March 9, 2024
Yes, artificial intelligence can help humans enjoy their lives more, but that doesn't mean that it will. Joy is a subjective experience created by the human nervous system. What some humans find joyful, others find painful.
In the eyes of the beholder
The beauty of AI lies in the eyes of human beholders. Some humans will find the upcoming AI economy enjoyable while some will find it painful. Some will cheer AI innovations in segments such as customer service, personal assistance, digital entertainment, and education. Others will see these as AI intrusions and unnecessary disruptions. Some will see AI as the greatest innovation of all times, even superior to the clever inventions of god and money. Others will see AI as a technological demon solely developed in the name of power and money.
- Customer Service. The proliferation of AI in customer service will continue expanding in the upcoming years. AI is getting better at understanding natural human language and deciphering underlying context in human communication. In about 10 years, it is likely that AI customer service agents will be as effective as humans providing customer technical support online via chat or voice. Today, AI just breaks the ice and rather quickly transfers the support to a human. In a decade or so, AI will no longer need to transfer the issue to a human. It could very well be that the conversation is held AI to AI with an AI personal assistant calling customer directly to solve a problem for a human. Some humans will love AI customer service while others will miss humans.
- Personal Assistance. From now on, year after year, AI will continue "evolving" into a personal assistant for humans. Millions of humans will be able to live like current day celebrities with assistants, managers, and coaches helping them organize and conduct life. AI will perform all the functions of personal assistants and information helpers, assisting and managing everyday activities and special events for humans of all walks of life. This in theory should help almost every human to live more enjoyable lives. However, just like celebrities torn apart by excessive privilege and comfort, some humans will not adapt well to the upcoming AI Era.
- Memory Bank. As part of the personal assistance portfolio, AI will continue expanding its prowess on serving as a memory bank for humans. AI applications today remind humans of past events (e.g. on a day like today 5 years ago this or that happened). These memory bank features will continue improving and expanding in the coming years. Some humans will find these features super valuable and useful in building their own legacies and memory treasure chests. Others will find the memory bank features to be intrusive and even hurtful. Some humans enjoying cheering past memories. Others prefer to forget.
- Prediction engine. AI will continue enhancing its ability to predict human behavior. AI already predicts your next word and next move (e.g. should I open the weather app?). AI's recognition of daily patterns will continue getting better and better. AI will facilitate the optimization of human flourishing. Some will appreciate AI's predictive and suggestive abilities. Others will find themselves trapped in an AI-driven predictive society that they fear and do not appreciate.
- Digital Entertainment. In a few decades, AI will completely dominate digital entertainment. For millions of humans, their favorite YouTuber, Tik Toker, Instagrammer, podcaster, social media influencer, or future equivalent of those will be AI bots pushing high quality digital content online. Many humans will enjoy this expansion of digital entertainment with content auto generated and presented by AI. Others will resent it. In addition, many human artists, entertainers, and influencers will feel displaced by AI. It will be hard for human artists to compete with smarter and more entertaining AI bots that will not be constrained by the constraints of biology or physical reality for that matter. An AI digital persona may look and sound completely human, but will be a digital creation of AI. Many will love this. Many will hate it.
- Education. AI will be the tutor, trainer, and teacher (3T) of choice for many humans. AI bots will not only know more than any human professor, but will also be better at the art of teaching. AI bots can learn what works and what doesn't when teaching a particular human. Unlike traditional education, AI-led education can be personalized and catered to the individual student based on the learning skills and capabilities of the human.
Some humans will find the future AI economy joyful while others will find it painful. Some will feel that they are winning with AI, and some will feel that they are losing because of AI. Some will find ways to enjoy life more with AI, and some will focus on making themselves miserable because of AI. Of the many factors involved, age will be a key one to consider. Younger generations will adapt better to the AI economy because they will not be reminiscing the past. Older humans will be more attached to the past and will regret the future. Some things never change. Do they?
Stay tuned., AI for everyone.
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