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Live streaming is the new reality TV. Will AI dominate live streaming soon?

March 27, 2026

Live streaming is the new reality TV. Anyone can become a Kardashian now. Artificial intelligence (AI) will eventually become the king and queen of live streaming and "reality TV". Best strategy for smart humans is to become AI "slave masters" (entrepreneurs, investors, and owners).

In this article:

  1. Human creativity: the game changer
  2. The history of TV
  3. Reality TV
  4. Live Streaming: Convenient and Lucrative Teleportation with endless potential
  5. The Reign of AI: Protect your Future Becoming a Slave Master 

1. Human Creativity, the game changer

Above all, humans are creators. With the power of imagination and collaboration, humans have created technologies (tools and methods) that have transformed the world. The top three human inventions of all times are: language, God, and money. These creations have facilitated all other inventions and innovations.  

  • Language is the foundational invention, mother of all other innovations. Language allows humans for the creation of meaning and the sharing or communication of meaning, which motivates collaboration. Without language, humans would be just another animal on Earth rather than being the lead animal on Earth. God is the most perfect creation of humans.
  • God is the most divine invention, father of the secret to human serenity and enlightenment. God captures the imaginary concept of perfection into an entity with which humans can create real neural connections to transcend the earthly limitations of the human condition. 
  • Money is the most rewarding invention of all, and the gift that keeps giving. Money is an intersubjective fiction between humans allowing for economic numeric valuation and facilitating economic trade and collaboration.

Computers, and specifically AI, are most likely the top invention after the three above. Like many other inventions, AI will change human society forever and things will never ever be like they were before the development of the technology. This sounds remarkably revolutionary, but in fact it is a very common phenomenon with many human inventions and technologies. Think about television (TV) as an example. 

2. The history of TV

Developed a little over 100 years ago, TV is one of those human inventions that has transformed human society and has become ubiquitous in modern human life. The initial TV transmission technology can be traced back to the late 1800s and early 1900s, with the invention and development of technologies related to electromagnetism and wireless communication. 

  • Electromagnetic Theory: The groundwork for TV transmission technology was laid by scientists such as James Clerk Maxwell, who formulated the theory of electromagnetism in the 1860s. Maxwell's equations described how electric and magnetic fields interact and propagate through space, providing the theoretical basis for the transmission of electromagnetic waves. In the late 1800s, inventors such as Guglielmo Marconi and Nikola Tesla pioneered the development of electromagnetic wireless telegraphy, which enabled the transmission of messages over long distances without the need for physical wires. Marconi's successful transmission of radio signals across the Atlantic Ocean in 1901 demonstrated the feasibility of wireless communication on a global scale.
  • Electronic Television: The breakthrough in TV transmission technology came with the development of electronic television systems, which replaced mechanical scanning with electronic scanning methods. In the 1920s, inventors such as Vladimir Zworykin and Philo Farnsworth independently developed electronic television systems based on the cathode ray tube (CRT) and electronic scanning techniques.
  • Broadcasting: The first public demonstrations of electronic television transmission took place in the 1920s and 1930s. In 1927, Philo Farnsworth demonstrated the first fully electronic television system, while the BBC began regular television broadcasts in the United Kingdom in 1936. The first commercial television broadcasts in the United States began in the late 1930s. Over the decades, TV transmission technology continued to advance, with improvements in signal quality, resolution, and bandwidth efficiency. Innovations such as color television, high-definition television (HDTV), digital television (DTV), and satellite broadcasting expanded the capabilities and reach of television transmission systems.

Overall, the initial TV transmission technology evolved rapidly to form the basis of modern television broadcasting. TV became a mass communication medium and a ubiquitous part of modern life.

3. Reality TV

TV content can be scripted or unscripted. It can be pre-recorded and edited prior to transmission, or broadcasted live without pre-recording and editing. It can also be a combination of both such as unscripted live content that is recorded and edited prior to transmission. 

Reality TV is a special type of TV genre. It can be traced back to the early days of television, but the genre as known today really took off in the 1990s. 

  • Early Beginnings (1940s-1970s): Early television programs such as "Candid Camera," which premiered in 1948, featured unscripted, spontaneous interactions of ordinary people in real-life situations. Other early examples of reality TV may include game shows like "Truth or Consequences" and documentary-style programs like "An American Family" (1973), which followed the lives of the Loud family.
  • 1990s: Reality TV became popular with pioneers such as "The Real World" (1992-present), Survivor" (1997), and "Big Brother" (1999). These shows featured contestants living together while having their unscripted interactions recorded on camera for editing and broadcasting on TV.
  • 2000s: Reality TV shows across various networks and formats, such as "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" (2007-present) focused on the personal lives of cast members, while others like "American Idol" (2002-2016) and "The Bachelor" (2002-present) became hugely popular "reality" competition shows.

4. Live Streaming: Convenient and Lucrative Teleportation with Endless Potential

Live Social Streaming (LSS) is the new Reality TV, and a huge money-making opportunity for entrepreneurs (influencers, producers, etc) with unlimited growth potential. With today's digital technologies, essentially anyone can become a Kardashian. Anybody can become a live social streamer, "reality TV" equivalent.  

Social Media Platforms

Major social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok have integrated live streaming features into their platforms. It is super easy for any user to go live and engage audiences in real-time without the need for any equipment other than a smartphone and without a need for recording and editing. 

Social media platforms are also introducing interactive features catering to the live streaming experience. Social media platforms are increasingly integrating live streaming with e-commerce functionalities, allowing creators and brands to showcase products and drive sales directly during live streams.  These features may include live chat, reactions (e.g. emojis and stickers), polls, Q&A sessions, virtual gifts, and many other audience participation tools. Features such as shoppable tags, product demos, and live shopping events enable seamless shopping experiences and drive conversion. These interactive elements encourage engagement and foster a sense of community among viewers. 

Importantly, most platforms are incorporating donation and payment buttons that allow communities to support social media influencers and quasi celebrities. Payment options allow content producers and social entertainers to monetize their live streaming events and "reality TV" shows. 

LSS is the closest technology to teleportation. 

Just like video calling (skype, facetime, Teams, Zoom), live streaming allows humans to connect sensory in real time all across the globe. The difference is that LSS allows for the live connection of large groups and online communities. LSS will continue growing in popularity because it is extremely convenient. The magic of television is now accessible to anyone with a smartphone connected to the internet. What used to cost millions of dollars to produce, can be produced almost for free these days. 

Live Social Streaming (LSS) is very convenient and affordable for content producers. LSS can also prove very lucrative and even life-changing for those who become popular influencers and live streamers. When in doubt about anything about the future of the human world, bet on convenience. Convenience always prevails in the long run. LSS is super convenient and will continue growing in use and popularity in the coming years. 

LSS is becoming increasingly popular in all segments of social media entertainment and online commerce. Anyone can afford to be a "reality TV" star or producer theses days. All it takes is a smart phone, connectivity, and a free user account in the social media platform of choice. 

Lucrative opportunity

Monetization opportunities are huge and continually expanding. Live streaming is one of the hottest YouTube trends in 2024. This trend will continue growing exponentially this decade. In the human world, convenience always prevails, and live streaming is super convenient for both producers and consumers. 

LSS allows content producers to advertise and monetize their content directly on social media platforms. Many platforms offer monetization options such as ad revenue sharing, subscriptions, virtual gifts, paid live events, branded content deals, and merchandise sales. These monetization features incentivize creators to produce high-quality live content and build sustainable revenue streams.

Unlimited Potential 

Live streaming has unlimited potential in almost every segment of human society and commerce. It is already becoming popular in entertainment and e-commerce. Live streaming is being used to broadcast a wide range of content formats, including personal vlogs, behind-the-scenes looks, product launches, Q&A sessions, interviews, tutorials, gaming streams, virtual events, concerts, and more. Many stores and retail establishments are beginning to be live during normal business hours and beyond, mixing onsite sales and online sales.

Social media entertainers and influencers are building strong communities of followers and supporters using live streaming. The diversity of content formats allows creators and consumers to connect in unique and engaging ways. Live streaming has given rise to niche communities and subcultures within social media platforms, where users with shared interests gather to watch and interact with live content related to specific topics, hobbies, or industries. These niche communities create opportunities for targeted marketing.

5. The Reign of AI: Protect Your Future Becoming a Slave Master

AI is already a big player in social media in general and will play a role in LSS. AI is used to develop content and to analyze consumer preferences for targeted marketing and advertising. AI can recognize trends in consumer preferences and detect correlations with which to make accurate predictions about what content will attract specific human targets. 

AI is being heavily used in social media to create content, analyze markets, and forecasting. It can help producers create personalized content that is tailored to user interests, as well as analyze customer feedback and make predictions on future trends. AI is used in social media in various ways to enhance user experiences, improve content relevance, facilitate moderation, and drive advertising effectiveness. 

  • Content Recommendation: AI algorithms analyze users' behavior, preferences, and interactions to recommend personalized content, such as posts, articles, videos, and ads. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn use AI-powered recommendation systems to surface relevant content in users' feeds, increasing engagement and user satisfaction.
  • Image and Video Recognition: AI technologies, including computer vision and deep learning, are used to analyze and understand the content of images and videos shared on social media. This enables features such as automatic tagging, content moderation (detecting inappropriate or sensitive content), object recognition, and image enhancement.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP techniques are employed to understand and interpret text-based content on social media platforms. AI-powered algorithms analyze text posts, comments, and messages to extract meaning, sentiment, intent, and context. NLP is used for tasks such as sentiment analysis, language translation, chatbots, and content moderation.
  • Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants provide automated customer support and engagement on social media platforms. These bots use NLP and machine learning to understand users' inquiries, answer questions, provide recommendations, and assist with transactions. Chatbots are used for various purposes, including customer service, lead generation, and sales support.
  • Ad Targeting and Optimization: AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of user data to optimize ad targeting and delivery on social media platforms. AI-powered ad platforms use machine learning to segment audiences, predict user behavior, identify high-value prospects, and deliver personalized ads at the right time and place. This improves ad relevance, engagement, and conversion rates.
  • Content Moderation: AI tools are employed for content moderation to identify and remove spam, hate speech, fake news, and other harmful or inappropriate content on social media platforms. AI algorithms use pattern recognition, natural language processing, and image analysis to flag and filter out violating content, ensuring a safe and positive user experience.
  • Trend Prediction and Analysis: AI algorithms analyze social media data in real-time to detect emerging trends, viral content, and influential topics. This information is valuable for marketers, content creators, and brands to understand audience interests, sentiment, and behavior, and to tailor their strategies accordingly.
  • Social Listening and Analytics: AI-powered social listening tools monitor social media conversations and analyze trends, sentiment, and brand mentions across various platforms. These tools provide insights into audience preferences, competitive analysis, crisis detection, and brand reputation management, helping businesses make data-driven decisions.
Overall, AI plays a critical role in optimizing and monetizing social media. As AI technologies continue to advance, their impact on social media will grow, leading to more personalized, engaging, and efficient interactions for users and businesses alike.

AI, the Kueeng of Social Media and DeepFake LSS

In a few years, AI may become the "Kueeng" (our gender neutral term for king and queen) of social media and LSS. The favorite social media influencer and "reality TV" personality of millions of humans may be soon be an AI bot. 

AI will produce content that humans will find compelling and attractive if not entirely addictive. AI will generate digital content that looks and sounds 100% human and completely indistinguishable when viewed on a digital screen. 

AI already generates content for social media posts that reads 100% human and that is indistinguishable from human-generated text. AI can already produce realistic "deepfake" content. In the years to come, the "deepfakes" will become better and cheaper, accessible to practically anyone interested in producing them. This, by the way, will create a multi-billion verification industry dedicated to verify what is real and what is deepfake. That verification industry is a topic for another article. For now, let us just close by reiterating that AI will produce digital content that looks and sounds 100% human to other humans. Most importantly, AI will do so at prices affordable to most producers and entrepreneurs.  

Protect your future via AI entrepreneurship, investing, and ownership

In just a few decades, AI will be technologically capable of replacing humans on practically every job, trade, and occupation. Licensed professions such as medicine, law, and civil engineering / architecture may receive some legal protection. Other trades may receive new protections from new laws. 

Owners and entrepreneurs will remain protected from AI for longer because AI will not have individual personhood legal rights for a long while. For decades and maybe centuries, AI will be the new slave of humanity. 

While it sounds crude, slave owners, masters, and traders of AI stand the best chance of profiting in the early decades of the AI revolution, which is just beginning. AI is today where TV was in the early 1900s. The technology will keep expanding and will take over the human world. 

To make it in the future, don't think like a worker; think like a producer. Don't think like a slave; think like a master. 

Stay tuned., AI for everyone. 


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