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Create your matrix

June 28, 2024

With information and complexity increasing over time, clever humans look for ways to simplify things. Creatix is developing Pivot as a simple construct to frame everything in human life. Pivot comes from "pleasant information variations over time" (PIVOT). 

Quick note about Creatix - > creative sales. 

    The mission is to create sales. The vision is clients enjoying sales. Why sales? Everyone benefits from commercial sales. Humans need products and services to survive and thrive in life. Commercial sales are the best way to offer products and services effectively and competitively in free market economies. Vendors are free to choose the products and services they want to offer for sale. Customers are free to shop around to choose the products and services that may work for them. A win-win.

    At Creatix, we sell ideas. Sample ideas are posted for free on Blogger and Medium, just like these post that embeds many different concepts and ideas. Consulting on some of these concepts and ideas is offered via email or text messaging. Rates begin at $125 per hour billed in one minute increments on a 100% honor system basis. Clients pay after receiving the information and only if they are interested in receiving more information. Clients set their own pace and can cancel any time. A "one hour" consulting session may be spread out through days, weeks, and months. There are no surprise charges, no commitments, and no obligations. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Refunds are available within 20 days of each purchase (honor system donation or payment).

Create your matrix with Creatix

    A matrix is a place or platform where things are created. To create is to transform. The universe is a creative matrix or "creatix" where energy (the capacity to do work) is transformed into many different creations including the organic data processing phenomena known as life. Life is also a creatix. Each living cell transforms organic matter from the environment into adaptive and replicative output. The human brain is yet another creatix, transforming sensory stimuli input into cognitive output.  

    Some humans are better than others at the creatix game of life. It is as important as it is easy to learn from other humans to determine what works and what doesn't. While culture generally focuses on learning from the "winners", it is also effective to learn from so-called "losers". You can learn what to do from the "winners" and learn what not to do from the "losers". Keep also in mind that oftentimes, with the passage of time and variations in information, the "winners" become "losers" and vice versa. Also, realize that there are so many variables and circumstances involved in who "wins" and who "loses" that it is naive to attribute everything to the acts or omissions of an individual.

  Creatix helps humans realize what they need to acquire and do to create the lives that they want to live. Creatix is not looking to save the world. Creatix cannot save the world, which most likely doesn't need any saving in the first place. The world itself, planet Earth, will be fine regardless of what happens to it. The planet may return to its volcanic era or to its ice age and it will be equally content as a piece of rock gravitating around its star. As for life on the planet, and human life for that matter, that may be another story. The quality of human life may very well depend on human initiatives to "save the world" (i.e. save humans). Saving the human world will take a lot of sales. It will require selling lots of ideas, products, and services that may "save the world" (save humans) over time.

    Regarding time, it is time to wrap it up just stating that Creatix is working on a new concept or idea that may become a future product line. It is called Pivot. It comes from "pleasant information variations over time" (PIVOT). It stands for the proposition that to create your matrix, you should focus on pleasant information variations over time (PIVOT). Pleasant entails pain relief (PR), which we hold is everything that humans are seeking in life. This has been explained and will be explained in future posts. Information variations entails a trial and error approach to trying what works and what doesn't. Over time entails moving forward on a relentless path from the past into the future via the present. More to follow on this. 

Stay tuned.


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