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Technology, finance, and law will dictate the pace of the AI revolution. Are you ready?

March 30, 2024

The AI revolution is just getting started. Like the agricultural revolution and the industrial revolution, the AI revolution will not happen overnight. Humans will have time to adapt. As AI continues to advance, it will reach a point of maturity when it will be able to fully replace human labor in all economic fields. Opposite to the industrial revolution, the AI revolution will replace knowledge workers before manual labor. The pace of the AI revolution will be dictated mainly by technological, financial, and legal factors. Smart humans will adapt and become "ADEPT" (artistic developers - entrepreneurial producers - trainers) prospering and living well in the times of AI.  

There will be many factors interplaying with the AI revolution. Not unlike the agricultural revolution and the industrial revolution, the AI revolution will not happen overnight. The AI revolution will take decades to mature and will endure for centuries to come. There is no way back. Progress is unidirectional and the move towards increasing convenience is unstoppable. Three main factors will dictate the pace of the AI revolution and AI's ability to fully replace human labor in all economic fields.

      1. Technological Obstacles. Not all human occupations are created equal. From a technological standpoint, it will take longer for AI to replace some human occupations than others. Interestingly, knowledge workers will be technologically replaceable faster than manual workers. In that sense, the AI revolution will be the opposite of the industrial revolution. In the industrial revolution, machines replaced animal labor, but did not replace knowledge-based workers. In the AI revolution, knowledge workers will be easier to replace than manual ones because it is easier to develop and train AI bots than to develop and train AI robots. An AI bot is a bodiless robot. AI bot is computerized intelligence over servers and the internet. An AI robot is a mechanical macro scale machine housing or receiving AI. The full integration of AI bots into AI robots will be the turning point of the AI revolution. 

    2. Financial Obstacles. One thing is technological capability and another one altogether is financial or economic viability. It will take many decades before it is financially viable (economically feasible and profitable) to design and produce mass amounts of AI robots to do all the jobs performed by humans today. Industrial robots will most likely precede residential ones. Just like computers industrial ones will precede personal ones. Eventually, of course, personal AI robots will be ubiquitous in advanced human societies. Tell me how many AI robots you have and I'll tell you who you are will become a measuring gauge for countries, economies, industries, businesses, and households. AI robots will be like cars today. They will be everywhere. Cars, by the way, will also become self-driving AI robots coordinating transportation and all sorts of logistics support for human societies of the future. 

    3. Legal Obstacles. Besides technological and financial viability, there is also legal allowability. As AI continues to advance and change society, there will be calls for laws to either accelerate or slow down AI. Different countries will have different laws about AI. Within countries, different economic sectors and special interests will push for different laws and regulations regarding AI. Some legal battles may become very contentious and polarizing. AI will be the new "slave" dividing public opinion. Just like  the industrial revolution led to the end of slavery, and the issue led to civil war in the United States, the AI revolution and the new AI "slavery" may lead to legal battles that may escalate into armed conflict. 

The AI future is being created today. Those who can adapt and become "ADEPT" (artistic developers - entrepreneurial producers - trainers of AI) will most likely fare very well. Don't miss out. Stay tuned., AI for everyone


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