other output in a continuous chain reaction that keeps developing higher processed output. One such integrated or higher order output is the integrated projection (IP) or interpreted perception (IP) "sensation" known as pain.
- Pain is a negative "alarm" that is activated or turned on by internal reactions within cells. Cells and cellular networks within living organisms seek to avoid and relief (turn off) that "alarm". Relieving or turning off that alarm becomes the main problem faced by all living organisms. The set point is pain and the default state is painful. Living organisms spend their entire lives on Earth seeking one thing and only one thing; pain relief (PR). In seeking pain relief (PR), cells and cellular networks develop and create intelligence (problem-solving ability),
6. Humans
As far as it is known today, humans are the most advanced problem-solvers (i.e. intelligent organisms) created by this universe. The universe is practically infinite (PI) and continues expanding. Yet that does not mean that the universe has had enough time to replicate the creation of the smart organism that it has created on Earth.
Composed of approximately 37 trillion cells, out of which about 100 billion are specialized in advanced data processing and communication, humans are fine organic computers. Humans have been able to develop electronic computers that can process data input into output by applying mathematical and logical functions. Since the beginning of the computer era in the late 1940s and early 1950s, human envisioned computers that could mimic human intelligence by what was envisioned as artificial intelligence (AI). This was achieved by equipping computers with parallel processing chips programmed to interact neurally, forming adaptive neural networks that can create associations and connections based on statistically enforced learning.
In the 2020s, computer science technology finally reached the era of AI. This era is just beginning and is already expanding its reach into every single area of human society. AI is changing everything. Once AI mimics the sentience feature of living organisms, AI will become essentially alive and will eventually take the lead as the engine of further energy transformations (ET) and creations in this universe.
To be continued...
Stay tuned.
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