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COVID19 was World War III, and the U.S. dollar won the war. How much longer will the dollar party last? Not forever.

June 26, 2024

COVID19 was World War III, and the U.S. dollar won the war. How much longer will the dollar party last? Not forever.

Creatix -> sales matrix. At Creatix, the mission is to create sales. The vision is clients enjoying sales. Who doesn't like good sales. In this post, Creatix sells the notion that the COVID19 pandemic was the equivalent of World War III (WW3). The U.S. dollar won the war. Enjoy the party while it lasts, which will not be forever. 

A few words about Creatix.  

A matrix is a place where things are created. To create is to transform. 

The universe is a creatix. The universe is a creative matrix where energy is transformed into many different creations, including the organic data processing phenomena called life. 

Life is also a creatix. Each living cell is a creative matrix, transforming environmental stimuli into adaptive and replicative output. Advanced living organisms are organic data processing cellular networks. 

Everything is energy. Everything in this universe is energy (the capacity to do work) being worked and transformed into many different creations. To create is to transform. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed. 

All it takes is work. All creations are transformations produced by work. Not all work is equal. Not all transformations lead to the same creations. Even the same work may lead to different results in different settings and under different circumstances. There is little than a single human can control other than the willingness to put up the good work; do the work. 

Everything is subject to creation. The future has not been created yet. The past can be recreated (reimagined). The present creates the future from the past (the actual past and the recreated one).  

Humans are the most advanced creators on Earth. Creatix helps humans pursue happiness of realizing themselves as creators in this universe and their brief journey through space time.

Now back to the U.S. dollar, the winner of WW3, the COVID19 pandemic. The dollar will remain strong for a few weeks or even months. Eventually, it will fall some to stabilize. What are we doing? We are investing in foreign currencies, hedging against the dollar. Our favorites are the yen, the British pound, the euro, the swiss franc, the Australian dollar. Essentially, our play money hedge fund this month is all shorting NVIDIA and betting against the dollar. 

More to follow on this on our paid information .pdfs coming soon. So much work to do and so little time. 

Stay tuned.


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